Google’s Enoch Moeller Set to Keynote Clarksville Growth Summit August 25th
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development Council (EDC) will host its fifth annual growth summit on Thursday, August 25th at the Riverview Inn.
This half-day public event and will feature recognized leaders in economic development who will address topics such as global and local economies, strategic planning for the future, technology, entrepreneurialism and what drives business decisions.
F&M Bank Offers THDA’s “Take Credit” Mortgage Program
Clarksville, TN – F&M Bank was the first Mortgage lender in Tennessee approved to offer the Tennessee Housing Development Agency’s (THDA) “Take Credit” program. Take Credit is a Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) program authorized by Congress in the 1984 Tax Reform Act.
A MCC is a not loan, it is applied for with a mortgage and permits eligible homebuyers to take a federal tax credit up to $2,000 maximum per year based on the mortgage interest paid by the homebuyer.
Frazier Allen: Charitable Perks and Generosity to Spare

Clarksville, TN – It’s a fact: People love to get something for free, whether they need it or not. Often those freebies pile up or sit unused.
For example, nearly 75% of airline miles go unredeemed every year, according to Consumer Reports, and a third of credit card rewards points gather digital dust, representing $16 billion in value, a 2011 study by Colloquy shows. What if you could turn those free perks into a charitable gift instead?
Here are several ways to turn your excess into meaningful extras for your favorite charities.
El Toro de Don Jose for the Best Mexican Meal Around

Clarksville, TN – El Toro de Don Jose at 1200 Fort Campbell Boulevard has the best Mexican food I’ve ever eaten. Picture taco shells that are so thin, so crisp, so light that they wrap perfectly around a hefty portion of meat, cheese, and lettuce. Add some sour cream, beans and rice and you have a perfect meal.
One person I know actually ate there eight times in one week at El Toro. Why? Because everything he tried was perfection. According to this faithful customer, the fajitas are great–either steak, chicken or shrimp. He says they are the best in Tennessee and he’s eaten Mexican food from Memphis to Knoxville and no one else can touch them.
Operation Stand Down Tennessee Serves Veterans and Their Families

Clarksville, TN – Operation Stand Down Tennessee, located at 400 Madison Street next to Habitat for Humanity ReStore, is a military to civilian transition support program for veterans and their families.
By calling 931.896.2184 or walking in, veterans and their families can receive employment services, health service and benefits navigation, counseling services, legal consultations coordination, and housing assistance.
Served areas include Cheatham County, Davidson County, Dickson County, Montgomery County, Robertson County, Rutherford County, Sumner County, Trousdale County, Williamson County and Wilson County.

(L to R) Evelyn Adams, Willie Celestine, and Rhonda Clemmer, employees of Operation Stand Down Tennessee in Clarksville.
Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of July 24th, 2016

Clarksville, TN – The economic data calendar was thin and reports were of little consequence for the markets. As expected, the European Central Bank left short-term interest rates unchanged and did not alter its asset purchase plans.
ECB President Draghi indicated that policymakers were encouraged by the financial stability following the initial reaction to the Brexit vote. He also said that more information will become available over time and the ECB would act using all possible tools “if needed.”
FASTSIGNS® of Clarksville Celebrates Re-Grand Opening
Clarksville, TN – FASTSIGNS® of Clarksville hosted a customer appreciation event and ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate its re-grand opening on July 14th.
New franchisee Alan Grayson quietly took over operations of the locally owned, award-winning sign and visual graphics center earlier this year.
CVB Announces New Board Leadership for 2016-17 Year
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Convention and Visitors Bureau announces that Louisa Cooke has been named chairman of the board of directors for the 2016-17 year beginning July 1st.
Cooke previously served as chairman of the board in 2006-07, 2001-02 and 1997-98, and has served on the board of directors for a total of nine years since 1996.
Clarksville Weekly Market Snapshot from Frazier Allen for the week of July 19th, 2016

Clarksville, TN – The economic data were generally on the strong side of expectations. Retail sales rose 0.6% in June (median forecast: +0.2%), but figures for April and May were revised down (still a strong quarter).
Industrial production rose 0.6%, but that largely reflected a rebound in auto output (which had fallen in May). Ex-autos, manufacturing output was flat (-0.2% y/y, consistent with a soft patch, not a recession).
Snapshotz Photography – You’ll Be a Repeat Customer Every Time

Clarksville, TN – Snapshotz Photography, located at 1860 Wilma Rudolph Boulevard in LEAP Plaza, features exceptional photography of families, models, homes, groups, students, portraits from individuals to entire sports teams to banquet guests, and commercial photography as well.
Owner Curtis L. Scott, a 22-year Veteran who served in Iraq with four deployments and lasting injuries, began his photography career in fourth grade. “I was taking shots of everything back then, but eventually focused more on portrait photography.”