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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area


Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Montgomery County Visitor Spending Tops $205 Million in 2015

August 31, 2016

Visit Clarksville TennesseeClarksville, TN – Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and Department of Tourist Development Commissioner Kevin Triplett today announced Tennessee tourism’s direct domestic and international travel expenditures reached an all-time high of $18.4 billion in 2015, up 3.7 percent over the previous year, as reported by the U.S. Travel Association.

Numbers for Montgomery County increased to $205.1 million, up 1.3% over 2014.

Montgomery County has ranked 11th in Tennessee for tourism spending

Montgomery County has ranked 11th in Tennessee for tourism spending

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“Fresh Research, New Discoveries” Coming to Fort Defiance

August 23, 2016

Fort Defiance Interpretive CenterClarksville, TN – Learn more about Clarksville’s Fort Defiance as members of the Austin Peay State University History Club present new research related to the historical site at the fort’s newest event, “Fresh Research, New Discoveries” on Saturday, August 27th.

Presentations will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at the Fort Defiance Interpretive Center, located at 120 Duncan Street.

Fort Defiance Interpretive Center, Clarksville TN.

Fort Defiance Interpretive Center, Clarksville TN.

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Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan, Ajax Turner supporters break ground for Senior Center Expansion

August 23, 2016

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Clarksville officials set the stage Monday for improved quality of life for more Clarksville residents, breaking ground on an addition to the Ajax Turner Senior Citizens Center.

The new 14,600 square foot, two-story structure will provide more space for programs and services for the center’s growing number of seniors who drop in for meals, activities, classes and recreation.

AJAX-Turner Senior Citizens Center

AJAX-Turner Senior Citizens Center

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Constantia Flexibles becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

August 19, 2016

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification ProgramMontgomery County, TN – Constantia Flexibles – Labels Division, is the most recent industry to become Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified.

There to congratulate the staff and leadership of Constantia were Montgomery County Chief of Staff, City of Clarksville Chief of Administration Charlie Gentry, Montgomery County Communications Director Elizabeth Black and CMC Green Certification Steering Committee Members Daryl Pater and Bill Harpel.

Green Ribbon ceremony for Constantia Flexibles.

Green Ribbon ceremony for Constantia Flexibles.

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Free concert and movie at Liberty Park on August 20th

August 17, 2016

Movies in the Park - Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville and Convergys are excited to announce A League of Their Own is coming to the big screen Saturday, August 20th as part of the 2016 Movies in the Park series.

Movies in the Park will take place at the Liberty Park Amphitheater, located at 1188 Cumberland Drive. Pre-show activities will include a free concert with Lydia Walker performing at 5:00pm followed by The Bootleggers at 6:00pm.

A League of Their Own [Read more]

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for August 14th, 2016

August 14, 2016

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.

This weeks highlights include: Riverfest Activities, Clarksville Sportsfest, Clarksville Downtown Market running for National Award, Youth Adaptive Soccer League and the Farm-To-Market Dinner.

Riverfest Cardboard Boat Regatta

Riverfest Cardboard Boat Regatta

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Grab your Friends and get active at Riverfest

August 12, 2016

Clarksville's Riverfest CelebrationClarksville, TN – There are so many ways to play at the City of Clarksville’s 29th annual Riverfest Celebration. The Festival will be held Thursday, September 8th through Saturday, September 10th, 2016.

Whether you are looking for a competition, team event or just some fun and games Riverfest will have you covered all weekend long! Sign up online at

Clarksville Riverfest will be held September 8th-10th, 2016.

Clarksville Riverfest will be held September 8th-10th, 2016.

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City Of Clarksville receives $488,000 Grant for Swan Lake Aquatic Center and Kids Splash Park

August 4, 2016

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan has received notice that the City of Clarksville will receive $488,000 in grant funding from the State of Tennessee, Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).

The funding, which was received as part of a competitive grant application process, is for the renovation of the Swan Lake Aquatic Center and Kids Splash Park.

Clarksville City Hall

Clarksville City Hall

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Brandy Clark to headline Clarksville’s Riverfest

July 27, 2016

Clarksville's Riverfest CelebrationClarksville, TN – Riverfest, presented by the City of Clarksville and Miller Lite, is pleased to announce Brandy Clark will be the featured headliner at the 2016 Festival. Brandy Clark will take the main stage as the headlining event on Saturday, September 10th, 2016 at 9:00pm. The concert is free and open to the public.

For Brandy Clark, the dream she harbored in her small hometown of Morton, Washington, was to be a country singer. Sure, once she moved to Nashville, she had successful cuts as a songwriter [The Band Perry’s “Better Dig Two,” Miranda Lambert’s “Mama’s Broken Heart,” and Kacey Musgraves’ “Follow Your Arrow”], but being an artist in her own right was a dream she had stopped dreaming until two years ago when her first album, the stunning 12 Stories, debuted.

Brandy Clark to headline 2016 Riverfest

Brandy Clark to headline 2016 Riverfest

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Employer Seminar on Advantages of Hiring Veterans to be held in Clarksville, August 17th

July 26, 2016

WorkForce Essentials, IncClarksville, TN – There will be an Employer Seminar (Veterans Hiring Advantage) on August 17th, 2016 at the Wilma Rudolph Events Center in Clarksville from 9:00am – 2:00pm.

The purpose of this seminar is to empower employers and human resource professionals about the rewards of employing veterans in their workplace.

Employer Advantage Seminar to be held in Clarksville at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center August 17th.

Employer Advantage Seminar to be held in Clarksville at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center August 17th.

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