Frazier Allen: Do Risk and Retirement Mix?
Clarksville, TN – Adding more stocks to your income plan may help offset low interest rates and inflation.
We live in unusual times, with interest rates at historical lows but likely to rise in the not-too-distant future, stocks trading at what some consider elevated levels driven by a years-long bull market, and investors scouring the pronouncements of central banks for clues to what may happen next.
However, one thing remains unchanged – those in or near retirement still have to map out a prudent strategy for generating income in the years ahead.
Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of November 28th, 2017
Clarksville, TN – Next week, the economic calendar picks back up and the Senate returns to work on its version of a tax-cut bill.
However, the focus is expected to be on Jay Powell’s Fed chair nomination hearing. Powell is unlikely to speak about the near-term policy outlook (what the Fed will do in December), but lawmakers will ask about his broader approach to monetary policy and banking regulation (expect vigorous questioning from Senator Warren, but he should eventually receive approval in a full Senate vote).
Frazier Allen: Where Medicare Falls Short
Clarksville, TN – Medicare provides a lot of coverage, but it doesn’t cover everything.
It’s never too early to start thinking and planning for retirement, especially when it comes to the top three expenses: housing, transportation and healthcare.
Even with Medicare, quality healthcare can come with a hefty price tag with premiums, copayments, deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses to account for.
Frazier Allen: Help your money last with these 7 tips to generate a retirement paycheck
Clarksville, TN – With retirement within sight, now’s the time to figure out how to turn your savings and investments into a paycheck – so you can live comfortably and still achieve your goals.
For many, the challenge is easier said than done, and comes alongside fears of spending too much now and not having enough later or the worry of denying yourself if you don’t spend enough.
Here are seven ways to help you get and stay on the right track.
Clarksville County Club becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified
Montgomery County, TN – Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program (CMCGCP) held a green ribbon cutting on Tuesday to celebrate Clarksville County Club (CCC) as the newest green organization.
Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett, City of Clarksville Chief of Staff Heather Fleming, Chamber of Commerce Director Melinda Shepard, Bi-County Solid Waste Management Director David Graham, Montgomery County Public Information Officer Michelle Newell and CMCGCP Manager Carlye Sommers attended the celebration.
Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan congratulates Hankook Tire
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan congratulated Hankook Tire on its gleaming new $800 million Clarksville manufacturing plant during a grand opening celebration Tuesday.
“I’m just so proud and happy that Hankook Tire put its faith and trust in our community and decided to build its first North American production plant right here. That says so much about the quality and character of our community,” Mayor McMillan said.
F&M Tops Montgomery and Stewart County Market Share Rankings Again
Clarksville, TN – During a 12-month period when Montgomery County’s total bank deposits jumped by $175.8 million, F&M Bank remained in the top position among FDIC-insured banks with a 19.01% market share. It is the 14th consecutive year that F&M has maintained its market-leading ranking.
The fact that seven of the 11 Montgomery County banks have 10% or more of deposit market share underscores the extraordinary competitiveness within the market.
The updated market share reports – recently posted on the FDIC website – are based on federally insured deposits of banks and thrifts through June 30th, 2017.
Frazier Allen: Debunking Social Security myths
Clarksville, TN – It’s time to shine some light on common Social Security misconceptions to help you get the most from your hard-earned benefits.
Myth #1 – Social Security won’t be around
FACT – Social Security is replenished by working Americans, interest on its bonds and taxes on some retiree benefits. Should the existing surplus be depleted, future retirees may be paid a portion of the benefits promised, but not zero.
Frazier Allen: To be or not to be – in debt
Clarksville, TN – Life’s long and winding road generally includes plenty of side trips on the way to a comfortable retirement. There may be homes to buy, children to raise and educate, careers to pursue, a vacation here and there.
When done strategically, borrowing can help you address those needs – like purchasing a home – without derailing long-term goals, such as a comfortable retirement. The key is to consider how the loan will work within your overall financial picture, taking into account each factor including the interest, duration and regular payments.
Frazier Allen: Talking about Debt
Clarksville, TN – Most of us have had to deal with debt at some point in our lives, yet it still seems to be one of those taboo subjects no one wants to talk about – whether with friends, family or romantic partners. All the while, it may be more common for couples today to enter into relationships with debt, from student loans, credit cards or loans for large purchases like cars or homes.
Whatever each party’s situation may be, being up front early on can help you avoid unnecessary financial and personal conflict down the road.