Montgomery County Girls Earn Highest Awards in Girl Scouting
Montgomery County, TN – This year, nine Girl Scouts from Montgomery County earned the highest awards in Girl Scouting. The girls were recognized at Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee’s Annual Salute to Outstanding Leadership Awards ceremony held on May 3rd at Lipscomb University’s Allen Arena.
Two local Girl Scouts earned the Girl Scout Silver Award. The Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette (grades 6-8) can earn. [Read more]
Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces Riverfest Vendor and Entertainer applications now available
Clarksville, TN – Applications are now being accepted for the City of Clarksville’s 28th annual Riverfest Celebration. The Festival will be held Thursday, September 10th through Saturday, September 12th, 2015. Vendors and entertainers are encouraged to apply online at .
The Festival can only accept a limited number of applicants, so submit today!
Riverfest is currently accepting vendors for the following categories: food vendors, arts and crafts, retail vendors, commercial, and non-profit organizations.
June Boom Over Clarksville Annual Fireworks Show this Saturday, June 13th
Unique Fireworks Show Celebrates 7th Anniversary
Clarksville, TN – Once again, The Lodge Sports Pub and Governor’s Square Mall have teamed up with Fuse Fireworks to bring a free fireworks display to Clarksville on Saturday June 13th, 2015.
This will be the 7th year for June Boom Over Clarksville. Despite recent changes at The Lodge, business owner Frank Caldwell wanted to keep the event alive by continuing to host June Boom at the same location.
APSU supporter Don Jenkins receives Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor’s Award
Clarksville, TN – Don Jenkins, president and CEO of Jenkins & Wynne Ford-Lincoln-Honda, was presented with the Tennessee Board of Regents 2015 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Philanthropy earlier this month in recognition of his years of service to Austin Peay State University.
“Mr. Jenkins is a true friend and supporter of this University,” John Morgan, TBR Chancellor, said during the annual APSU Foundation Dinner on June 2nd.
Montgomery County Historical Society to have author Sue Freeman Culverhouse speak at June 15th meeting
Clarksville, TN – Tennessee author Sue Freeman Culverhouse will speak on the life of Robert Penn Warren at the Monday, June 15th, 2015 meeting of the Montgomery County Historical Society. The 7:00pm meeting will be held at the South Guthrie Community Center.
Warren was born in Guthrie, Kentucky, in April, 1905; his childhood home is now a museum. Robert Penn Warren completed his senior year at Clarksville High School where he wrote for the Purple and Gold, the school literary magazine.
Pie Five Pizza Co. opens in Clarksville tomorrow, June 12th
Leading Fast Casual Pizza Chain Opens New Clarksville Location
Clarksville, TN – Starting Friday, June 12th, Clarksville residents can enjoy fresh, fast, personal pizza at Nashville’s newest Pie Five, located at 108 Morris Road in the Gateway Commons shopping center.
Pizza-loving Tennesseans will have the chance to build their own pizza or try one of Pie Five’s delicious signature pies—all made to order and baked in less than five minutes.
Montgomery County to hold Job Fair, July 2nd
Montgomery County – Judge Ray Grimes and Montgomery County Commissioner Garland Johnson will host a job fair on Thursday, July 2nd, from 9:00am to 3:00pm on the 2nd floor of the Courts Center.
Grimes states, “We see people in court every week that have aspirations to obtain employment, but for whatever reason don’t have the resources to obtain it, so we decided to create that opportunity for them.” [Read more]
Local Auditions for “The Music Man” at the Roxy Regional Theatre on Monday, June 22nd
Clarksville, TN – Local performers of all ages will have the opportunity to work alongside professional actors in “The Music Man” when the Roxy Regional Theatre holds auditions for ensemble roles in Meredith Willson’s award-winning Broadway classic on Monday, June 22nd, at 5:00pm.
Children ages 8 and up, as well as adult men and women, are encouraged to audition. Interested auditionees should come prepared with 16 bars of a song. (Boys interested in the role of Winthrop should be prepared to sing “Gary, Indiana.”)
Clarksville’s Dunbar Cave State Park Programs for June 14th through June 20th, 2015
Clarksville, TN – Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs during the year. There are programs for children and adults.
Some of the upcoming events include: Botanical Day Hike, Port Royal Afternoon Hike, Cave Hike, Wildlife Dentures, and Caterpillar Creation.
Clarksville to Host TMSAA Cross-Country, Track & Field State Championships
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Convention and Visitors Bureau (Visit Clarksville) is pleased to announce that Clarksville has been selected to host the inaugural Tennessee Middle School Athletic Association (TMSAA) State Championships for Cross County and Track & Field events.