Montgomery County Earns S&P Global AA+ Rating
Montgomery County Government
Montgomery County, TN – Montgomery County Government has earned an AA+ long-term rating from the S&P Global Ratings for its 2018 general obligation public improvement bonds and on the County’s existing debt.
This reflects nine consecutive years the County has earned the AA+ rating for their strong management, budgetary performance, flexibility and liquidity.
City of Clarksville to have reserved parking for Purple Heart recipients, Gold Star families
City of Clarksville
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville announces that reserved parking for Purple Heart recipients and Gold Star families are coming soon!
Look for these placards in parking lots around Clarksville Parks and Recreation parks, City Hall, Clarksville Gas and Water and CDE Lightband in the coming weeks.

Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan holds up one of the new reserved parking for Purple Heart recipients and Gold Star families signs.
Montgomery County adds Reserved Spots for Gold Star Families
Montgomery County Government
Montgomery County, TN – This week Montgomery County added Gold Star Family parking signs at Civitan Park, Richellen Park, Rotary Park, War Memorial Park and Woodlawn Park as well as Veterans Plaza for Gold Star Family Members.
The idea for the signage came from a local citizen who shared it with Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett.
City of Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan bestows Employee Service Awards
Michael McWhorter’s 45 years tops this year’s list
Clarksville, TN – For Michael McWhorter, who’s worked for the Clarksville Gas and Water Department for more than four decades, the first day on the job remains among the most memorable.
“I was 18, just out of high school, and this was my first full-time job,” McWhorter said. “On the way to work that Monday, my car ran out of gas at the Kraft Street/Riverside Drive intersection., so I ran all the way to Gas & Water, which was on Public Square in those days. I was about five minutes late, but it turned out all right.”

Michael McWhorter, Materials Management Supervisor at Clarksville Gas and Water, accepts a 45-year service pin from Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan. He was the longest serving of the 285 City employees who received pins from McMillan during her annual employee service awards breakfast on Thursday.
Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett Recognizes Military Veterans
Montgomery County, TN – Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett, for the third consecutive year, took the opportunity to recognize the military veterans in each department who work for Montgomery County Government.
Never one to miss an opportunity to thank our military and our veterans, Mayor Durrett began recognizing Montgomery County Government’s military veterans his first year in office and has turned it into an annual practice.
Housing incentives a big hit in Clarksville
City of Clarksville, Tennessee Housing Development Agency thank lenders for helping homebuyers
Clarksville, TN – Several local lenders and real estate professionals received a hearty “thank you” this week from Ralph Perrey, executive director of the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, for their effectiveness in helping homebuyers use THDA programs.
Earlier this year, THDA announced a new program — Hardest Hit Fund Down Payment Assistance (HHF-DPA) program — which offers an additional $15,000 to homebuyers who use a THDA Great Choice mortgage to purchase a home in neighborhoods hard hit by the 2009 national economic downturn and have been slower to recover.

Tennessee State Representative Joe Pitts, left, joins Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan, Clarksville Association of Realtors Director Deb-Haines Kulick and THDA Executive Director Ralph Perrey at a ‘Thank You Clarksville’ reception to honor the work of local lenders and realtors who have helped homebuyers obtain $3.75 million in THDA loan assistance since March 1st.
Montgomery County Government announces Michelle Newell as new Public Information Officer
Montgomery County, TN – Montgomery County Government is proud to announce Michelle Newell will serve as the communications director and public information officer for Montgomery County Government beginning June 5th, 2017.
Newell holds a B.S. in Corporate Communications from Austin Peay State University. She currently serves as the program director for the Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program.
Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan marks APSU’s 90th birthday
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan issued a proclamation Wednesday noting Austin Peay State University’s 90th birthday, and hailing its educational excellence and service to Clarksville and the State of Tennessee.
Applications due April 3rd for City of Clarksville non-profit funding
Qualifying charitable or civic organizations may apply
Clarksville, TN – Qualified non-profit charitable or civic organizations serving Clarksville have an opportunity to seek the City’s financial support on a limited basis.
The City is authorized under state statute (TCA 6-54-111) to appropriate money for non-profit organizations. The law also outlines which non-profit charitable or civic organizations are eligible.
Clarksville Transit System receives New Paratransit Vehicles
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Transit System (CTS) has received nine new paratransit vehicles. Funding was received for all nine vehicles through the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Grant Program. The total funding received was $367,311.
These vehicles will average 110 trips per day and began to service the community on December 7th.