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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

About: Rev. Charles Moreland

    Rev. Charles Moreland, retired, has lived in Clarksville for seven years and holds great pride in his adopted city and its people. His one objection in Tennessee is the Hall law of taxes on dividends and savings. Charles served in the U.S. Army Chaplaincy from 1966-1986, retiring to serve as a United Methodist pastor near Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. He serves on the Boards of Directors for the ARP, Roxy Theater and MCDP. Though retired, he is a regular speaker at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. His five grandchildren, ages two to thirteen years, live in Evansville, Indiana. He is a veteran of the Vietnam War and served in Germany and Korea while on active duty.

    Web Site: http://


Rev. Charles Moreland's Articles:

    Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces Special Needs Nights at Indoor Aquatic Center

    By | November 7, 2013 | Print This Post

    Indoor Aquatic Center - New ProvidenceClarksville, TN – The first Special Needs Night of the season will be this Saturday, November 9th, from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Indoor Aquatic Center, located at 166 Cunningham Lane.

    Hosted by the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department and the IAC, Special Needs Nights will be held the second Saturday of every month until April 2014.

    The Indoor Aquatic Center at New Providence.

    The Indoor Aquatic Center at New Providence.

    «Read the rest of this article»


    MOAA lobbies for military vets

    By | March 17, 2009 | Print This Post

    moaa-logoThe Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is a dynamic lobbyist for all military retirees. Members include veterans — retired Marines, sailors, Air Force and Coast Guard personnel. MOAA is a non-profit , veteran’s association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and to preserving the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families.  It is vigilant in safeguarding and extending the benefits of all veterans. When MOAA speaks to Congress, they listen, and take immediate action.

    Today, with a new administration, MOAA is busy developing and implementing strategies for legislation that benefits veterans ,their families  and  survivors, in recognition of the sacrifices made.

    MOAA’s goal in 2009 is to be an effective organizational voice shaping relevant government policy and promoting earned benefits.  Under their guardianship, there will be no retreat or reduction of retired veterans benefits. «Read the rest of this article»


    Add a little humor to your life

    By | March 17, 2009 | Print This Post

    smileHumor in Uniform is a favorite section in the Reader’s Digest.  Having served as a soldier and Army Chaplain, for 20 years, in time of peace and for two years of war in Vietnam, I appreciate recognition given our soldiers, even if its humorous.Being rather serious and solemn by nature, I have a psychological need for entertainment, especially humor.  I meet this need for balance for jocularity by selecting cheerful TV programs to watch while exercising at the Athletic Club. When I get there early enough, I’ll watch my all time favorite, M.A.S.H.

    For my own benefit, as well as that of listeners, when I give a homily at the Unitarian Church, I introduce the message with a humorous story. I find this is an effective means of gaining the attention of the congregation.  It also gives me some sense of calmness and peace of mind. «Read the rest of this article»


    Let the coming year bring personal and political renewal

    By | March 10, 2009 | Print This Post

    god-bless-americaAs we move into spring and the substance of 2009, the year will continue to bring renewal. Changes in power, approaches,  and results will impact Clarksville, the State of Tennessee and the nation.  For when we pray “God Bless America,” there is the opportunity for renewal for us personally as well as nationally throughout this year.

    In 2009,  we have a favorable wind of renewal available to re-establish virtues, moral principles, and moral quality to our government at all levels. In foreign policy let us be done with torture, rendition and the deliberate misleading of the public in the guise of justifying action that leads to placing our men and women in uniform unnecessarily in harm’s way and demolishing governments of other nations. Let this year be the year to bury the order of pre-emptive military intervention against what we perceive as nefarious nations. «Read the rest of this article»


    Someone delights in you

    By | March 9, 2009 | Print This Post

    prayerA few words directed to a friend, neighbor or family member or even an adored pet, can release a resevoir of strength within . Normally, these are words of appreciation and acknoledgement.

    At Fort Leonard Wood, the Army’s largest basic and advanced training post, I served with command leaders to include hundreds of drill sergeants of all ranks. I served, too, commanders that I would have followed into combat at any time and any place. How did these men and women impress me and receive my loyalty? They were leaders trained in reassuring and encouraging others. They elicited a sense of self with new recruits, NCOs and officers with a reassuring word.

