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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Frazier Allen: Dealing with Dementia

By | December 17, 2016 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – “I saw the bravest man in the world playing the hardest role of his life,” Robin Williams’ widow wrote in October of her husband’s dementia and the months leading up to his death in 2014. When his anxiety, personality changes and memory problems began three years ago, a “foundation of friendship and love was our armor,” Susan Schneider Williams said.

Her story likely strikes a chord among those caring for a loved one with dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that more than 15 million Americans currently are. 

Dealing with Dementia

Dealing with Dementia

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Frazier Allen: A Retirement Savings Exit Strategy

By | December 16, 2016 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Every day, an estimated 10,000 people reach the IRS trigger age when they must begin withdrawing money from their retirement plans. If you’re among them, it’s wise to develop a strategy.

Once you hit 70½, IRS rules call for required minimum distributions (RMDs) every year on all of your traditional, simplified employee pension (SEP) and SIMPLE IRAs, as well as employer-sponsored plans. Roth IRAs are exempt.    

Create a plan to withdraw your minimum distributions on your terms, while complying with Uncle Sam’s.

Create a plan to withdraw your minimum distributions on your terms, while complying with Uncle Sam’s.

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Clarksville Ranks 19th Among Top U.S. Cities for Fastest Job Growth

December 16, 2016 | Print This Post

Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development CouncilClarksville, TN – The Clarksville metropolitan statistical area (MSA) ranked 19th in the nation for fastest job growth. A report released today from 24/7 Wall Street, a Delaware-based financial news company, studied employment and job growth from October 2015 to October 2016 for 387 metro areas and announced the top 25 U.S. cities.

The Clarksville MSA added more than 4,700 jobs, an increase of 4.61%, with total jobs at 106,811 in October 2016.

Clarksville Public Square

Clarksville Public Square

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Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of December 11th, 2016

By | December 11, 2016 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Italy voted “no” on its constitutional referendum and Prime Minister Renzi resigned. South Korea’s president was impeached. The European Central Bank extended its asset purchase program to the end of 2017, but will reduce the monthly pace of purchases in April.

None of that disturbed U.S. equity market investors who continued to enjoy the Trump sizzle. After showing some signs of stability, bond yields again moved higher.

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of December 6th, 2016

By | December 6, 2016 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – There was a ton of economic data, most of it consistent with moderately strong growth in the near term. Nonfarm payrolls rose in line with expectations in November.

The unemployment rate fell to 4.6% (the lowest since August 2007), but that was partly due to a drop in labor force participation. Average hourly earnings fell 0.1%, following a 0.4% rise in October, up 2.5% y/y (still trending higher, but more moderately than it appeared a month ago).

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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Frazier Allen: Learning to be a Retiree

By | November 27, 2016 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond JamesClarksville, TN – Most of us really look forward to the idea of well-deserved, unstructured free time. A time to do exactly what we please when we please. Until we get it.

A retirement satisfaction survey from EBRI found that half of retirees (51.4%) in 2012 reported being somewhat or not at all satisfied with their retirement. Some retirees underestimate how long it takes to adjust to a new lifestyle; others miss friends from work; still others find themselves with too much free time.

Half of retirees reported being somewhat or not at all satisfied with their retirement.

Half of retirees reported being somewhat or not at all satisfied with their retirement.

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Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan proclaims November 26th Small Business Saturday

November 25, 2016 | Print This Post

Consumers urged to shop, dine at local small businesses during holidays

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan has proclaimed Saturday, November 26th as Small Business Saturday in the City of Clarksville.

Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses across the City of Clarksville, the state and country. Founded by American Express in 2010, this day is celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

2016 Small Business Saturday [Read more]

Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of November 7th, 2016

By | November 7, 2016 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – The Federal Open Market Committee left short-term interest rates unchanged, as expected, and the policy statement was a near photocopy of the one in September.

The FOMC noted that “the case for an increase in the federal funds rate has continued to strengthen,” but for the time being, officials decided “to wait for some further evidence of continued progress towards our objectives.”

The October Employment Report was largely in line with expectations. Nonfarm payrolls rose by 161,000 (median forecast: +175,000), but the two previous months were revised a net 44,000 higher.

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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Altra Federal Credit Union hosts Small Business Connect Mixer on November 16th, 2016

November 5, 2016 | Print This Post

Altra Federal Credit UnionClarksville, TN – An educational seminar focusing on small business cyber security will be held on Wednesday, November 16th at 5:30pm to 7:00pm at Old Glory Distillery Company located at 451 Alfred Thun Road, Clarksville, TN 37040.

The Small Business Connect Mixer is a no-cost, no-obligation event hosted by Altra Federal Credit Union. The event is open to small business owners and Altra membership is not required.

Old Glory Distillery Company [Read more]

Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of November 2nd, 2016

By | November 2, 2016 | Print This Post

F&M Investment Services - Raymond James - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Real GDP rose at a 2.9% annual rate in the advance estimate of third quarter growth, a bit on the high side of expectations. However, the economy was not as strong as the headline figure suggests (similarly, growth over the four previous quarters was not as weak as the GDP number implies).

Inventories, which had been slowing over the five previous quarters (subtracting from GDP growth), rose at a faster pace (adding 0.6 percentage point to overall growth). Net exports (a narrower trade deficit) added 0.8 percentage point.

Frazier Allen

Frazier Allen

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