Clarksville Police Department Honored with Multiple Awards at 27th Annual Tennessee Lifesavers Conference
September 9, 2014
Clarksville, TN – The Governor’s Highway Safety Office (GHSO), the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police (TACP), and the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association (TSA) have joined forces to strengthen and support traffic enforcement nationwide by providing the Law Enforcement Challenge program, an innovative program designed to stimulate traffic law enforcement activities.
The program targets three major traffic safety priorities: occupant protection, impaired driving, and speeding.
Officer Beau Skinner Recognized by Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police as Middle TN Officer of the Year for 2011
October 7, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Officer Beau Skinner was selected by the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police as 2011 Officer of the Year for Middle Tennessee. Officer Skinner was recognized for his heroic actions on the morning of January 25th, 2011, for entering a burning building and rescuing a woman and her two children.
He showed a complete disregard for his own personal safety and great bravery in this dangerous situation.