    On Inauguration day I followed my daily routine of exercising at the Athletic Club. As my legs moved my mind was also active as I listened and watched President Obama give his address. His speech captivated and motivated me. before I realized it, I had exceeded my goal at the treadmill of 50 minutes. This awesome speech motivated me; his words somehow improved my power of endurance. «Read the rest of this article»


    Spring: A time of spiritual renewal, nourishment

    By | February 1, 2009 | Print This Post

    Myrtle Tree bud

    Only a few more weeks and our trees will be budding with new leaves for the year 2009. It is fascinating to watch their transformation in the spring. This budding will be swiftly followed with out brilliantly colored songbirds building their nests among the newly sprung to life branches of the trees. The trees closest to the house will be occupied first, trees that enhance our lawns and the countryside.

    In building our house six years ago, we had regular contractors for the project. We went the mile and invested thousands of dollars in the lawn and yard. We hired Tim, a professional landscaper, to plant shrubbery, sod and trees.

    For us an appealing and robust lawn was a priority for the property. In childhood, I recall climbing, scaling the robust trees that grew on grandpa’s farm in the Ozarks of Missouri. I recall too climbing the persimmon tree to retrieve the ripened fruit for a snack. My cousin Leroy example emboldened me to climb to the highest branches. «Read the rest of this article»


    Retirement: Are you financially ready for it?

    By | January 18, 2009 | Print This Post

    retirement-pictureThe probing question “Are you ready to retire?” is more perplexing today in the light of our financial plight. There is uncertainty about the place we call retirement. As I write I have a “happy face” coffee cup staring at me; one that has been diverted to a container of pencils, markers and pens. I wish we could don a happy face as we ponder our retirement and a secure financial future. Instead, for many our dreams for that better future had taken on a sad face.

    It’s hard to maintain a happy face about our future when our personal finances and monetary worth for retirement are steadily declining, when our retirement plans are going bankrupt. In our communities, cities and states are raiding their rainy day funds to prevent raising taxes. International governments and their citizens are also in financial straits. Presently, places from our own Clarksville,  to Mexico City, to Heidleberg, London, Asian cities are all experiencing financial world. Such unfortunate events precipitate the “sad face” facing retirees. «Read the rest of this article»


    Our quest for spiritual nourishment

    By | December 8, 2008 | Print This Post

    For spiritual nourishment, I attend public worship services, view given religious programs, and read uplifting literature.

    A few words about uplifting literature: In my spiritual pilgrimage I am discovering my faith rekindled through reading newspapers, magazines, books (fiction and non-fiction), and The Upper Room, a daily devotional guide published by the United Methodist Church.

    Today, through prayer and thought the conclusion of the Upper Room devotional energized and encouraged my faith in our Lord. «Read the rest of this article»


    What would the Apostles do?

    By | December 8, 2008 | Print This Post

    WWJD is sometimes singled out as a standard for measuring moral beliefs and moral decisions. Perhaps we can receive spiritual motivation, too, by asking “What would the Apostles of the New Testament do?”

    One Friday morning during my solitary time in fellowship with God, I read a passage of Scripture that spoke to me from Acts 4: 32-37. Verse 34 summarizes the result of corporate and united action taken by the disciples: “There was not a needy person among them.” The context sheds light on the meaning of the verse. The disciples shared their time, skills and talents as in response to God’s call. They sold their houses and land and shared everything. «Read the rest of this article»


    Light for our Grandchildren…

    By | December 8, 2008 | Print This Post

    My life is upgraded this holiday season; it is a time for cultivating an already good relationship with my five grandchildren. My desire and goal is to make the bond between us an ever growing one. An intimate connection with them will enrich their lives and mine.

    On Sunday at church we sang “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.” The lyrics and melody escorted me down Memory Lane. I learned that lively song in a Nazarene Church Sunday school. It was comforting to listen to this music again.

    In my life of seventy-plus years, I remember men and women of faith who served as lights in my journey of faith. There were Jack Folson and Henry Meade, who picked me up on Sunday for religious education at the Central Church of the Nazarene. I credit their “light” for assisting me in spiritual pilgrimage as a youth. Through the “light” and inner glow of these influential lay leaders I was attracted to God. Through their patience, compassion and and devotion since I was 16 years old, I continue to sing “…everywhere I go, I’m going to let shine” as a testimonial to the development of my spiritual traits nurtured through wondrous grace. «Read the rest of this article»

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