Austin Peay State University ROTC landing Black Hawks on campus for training
March 28, 2018
Clarksville, TN – Seeing UH60 Black Hawk helicopters circling above is not unusual in Clarksville Tennessee. However, seeing them land at Austin Peay State University’s campus in Downtown Clarksville is.
As part of a coordinated effort between Austin Peay’s Governors Guard ROTC program and the Tennessee National Guard, the APSU ROTC department has arranged to have Black Hawk helicopters land on campus three times over the next several weeks.

UH60 Black Hawk helicopters will be landing at APSU for ROTC training. (Sgt. 1st Class Ty McNeeley, U.S. ARCENT PAO)
APSU ROTC Cadet Zachary Lepley named 2017 Command Sgt. Maj. Darol Walker Award winner
April 30, 2017
Clarksville, TN – ROTC Cadet Zachary C. Lepley was presented the 2017 Command Sgt. Maj. Darol Walker Award during a breakfast ceremony held April 27th at Austin Peay State University.
Lepley is pursuing his Bachelor of Science in political science with a minor in military science from APSU.

Cadet Zachary C. Lepley is honored with the 2017 CSM Darol Walker Award on Thursday, April 27, 2017 at Austin Peay State University. (Cassidy Graves, APSU)
APSU 2016: A Year in Review
December 23, 2016
Clarksville, TN – In a few months, Austin Peay State University will officially turn 90, and anyone who happened to be on campus when the school first opened in the late 1920s would likely not recognize it today.
2016 Clarksville-Montgomery County Memorial Day Ceremony
May 17, 2016
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization is hosting its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 10:00am, May 30th, at the William O. Beach Civic Hall, Clarksville.
City and county officials, as well as MCVSO staff will give remarks, with the keynote address given by LTC (Retired) Norman “Greg” Lane, US Army Reserve, who currently serves as the Cadet Success Coordinator, Department of Military Science, Austin Peay State University ROTC.
Austin Peay State University hosting CSM Darol Walker Award Ceremony on April 28th
April 27, 2016
Clarksville, TN – Colonel Rob Salome, garrison commander at Fort Campbell, will visit Austin Peay State University at 8:00am on April 28th to help recognize an outstanding APSU ROTC cadet during the annual CSM Darol Walker Award Ceremony and Breakfast.
Jack B. Turner established the award several years ago in honor of Darol Walker, retired vice president of Jack B. Turner and Associates Inc. in Clarksville and retired command sergeant major in the U.S. Army.
Austin Peay State University ROTC to hold week-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of Army ROTC programs
April 7, 2016
Clarksville, TN – The 100th anniversary of the establishment of Army ROTC programs in the nation is this year, 2016.
Austin Peay State University (APSU)’s ROTC program is celebrating with a week of events demonstrating its cadets’ commitment to the Army Values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage to commemorate the program’s centennial anniversary.

Austin Peay ROTC to hold events all week long to celebrate 100th anniversary of Army ROTC programs April 18th-April 23rd.
Austin Peay State University ROTC cadet carries Special Olympics Torch
September 3, 2015
Clarksville, TN – Earlier this summer, Jose Ramos-Lopez, a senior cadet in Austin Peay State University’s ROTC program, found himself running with police officers through the streets of Freehold Borough, New Jersey.
Ramos-Lopez was in the northern state to participate in a Cadet Leadership Course, and he was asked to carry the Special Olympics New Jersey torch during the Law Enforcement Torch Run, which raises money for the Special Olympics.
Decorated soldier awarded APSU ROTC CSM Darol Walker Award
May 2, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The recipient of the 2015 Command Sgt. Maj. Darol Walker Award at Austin Peay State University is ROTC Cadet Kevin Doss, a decorated career soldier.
Doss, born in San Antonio, Texas, graduated from Boerne High School in 2001 and attended the University of Texas from 2001-03. He will graduate May 8th from APSU with a degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Military Science.

Cadet Kevin Doss is awarded the 2015 CSM Darol Walker Award at a breakfast on Thursday, April 30, 2015, at Austin Peay State University. (Beth Liggett, APSU)
APSU Military Alumni Chapter endowing scholarship honoring local veteran
November 16, 2014
Clarksville, TN – The Austin Peay State University Military Alumni Chapter hosted its second annual scholarship endowment dinner on November 6th as part of the University’s Homecoming Week celebration.
During the event, the chapter honored retired Command Sgt. Maj. Sidney Brown, a Vietnam War veteran and active member of the Clarksville-Montgomery County community.

APSU President Alisa White, APSU Military Alumni Chapter President Joe Shakeenab, retired Command Sgt. Maj. Sidney Brown and his wife, Jimilla Brown. (Beth Liggett/APSU).
Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces winners of the Riverfest volunteer prize
September 16, 2014
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is happy to announce the winners of the Riverfest volunteer prize.
The ROTC program at Austin Peay State University will be awarded the $500.00 cash prize for providing the highest number of volunteer hours served at the 2014 Riverfest celebration held September 5th and 6th at McGregor Park.