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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Altra Federal Credit Union becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

March 3, 2015

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification ProgramMontgomery County, TN – Altra Federal Credit Union is the latest business to become Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified.

City of Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan and Chamber of Commerce Director Melinda Shepard joined Altra team members for their green ribbon cutting.

Altra Federal Credit Union green ribbon cutting ceremony.

Altra Federal Credit Union green ribbon cutting ceremony.

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Registration is now open for the 37th Annual Queen City Road Race

February 19, 2015

37th Annual Queen City Road RaceClarksville, TN – It’s that time of year again to lace up those running shoes and begin preparing for the 37th Annual Queen City Road Race scheduled for Saturday, May 2nd, 2015.

The Queen City Road Race event is a Clarksville tradition promoting fitness and fun for all ages. The 7K and 5K race route takes runners through the streets of Historic Downtown Clarksville, beginning at Austin Peay State University’s Foy Center and ending inside the new Governors Stadium, while the One Mile Movement takes you on an exciting tour of a portion of the APSU campus.

For over thirty years, hundreds of Clarksville-Montgomery County and Fort Campbell school students, teachers and family members have participated in this Clarksville tradition.

Queen City Road Race .

Queen City Road Race .

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City of Clarksville announces Property Tax Payments can be made on Saturdays in February

February 7, 2015

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Finance and Revenue Department will be open each Saturday during the month of February to receive property tax payments. The office will be open from 8:30am to 12:30pm.

The expanded office hours will help to accommodate citizens that otherwise would not be able to perform their City business during the regular weekday hours of 7:30am to 5:00pm. The offices are located on the first floor of City Hall. [Read more]

Spring Parks and Recreation Program Guide now available

February 6, 2015

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Printed copies of the Spring 2015 Program Guide are now available to the public at the Clarksville Parks and Recreation office, City Hall, community centers, and other Parks and Recreation facilities located throughout the City.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation's Spring Program Guide [Read more]

Limited vendor spots remain for Clarksville Park and Recreation’s third annual Chocolate Affair

January 21, 2015

Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – Happening Saturday, February 7th, 2015 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and 6:00pm to 8:00pm, at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center, Clarksville’s 3rd Annual Chocolate Affair is a festive occasion that provides an opportunity for chocolate-lovers to sample products and enjoy a fun social event.

Don’t pass up this fabulous opportunity to let your business shine!

2015 Chocolate Affair [Read more]

Charlie Gentry to become City of Clarksville’s Chief of Administration

January 1, 2015

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan is proud to announce the hiring of Charlie Gentry of Clarksville as the City of Clarksville’s Chief of Administration.

“I am very excited that Charlie has accepted the City’s offer to take on this role. He is a native Clarksvillian with experience in city government and in running successful businesses. He already has extensive relationships in the community and understands the issues of our growing city,” said Mayor McMillan. “I’m so glad that Charlie will be joining the team.” [Read more]

CTS offers Safe Ride on New Year’s Eve

December 31, 2014

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – On New Year’s Eve, the Clarksville Transit System will again offer safe rides home.

“Operation Safe Ride” is a free service open to anyone who is too impaired to drive home. People who live within the Clarksville city limits can call 931.553.2429 for a ride home between the hours of 11:00pm and 4:00am.

A Clarksville Transit System Bus

A Clarksville Transit System Bus

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for December 28th, 2014

December 28, 2014

Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.

This weeks highlights include: Christmas on the Cumberland, Indoor Aquatic Center to begin Homeschool Swim Days, Kleeman Center to host spring fitness class, Spring Adult Softball Meeting Scheduled, and Community Centers to close temporarily.

2015 Homeschool Swim Days [Read more]

Fort Defiance held annual Christmas in Occupied Clarksville celebration

December 25, 2014

Fort Defiance Interpretive CenterClarksville, TN – On December 15th, 2014 Fort Defiance Interpretive Center held their second annual Christmas in Occupied Clarksville. The allows visitors to the Civil War Fort to experience the holidays as soldiers and civilians would have during the 1860s.

“The public reception to Christmas in Occupied Clarksville as been absolutely overwhelming,” said William Parker, the Historical Interpreter at Fort Defiance. “We are very very very pleased at the turnout, we didn’t expect this many people but by golly we’re glad they came to celebrate the Christmas season with us here at the Fort Defiance Interpretive Center.”

Phyllis Smith from the Friends of Fort defiance talks to the visitors to the Fort Defiance Interpretive Center during Christmas in Occupied Clarksville

Phyllis Smith from the Friends of Fort defiance talks to the visitors to the Fort Defiance Interpretive Center during Christmas in Occupied Clarksville

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for December 21st, 2014

December 21, 2014

Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.

This weeks highlights include: Queen City Road Race T-shirt contest, New Year’s Eve Splash, Winter Gym, and 3rd Annual Chocolate Affair.

New Years Eve Splash [Read more]

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