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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Customs House Museum becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

February 20, 2017 | Print This Post

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification ProgramMontgomery County, TN – The Customs House Museum & Cultural Center is the first organization of 2017 to celebrate their Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification.

Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett, City of Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan, Chamber of Commerce Director Melinda Shepard, several CMC Green Certification Steering Committee Members and several Museum Board Members attended their green ribbon cutting.

(L to R) Melinda Shepard, Randy Spurgeon (Customs House Staff): Sollie Fott (Customs House Board of Trustees); Terri Jordan (Customs House Staff); Colin McAlexander (Customs House Staff); JD Richardson; Mayor Durrett, Kali Mason (Customs House Staff); Mayor McMillan, Jim Zimmer; Eleanor Williams (Customs House Board of Trustees); William Wyatt (Customs House Chair, Board of Trustees); Tim Swaw (CMCGCP Steering Committee) and Daryl Pater (CMCGCP Steering Committee).

(L to R) Melinda Shepard, Randy Spurgeon (Customs House Staff): Sollie Fott (Customs House Board of Trustees); Terri Jordan (Customs House Staff); Colin McAlexander (Customs House Staff); JD Richardson; Mayor Durrett, Kali Mason (Customs House Staff); Mayor McMillan, Jim Zimmer; Eleanor Williams (Customs House Board of Trustees); William Wyatt (Customs House Chair, Board of Trustees); Tim Swaw (CMCGCP Steering Committee) and Daryl Pater (CMCGCP Steering Committee).

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Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of February 13th, 2017

By | February 13, 2017 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – The economic data calendar was thin. December trade figures were roughly in line with expectations. The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index fell in the mid-February estimate.

Stock market investors were encouraged by the prospect for tax cuts following comments by U.S. President Donald Trump. In contrast, the bond market, recognizing that the process for cutting taxes will be contentious and lengthy, is less fearful of a large boost to the federal budget deficit (hence, bond yields have backed down over the past month).

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of February 8th, 2017

By | February 8, 2017 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – The Federal Open Market Committee left short-term interest rates unchanged, as expected, and tweaked the wording of the policy statement slightly. There were no solid clues as to the timing of the next increase in short-term interest rates, but officials noted the improvement in consumer and business sentiment and seemed a little more confident that inflation “will” increase to the 2% goal.

While January numbers are often suspect due to the magnitude of the seasonal adjustment, the economic data continued to paint a picture of the economy that is in good shape.

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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Clarksville Realtors(R) Sold 11.9% More Homes in December 2016 than in December 2015

January 25, 2017 | Print This Post

Clarksville Association of REALTORSClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Association of Realtors® (CAR) reports that 11.9% more homes were sold in December 2016 than in December 2015. In December there were 365 properties sold, while in November 2015, there were 324 properties sold.

For December, the average price of properties currently for sale was $204,650, which is 8.32% greater than the December 2014 average of just over $188,301.

Clarksville Local Market Statistics - December 2016 [Read more]

Frazier Allen: It’s Time to Review Your Estate Planning Basics

By | January 22, 2017 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – The word “estate” tends to conjure up images of billionaires and aristocrats, but estate planning is not just for the wealthy. It’s widely believed that estate planning in one form or another is needed by everyone, and it doesn’t need to be sophisticated, complex or costly to help fulfill final wishes and protect assets.

Whether you’re a prince or a pauper, refreshing on estate planning basics can help make sure your legacy is left the way you intended.

Beginners and billionaires alike should refresh their knowledge of these basic estate planning terms and concepts.

Beginners and billionaires alike should refresh their knowledge of these basic estate planning terms and concepts.

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Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of January 15th, 2017

By | January 15, 2017 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – The economic calendar was relatively thin. Small business optimism rose sharply in December.  Growth in retail sales was concentrated in autos and gasoline – mixed and generally flat otherwise (with unusual softness in food) – but it was still a relatively good quarter overall. 

Department store sales were weak, but that is a long-term trend (not necessarily a sign of consumer weakness). The PPI was largely in line with expectations, reflecting moderate pipeline inflationary pressures (consistent with further Fed rate hikes in the months ahead).

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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F&M Bank Opens New Office in Hendersonville

January 10, 2017 | Print This Post

F&M BankHendersonville, TX – F&M Bank has been providing financial services in Hendersonville since 2008. Beginning January 17th, the Middle Tennessee-rooted bank is taking an ambitious step forward in Sumner County by opening a new 10,000 square foot office in the heart of Hendersonville’s Indian Lake commercial district.

The spacious new facility, located at 221 Indian Lake Boulevard, replaces the bank’s former quarters at 100 Bluegrass Commons. The new office will accommodate F&M’s growing banking and mortgage staff and will provide customers with a dedicated mortgage services entrance.

F&M Bank’s new 10,000 sq. ft. office at 221 Indian Lake Boulevard in Hendersonville Tennessee.

F&M Bank’s new 10,000 sq. ft. office at 221 Indian Lake Boulevard in Hendersonville Tennessee.

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Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce announces January Events

January 4, 2017 | Print This Post

Clarksville Area Chamber of CommerceClarksville, TN  – The Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce announces upcoming events during the month of January.

On Tuesday, January 17th, the Chamber host its annual Mayors Power Breakfast at the Riverview Inn, 50 College Street at 7:30am.

The Riverview Inn in Downtown Clarksville.

The Riverview Inn in Downtown Clarksville.

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Frazier Allen: 12 Resolutions for 2017

By | January 1, 2017 | Print This Post

Start the new year right by reviewing and revamping your financial plan.

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Instead of hauling out those familiar New Year’s resolutions about eating less and exercising more, how about focusing on something that’s also very good for you in the long run – and even sooner?

We’re talking about your financial plan – your fiscal health, if you will. The approach of 2017 is a great time to review your plan and make any necessary revisions. With that in mind, here are 12 suggested resolutions that, if followed, can help ensure that your later years will be financially secure.

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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Clarksville Association of Realtors Adopts 100 “Angels” For Salvation Army

December 17, 2016 | Print This Post

Clarksville Association of REALTORSClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Association of Realtors® (CAR) Helping Hands Committee and many other REALTORS within the organization adopted 100 Angels for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program.

“There is such a need in our area, and I’m thankful for the chance to help,” said Kathy Knobel, a Clarksville Realtor and 2016 member of CAR’s Helping Hands Committee.

Kathy Knobel with some of the Angel Tree Donations

Kathy Knobel with some of the Angel Tree Donations

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