Clarksville 50+ Activity Center gets Clarksville-Montgomery Green Certification
March 19, 2019
Montgomery County, TN – It was all things GREEN on Friday at the Clarksville 50+ Activity Center. Employees, members and guests celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and a green ribbon cutting.
The ribbon cutting welcomed the Center as the newest Green Certified organization. City of Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts, City of Clarksville Councilwoman Wanda Smith and City of Clarksville Councilmen Ron Erb and Travis Holleman attended the event along with Green Certification Board Members David Graham, Rose Melton, Gene Fish, Bill Harpel, Doug Jones and Haley Randell.

(L to R) Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts, Jayne Johnson, Doug Jones, Audrey Field, Councilman Travis Holleman, Councilwoman Wanda Smith, Janet Holleman, Councilman Ron Erb, Anita Atchley, Robert Thompson, Carlye Sommers, Gene Fish, David Graham, Rose Melton.
James Corlew Chevrolet becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified
November 14, 2018
Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program (CMCGCP)
Montgomery County, TN – James Corlew Chevrolet was honored with a green ribbon cutting on Friday, November 9th, 2018 as the newest member of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program (CMCGCP).
The ceremony was attended by Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett, Montgomery County Chief of Staff Jeff Truitt, Montgomery County Emergency Medical Services Director Jimmie Edwards, Melinda Shepard of the Clarksville Chamber of Commerce, CMCGP Manager Carlye Sommers, CMCGCP Steering Committee members Bill Harpel (City of Clarksville), Rose Melton (Altra Federal Credit Union), and Doug Jones (Montgomery County).

(L to R) Jeff Truitt, Carlye Sommers, Melinda Shepard, Mary Harris, James Corlew Jr., Jimmie Edwards, Mayor Jim Durrett, Derek Comperry, Doug Jones, James Corlew, Patty Webb, Bill Harpel, Linda Kramer, LW Harris, Jacob Craft, Linda Campbell, Alan Linboom, James Pucci, Jackie Kelcy, Quar Webb, Jarren Miller, Jamorris Fluker, Chris Moune, Christine Arms, Scott Irwin, Colin Hayes, Adam Stevenson, Bill Feckley, Jamie Anthony, Rose Melton, Tony Grayer.
Clarksville’s Riverfest Regatta a sure crowd pleaser
September 9, 2018
Clarksville, TN – On Saturday, September 8th, the Clarksville Riverfest Regatta, also known at the cardboard boat races, took place at McGregor Park Boat Launch Area at 1:00pm. It was overcast, cool, with a steady down river wind.
Boats are constructed from cardboard and recycled materials and raced down the Cumberland River in a 100-yard dash. U.S. Bank was the sponsor of this year’s Riverfest Regatta. There were 10 entries and 9 took part in the races.
Griffis Team of Exit Realty Screamin’ Eagle becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified
August 27, 2018
Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program (CMCGCP)
Montgomery County, TN – The Griffis Team of Exit Realty Screamin’ Eagle is the latest organization to join the Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program (CMCGCP).
A green ribbon cutting was held in their honor on the morning of Tuesday, August 21st, 2018. City of Clarksville Chief of Staff Heather Fleming, CMCGCP Steering Committee member Rose Melton (Altra Federal Credit Union), CMCGCP Steering Committee member Bill Harpel (City of Clarksville), and CMCGCP Manager Carlye Sommers attended the ceremony.

(L to R) Vivian Bennardo, Rhonda Knight, Michaela Griffis, Amanda Griffis, Wanda Sivis, Stacy Morrison, Makenzie Griffis, Bill Harpel, Heather Fleming, Rose Melton.
Shiloh Industries becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified
September 1, 2016
Montgomery County, TN – Shiloh Industries is the newest Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified business.
Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett, City of Clarksville Chief of Administration Charlie Gentry, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce Melinda Shepard and CMC Green Certification Steering Committee Members Daryl Pater, Tim Swaw, and Bill Harpel came out to share their appreciation with Shiloh’s leadership and staff.
Constantia Flexibles becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified
August 19, 2016
Montgomery County, TN – Constantia Flexibles – Labels Division, is the most recent industry to become Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified.
There to congratulate the staff and leadership of Constantia were Montgomery County Chief of Staff, City of Clarksville Chief of Administration Charlie Gentry, Montgomery County Communications Director Elizabeth Black and CMC Green Certification Steering Committee Members Daryl Pater and Bill Harpel.
The Awesome 80’s Prom Dances Through the Roxy Regional Theatre
June 23, 2016
Clarksville, TN – Written by Ken Davenport, “The Awesome 80’s Prom” at the Roxy Regional Theatre featured a cast that sparkled through the music of the era with not only audience participation throughout but sizzling singing and dancing.
Joe Filippo as Mr. Richard “Dick” Snelgrove, the principal, attempted to keep the boisterous cast in line as Stephanie Stafford as Mrs. Patty Lascalzo (or Mrs. L, the drama teacher) announced irrelevant interruptions such as the Alabama car parked in the wrong spot.
Immerse Yourself in Nostalgic Fun with Ken Davenport’s “The Awesome ’80s Prom” at the Roxy Regional Theatre, June 17th – July 9th
June 6, 2016
Clarksville, TN – Get ready to party like it’s 1989! Step back in time, join the breakdance circle, and participate in all the high school drama at the Roxy Regional Theatre’s production of the hit interactive musical experience “The Awesome ’80s Prom”, June 17th – July 9th.
Ken Davenport’s blast-from-the-past crowd favorite immerses the audience in the lives of characters competing for Prom King and Queen at the not-so-subtly-named Wanaget High. And, just like on “American Idol,” the audience decides who wins each night!

“The Awesome ’80s Prom” stars (Top L to R) Charles Robinson, Sarita Amani Nash, Ryan Bowie and Emily Rourke.
Clarksville Mayor’s Fitness Council receives grant
April 22, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Mayor’s Fitness Council was recently awarded a $9,500 grant by The Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Health Foundation to further its Clarkswell movement.
The Mayor’s Fitness Council has established the unique Clarkswell brand to identify Clarksville as a healthier place to work and play. Through this community-wide effort, the MFC created the Clarkswell Workplace initiative designed for employers who seek to improve employee health.

Members of the Mayor’s Fitness Council are Greg Fryer, Anne Black, Robyn, Kocurek, Janet Haase, Jaclyn Beaty, Obee Obryant, Mayor Kim McMillan, Sarah Schwartz (Community Health Foundation) Dale Brown, Melissa Gomez, Brad Workman, David Davenport, and Bill Harpel. Members not pictured: Lauren Wilkinson, Ken Gilman, and Angelique Greer.
Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan announces City’s first Military and Veterans Liason
December 20, 2014
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan has created the position of Military and Veterans Liaison for the City of Clarksville.
“For some time it has been apparent to me that the City needs an employee dedicated to serving as a liaison between the City and Fort Campbell,” said Mayor McMillan.