Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of October 28th, 2016

Clarksville, TN – The recent economic data reports have done little to alter the overall picture (moderate growth, low inflation). The Fed’s Beige Book noted that economic activity has continued to expand, with most Fed districts describing growth as “modest” or “moderate.”
In mid-September, nine of the 12 district banks had requested an increase in the discount rate (the rate the Fed charges banks for short-term borrowing) – one more than in late July – suggesting internal pressures for higher short-term interest rates at the Fed.
Clarksville Chamber of Commerce’s 24th Annual Veterans Day Breakfast set for Saturday, November 5th
Military Appreciation Tailgate Also Slated for 2:00pm
Clarksville, TN – On November 5th, 2016 at 7:30am the Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce will host the 24th Annual Veterans Day Breakfast on Saturday, at the Austin Peay State University Morgan University Center.
Retired Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth O. Preston will be the keynote speaker. He now serves as Director of NCO & Soldier Programs, AUSA.
Family-Owned Alabama Company Buys Cougar Packaging
Clarksville, TN – Rusken Packaging, Inc. announces the purchase of Clarksville-owned Cougar Packaging. All employees will continue with the new company, and former Cougar owners Gerri and Larry Wallace will continue in their roles for six months to ensure a smooth transition.
Rusken Packaging, a private, family-owned, $130 million company, manufactures corrugated cardboard boxes used for shipping.
Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of October 19th, 2016

Clarksville, TN – Minutes of the September 20-21 policy meeting showed that Federal Open Market Committee members were divided on whether to raise short-term interest rates, and most of those voting to wait felt that it was “a close call.”
Financial markets have increasingly priced in a mid-December rate hike. Amid a thin economic calendar, investors focused on what’s happening in the rest of the world, but also reacted to the initial earnings reports for 3Q16.
F&M Bank Continues Deposit Lead in Montgomery and Stewart Counties
Clarksville, TN – For the 13th consecutive year, F&M Bank holds the top position in Montgomery County’s market share of deposits, according to the FDIC annual summary of insured deposits published last Friday (September 30th). F&M also retained its top position in Stewart County, a ranking it achieved in 2015.
Annual market share reports are based on FDIC-insured deposits of banks and thrifts through June 30th, and includes 11 financial institutions in Montgomery County and three in Stewart County.
Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of October 9th, 2016

Clarksville, TN – The economic data were mixed. The ISM surveys both surprised to the upside, suggesting that the August slowdown was temporary. Unit auto sales were down from a year ago, but up relative to August on a seasonally adjusted basis.
Nonfarm payrolls rose a bit less than expected, while the unemployment rate ticked modestly higher – the start of the school year makes the September figures suspect, but the underlying trends suggest further improvement in overall labor market conditions.
Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of October 2nd, 2016

Clarksville, TN – The economic data were mixed. Consumer confidence rose in September. Durable goods orders were mixed. The estimate of 3Q16 GDP growth was revised higher (to a 1.4% annual rate, held back by a sharp slowing in inventory growth).
Personal income rose modestly in August, as expected, but spending was softer than anticipated, suggesting a possible loss of momentum following a strong spring and early summer (economists’ estimate of GDP growth were revised down for both 3Q16 and 4Q16).
Frazier Allen: Five Tips for First-Time Grandparents

Clarksville, TN – Your daughter recently welcomed her first child – your first grandchild – and you’re already in love. You envision festive holidays spent together, bouncing him or her on your knee, and buying heaps of toys and adorable shoes.
But you may be able to offer so much more. Grandparents like you have historically had a powerful influence in the lives of their grandchildren and have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share.
So what kind of power are we talking about? Now that you’ve joined the grandparents club, you’re what anthropologists call a “secret benefactor” of humanity.
Frazier Allen: Are You Ready for an Encore Career?

Clarksville, TN – Four and a half million. That’s how many retired Americans, over age 50, decided to go back to work or take on part-time volunteer roles after retiring. And there are another 21 million who say they’re ready to join them, according to a 2014 Encore Career survey.
The reasons vary. Some want to make the most of their talents; some want social interaction; still others seek to keep their minds sharp and their bodies busy. The extra money doesn’t hurt either, especially since there are several unknowns that can cloud your retirement picture (e.g., longevity, inflation and long-term care needs).
Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of September 18th, 2016

Clarksville, TN – Fed Governor Lael Brainard, a dove, presented her case for why the central bank should delay an increase in short-term interest rates. While her views are her own (not representative of the Fed as a whole), a more hawkish tilt would have raised the odds of a September rate hike.
The key economic data reports were on the soft side of expectations, but were still consistent with moderate growth in the near term. Retail sales disappointed in August. Industrial production unwound a seasonal quirk that boosted July figures. CPI figures surprise slightly to the upside.