Montgomery County and City of Clarksville Mayors Sign Safe Boating Week Proclamation
May 8, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – A National Safe Boating Week Proclamation was signed on April 30th, 2013 by Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers, and City of Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan declaring May 18th thru May 27th, 2013 a special week, as the busy season of water activities begin and the public participates in many water based recreational activities.

Front row: Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers and City of Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan. Second row: James Williamson, USCG Auxiliary Division 11 Vice Commander; MST2 Brian Hunter USCG MSD Nashville; Jack Wood, USCG Auxiliary Division 11 Commander; Diane Gilman, Detachment Clarksville; and Fred Gilman, Detachment Leader, Clarksville.