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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Aglow Interest Meeting in Clarksville

November 12, 2013 | Print This Post

Clarksville AglowClarksville, TN – The previously-known Women’s Aglow is coming back in Clarksville. It is now known as Aglow due to the inclusion of males in the organization. Males and females are welcome to the meetings.

We are a community-focused organization with the purpose of uniting the Body of Christ in Clarksville. We hope to bring healing to our community through one heart at a time.

Our Interest Meeting is Tuesday, November 19th at 6:30pm.

Clarksville Aglow meeting November 19th

Clarksville Aglow meeting November 19th

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Stompfest For Christ to be held Saturday, November 10th

November 5, 2012 | Print This Post

Stompfest for ChristClarksville, TN – On Saturday November 10th, Step Teams, Praise Dancers and Mime Groups will come together at the 11th annual Stompfest For Christ and raise the rafters at the Austin Peay State University Clement Auditorium.

2012 Stompfest host D.J. Pryor.

2012 Stompfest host D.J. Pryor.

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Excell Baptist Church to hold Vacation Bible School starting July 23rd

July 10, 2012 | Print This Post

Excell Baptist ChurchClarksville, TN – Excell Baptist Church announces it Vacation Bible School to be held each evening from 6:30pm until 8:00pm Monday, July 23rd through Friday, July 27th, 2012 at Excell Baptist Church, 328 Excell Road, Clarksville, TN.

Children from Kindergarten through Grade 5 are invited to this 5-Day Club: “Knowing Christ”. Preregistration is Saturday, July 21st, 2012 at the church from noon until 2:00pm.

This is an interdenominational ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship and you may call Linda Norfleet at 931.358.9060 for further information.

Clarksville Area Ministerial Association Luncheon

May 21, 2012 | Print This Post

Hilldale United Methodist Church

Written by Richard Garrett
Clarksville Area Ministerial Association Clarksville, TN – On May 17th, 2012 the Clarksville Area Ministerial Association (CAMA) held its final luncheon meeting until fall. After prayer and a hearty meal prepared by Hilldale UMC volunteers, the meeting began with a treasurer’s report and updates about the new officers for CAMA that will begin their appointed roles concluding the summer break.

CMCSS System Director Mike Harris speaks at the luncheon.

CMCSS System Director Mike Harris speaks at the luncheon.

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1st Annual Prayer Conference at Greater Missionary Baptist Church

April 20, 2012 | Print This Post

Greater Missionary Baptist ChurchClarksville, TN – On Saturday, April 21st 2012, Greater Missionary Baptist Church will be having their 1st Annual Prayer Conference. Come out for fellowship with the Saints and seek God’s word in the area of prayer. Please make plans to attend.

Registration starts at 7:30am and is followed by a continental breakfast. We look forward to seeing you there.

Greater Missionary Baptist Church is located at 450 Ringgold Road, Clarksville, Tennessee.

Blessing for the Animals held Saturday at the Humane Society of Clarksville-Montgomery County

April 4, 2012 | Print This Post

Humane Society of Clarksville – Montgomery County (HSCMC)Clarksville, TN – The Humane Society of Clarksville-Montgomery County hosted a Blessing of the Animals ceremony on Saturday, March 31st at 11:00am at the Humane Society building on Tennessee Avenue.

Reverend Dorothy Hartzog from Trinity Episcopal Church conducted the ceremony which allowed pet lovers to request a blessing for their animals both living and deceased.

Tina Hartman of Picture Your Photo was also on hand taking Spring and/or Easter professional pet photos.

Devotional from Brother Shepherd for December 4th

December 3, 2011 | Print This Post

Written by Brother Shepherd

Bible and CandleIn the summer of 1986, I was invited to an Evangelistic Conference in Amsterdam, Holland sponsored by the Billy Graham Association. There was about 8,000 Evangelists from all over the world there. One of the things that stood out to me was the importance that was put on THE WORD OF GOD.

One of the affirmations we were asked to affirm was this, “We confess Jesus Christ as God, our Lord and Savior, who is revealed in the Bible, which is the infallible word of God.” [Read more]

Devotional from Brother Shepherd for November 27th

November 27, 2011 | Print This Post

Written by Brother Shepherd

JesusI’m always intrigued by the story of Jesus as a boy in Luke 2. In the latter part of that chapter we find that Joseph and Mary have taken Jesus to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast.

The scriptures tell us that Jesus was 12 years old. After the Feast was over, Joseph and Mary were traveling back home with their kinsman and acquaintances and they found they had left Jesus in Jerusalem.
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Devotional from Brother Shepherd for November 20th

November 20, 2011 | Print This Post

Written by Brother Shepherd

ThanksgivingThanksgiving is just a few days away and I thought it would be good if we could read some verses that talk about giving thanks. The 136th Psalms is a giving thanks Psalms.

It reads in the KJV, “16 To him which led his people through the wilderness: for his mercy endureth for ever.

17 To him which smote great kings: for his mercy endureth for ever: [Read more]

Devotional from Brother Shepherd for November 13th

November 13, 2011 | Print This Post

Written by Brother Shepherd

King DavidI’ve been reading in the Psalms here lately and I wanted to share a few verses from some of them today. In the 120th Psalms verse 1 it reads in the KJV, “A Song of degrees. In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me.”

Here we find King David in deep distress, but when he prayed he knew God heard him. I find comfort in that verse knowing that when I pray God hears me and when you pray God hears it. [Read more]

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