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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

December’s First Thursday Art Walk to be Held on December 5th in Downtown Clarksville

December 3, 2013

First Thursday Art WalkClarksville, TN – The December First Thursday Art Walk will be held December 5th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the shops and galleries on throughout the Downtown area.

Produced by The Downtown Clarksville Association, First Thursday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour spanning a 5-block radius that combines visual art, live music, engaging events and more in the heart of Downtown Clarksville.

With 10+ venues, bars and businesses participating each month, the First Thursday Art Walk in Clarksville is the ultimate opportunity to savor and support local creative talent. [Read more]

Clarksville Arts and Heritage 2013 Cultural Calendar makes Perfect Stocking Stuffer

November 28, 2012

Clarksville Arts and Heritage Development CouncilClarksville, TN – Just in time for the holidays, the Clarksville Arts and Heritage Development Council is offering the perfect stocking stuffer — its 2013 Cultural Calendar.

This year’s wall calendar features the work of local artists Monica Dahl, Paula Baggett Edwards, Leah Foote, Rob Franklin, Bob Gandy, Alan Goldstein, Jim Hancock, Mary Hoffpauir, Lisa Kemmer, Judy Morgan, Patsy Sharpe, David E. Smith, Cliff Whittaker and Rita Woodward.

2013 Cultural Calendar

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Veteran Photographer Alan Goldstein to Showcase Photos at Planters Bank

July 31, 2012

Planters BankClarksville, TN – The Planters Bank-Hilldale Gallery will feature photography from Alan Goldstein beginning Thursday, August 2nd.

Goldstein’s large-scaled, black and white exhibit is entitled “Ballet Magnificant.” The public is invited to meet Goldstein at an opening reception on Thursday between noon and 2:00pm.

Veteran Photographer Alan Goldstein

Veteran Photographer Alan Goldstein

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November First Thursday ArtWalk

October 31, 2011

Written by Kendall Welsh


Clarksville, TN – You’re invited to join the merchants of Historic Downtown Clarksville for The monthly Art Walk, on November 3rd, from 5:00pm–8:00pm.

Kendall Welsh from ARTifacts, sent us this information about November’s artistic extravaganza. Participating merchants include Ingredients, Edward’s Steakhouse, Couture Crush, ARTifacts, Fleur de leis, Hodgepodge, and many more. [Read more]

Clarksville closes out the 2010 Rivers & Spires Festival with some serious panache

April 18, 2010

The Rivers and Spires FestivalThe 8th annual Rivers and Spires festival drew to a close late Saturday evening. The weather was perfect and helped to bring out record numbers of people to the festival. In excess of 40,000 people are estimated to have attended the three day festival this year. The organizers and volunteers did an outstanding job and are to be highly commended for their efforts!

Seven distinct stages hosted 17 Christian, 17 Country. 6 Jazz, and 16 Rock acts including the incredible headliner for this year, the Charlie Daniels Band. Along with a huge selection of other performances including a free performance by the Roxy Regional Theatre of Disney’s High School Musical 2, and performances by various CMCSS School’s Dance and Choir teams.

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This weekends “Evening with the Artists” to feature Richard Hogan

August 13, 2009

The August 15th Evening with the Artists posterWhen you talk to people about the arts in Clarksville, Montgomery County Tennessee you will frequently find Silke Tyler’s name mentioned. Who is she? She is the proprietor of Silke’s Old World Breads located at 1214A College Street, she is also the hostess of the wonderful bi-monthly “Evening with the Artists” art exhibition. The next show will be held on Saturday August 15th from 6:30pm till 8:00pm. There is no cost for admission, and Silke provides her delicious food as refreshments.

The “Evening with the Artists” event brings together Silke’s great food, outstanding friends and acquaintances, and some of the finest art and artists in our community. This month the featured artist will be Richard Hogan. Previous featured artists included Jim Hancock and his Mediterranean reflections, the alternative process images of Heidi Hopkins and Winni Bagley, and the expert photography of Alan Goldstein, among many others; which unfortunately are too numerous to be able to mention all of them here.

One cannot be a true connoisseur of art in our community, without attending Silke’s art events. We hope that you will attend! [Read more]

Alan Goldstein Photography showcased at Silke’s

February 1, 2009

not-what-it-seemsThe art of Alan Goldstein will be showcased at Silke’s Old World Bakery at 1214 College Street, with an opening reception slated for February 14 from 7-8:30 p.m.  Goldstein has been  a professional photographer for over 40 years.

“That’s all I have done my entire adult life.  For most of that 40 years I was a portrait photographer.  Now I am doing less people ann Goldstein

In 1986 the Professional Photographers of America bestowed Goldstein the honor of Master of Photography for  photographic excellence.

In 2006 he was awarded the honor of Photographic Craftsman, also by PPA, for his contributions to the profession of photography through continuing education and the sharing of knowledge with fellow photographers to promote excellence in imagery and business practices.

RSVP for the reception at follow the link below:

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