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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

50 Magnificent Men Book Release and Signing to be held at Clarksville’s Wilma Rudolph Event Center

May 13, 2015

Book SigningClarksville, TN – The 50 Magnificent Men Book Release and Signing Event is one moment in time to be held in Clarksville, TN, Sunday, May 31st from 1:00pm-4:00pm at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center, Clarksville,TN.

The book Magnificent Men compiled by Author and Visionary Treva R. Gordon, of Clarksville, TN combines 50 stories from men who have each authored their very own chapter to share inside the book Magnificent Men, and each share their personal stories of inspiration and faith.

 50 Magnificent Men [Read more]

Unity Day last Weekend United the City of Clarksville for At Least One Day

June 20, 2012

Clarksville Unity DayClarksville, TN – On Saturday Hilldale Baptist Church played host to third annual Unity Day celebration. The goal of Unity Day is to build a stronger community by recognizing and joining together religious, governmental and business leaders in fellowship.

Unity Day was founded by Treva Gordon, the owner and publisher of the Convenient Shopper Magazine. “I was watching an awards show on television and I was so inspired by the way they honored the pop star’s and the rap artists. It was wonderful; they had the gift bags, bling bling, the limos, and everything that went with it. That was awesome!” she said to herself.

Unity Day Hosts Kevin Kennedy and Yolanda Stewart

Unity Day Hosts Kevin Kennedy and Yolanda Stewart

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Pastor Freeman of Greater Missionary Baptist Chuch awarded the Community Spirit of Excellence Award

August 30, 2010

On Sunday, the Clarksville Convenient Shopper Magazine along with several other area businesses honored Pastor Willie J. Freeman of Greater Missionary Baptist Church with a “Community Spirit of Excellence Award.” Treva Gordon the CEO/Founder of Convenient Shopper Magazine and the woman behind Clarksville’s Unity Day, said, “This award is given to choice citizens who strive to make a difference in our community, demonstrates goodwill, as well as the promotion of Unity in the Community.”

Pastor Willie J. Freeman of Greater Missionary Baptist Church receiving  the Community Spirit of Excellence Award

Pastor Willie J. Freeman of Greater Missionary Baptist Church receiving the Community Spirit of Excellence Award

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