New York Times Bestselling Author Sharyn McCrumb to Keynote Eleventh Annual Clarksville Writers Conference, June 4th – 5th, 2015
April 27, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Arts and Heritage Development Council, in partnership with Austin Peay State University and the Tennessee Arts Commission, is pleased to announce the Eleventh Annual Clarksville Writers Conference, being held June 4th and 5th, 2015, on the campus of Austin Peay State University.
We are very honored to have as this year’s keynote speaker Sharyn McCrumb, award-winning Southern writer best known for her Appalachian “Ballad” novels, including the New York Times bestsellers The Ballad of Tom Dooley and She Walks These Hills, and the forthcoming Prayers the Devil Answers.
Summer Youth Program to begin June 1st
April 23, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Summer Youth Program will begin June 1st with the opening of program sites and will end July 10th. This year’s theme is “Blast from the Past!”
The Summer Youth Program is a six-week day camp-type program that is offered each summer to youths, ages 6-16. Gyms at various locations are staffed with directors and assistants, who will help with playtime activities and provide free, instructional classes such as dance and karate.
Clarksville Mayor’s Fitness Council receives grant
April 22, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Mayor’s Fitness Council was recently awarded a $9,500 grant by The Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Health Foundation to further its Clarkswell movement.
The Mayor’s Fitness Council has established the unique Clarkswell brand to identify Clarksville as a healthier place to work and play. Through this community-wide effort, the MFC created the Clarkswell Workplace initiative designed for employers who seek to improve employee health.

Members of the Mayor’s Fitness Council are Greg Fryer, Anne Black, Robyn, Kocurek, Janet Haase, Jaclyn Beaty, Obee Obryant, Mayor Kim McMillan, Sarah Schwartz (Community Health Foundation) Dale Brown, Melissa Gomez, Brad Workman, David Davenport, and Bill Harpel. Members not pictured: Lauren Wilkinson, Ken Gilman, and Angelique Greer.
Early Bird Discount Registration deadline approaches for the 37th Annual Queen City Road Race
April 15, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The 37th Annual Queen City Road Race scheduled for Saturday, May 2nd, have you reserved your spot at the finish line? If not, you’d better act quickly to be eligible for the discounted rate of $20.00 for the 5K and 7K races.
The Early Bird discounted registration deadline is April 17th. Registration will be available through race day, however prices increase to $25.00 for the 5K and 7K races. The non-competitive One Mile Movement will remain at a $5.00 registration fee now through race day.
Registration for the Queen City Road Race is simple and may be completed online or in person. Online registration can be completed by visiting and is available onsite at 102 Public Square.
City of Clarksville Supports Our Troops with free Concert during Warrior Week
April 15, 2015
Clarksville, TN – Each year, the Military Affairs Committee of the Clarksville Chamber of Commerce organizes Warrior Week to honor all military personnel and their families.
The City of Clarksville is proud to show their support on Friday, May 8th, by hosting a free concert featuring award-winning, Country artists Little Texas! This FREE concert will begin at 6:30pm at Liberty Park. Concessions will be available for purchase.
Registration continues for the 37th Annual Queen City Road Race
March 17, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The 37th Annual Queen City Road Race scheduled for Saturday, May 2nd, have you reserved your spot at the finish line?
The Queen City Road Race event is a Clarksville tradition promoting fitness and fun for all ages. The 7K and 5K race route takes runners through the streets of Historic Downtown Clarksville, beginning at Austin Peay State University’s Foy Center and ending inside the new Governors Stadium, while the One Mile Movement takes you on an exciting tour of a portion of the APSU campus.
For over thirty years, hundreds of Clarksville-Montgomery County and Fort Campbell school students, teachers and family members have participated in this Clarksville tradition.
Indoor Aquatic Center’s March Homeschool Swim Day is coming soon
March 12, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department’s new event for homeschooled children at the Indoor Aquatic Center, located at 166 Cunningham Lane, is typically held on the second Wednesday of each month.
However, due to CMCSS Spring Break, the March edition of Homeschool Swim Days will be held from 10:00am to noon on Wednesday, March 18th.
Virtue and Vice Explored in Shakespeare’s “Measure For Measure” at the Roxy Regional Theatre, March 13th – 21st
March 10, 2015
Clarksville, TN – Virtue and vice sit atop the scales this spring in the Roxy Regional Theatre’s 30th annual Shakespeare production. William Shakespeare’s “Measure For Measure” opens Friday, March 13th, at 8:00pm, for five public performances only.
Duke Vincentio (David Gautschy) appoints Lord Angelo (John Hardin) as deputy of Vienna. Under Angelo’s watchful eye, old laws against impropriety and lewd behavior are newly enforced. But can Angelo adhere to his own high standards?

Roxy Regional Theatre’s performance of William Shakespeare’s “Measure For Measure” stars (Top) David Gautschy and (Bottom) John Hardin.
City of Clarksville and Montgomery County to take part in 50k Tree Day March 14th
March 9, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville and Montgomery County are partnering with the Tennessee Environmental Council, Tennessee Department of Agriculture-Division of Forestry, Tennessee Stormwater Association, Cumberland River Compact to take part in the 50K Tree Day event on Saturday, March 14th from 10:00am to 11:00am.
Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for March 8th, 2015
March 8, 2015
Clarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.
This weeks highlights include: 50K Tree Day, Homeschool Swim Day, Book Signing, Wettest Egg Hunt, and Spring Eggstravaganza.