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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area


Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Gold Star Memorial to be dedicated Saturday

September 18, 2019

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Gold Star families, military veterans and community members are invited to the dedication of a Gold Star Memorial on Saturday, September 21st at 12:30pm at the Veterans Plaza located at 305 Pageant Lane.

Clarksville City Hall

Clarksville City Hall

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Clarksville earns ‘Best Place to Live’ rating

September 16, 2019

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Clarksville has achieved the high honor of being named the Best Place to Live in America by Money magazine.

The September 16th online edition of the magazine’s 100 Best Places feature leads with the headline: “No. 1. Clarksville, Tennessee. Thrive and save at the same time in this charming city.”

Downtown Clarksville

Downtown Clarksville

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Clarksville’s Riverfest kicked Saturday off with Regatta Boat Race

September 7, 2019

RiverFest 2019Clarksville, TN – On Saturday, September 7th, the 2019 Clarksville Riverfest Regatta took place at the McGregor Park Park Boat Ramp at 1:00pm. Fan-favorite cardboard boat race is celebrating it’s 13th year.

The Riverfest Regatta is not your typical boat race. The boats racing down the Cumberland River were made of cardboard or plastic bottles along with a few other approved materials.

27 Teams took part in the 2019 Riverfest Regatta.

27 Teams took part in the 2019 Riverfest Regatta.

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APSU, Google to lead drone-building workshops in preview of new InnovaTN Games at Riverfest

September 3, 2019

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – On September 7th, Austin Peay State University (APSU), the City of Clarksville and Google will team up at Clarksville’s annual Riverfest Celebration to host a preview of the InnovaTN Games, a hands-on engineering competition designed to get young people excited about STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

Google's InnovaTN Games will include racing drones through obstacle courses at Austin Peay State University. (APSU)

Google’s InnovaTN Games will include racing drones through obstacle courses at Austin Peay State University. (APSU)

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City of Clarksville set to construct Pedestrian Bridge over Red River

August 31, 2019

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville has announced that it will complete a 10-mile hiking and biking trail linking the City’s downtown riverfront with Northeast Clarksville.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has announced Clarksville will receive a $1.82 million federal Transportation Alternatives Project grant for construction of a pedestrian bridge over the Red River.

$1.8 million grant will help connect Clarksville Greenway and Riverwalk.

$1.8 million grant will help connect Clarksville Greenway and Riverwalk.

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2019 Riverfest set for September 5th-7th

August 29, 2019

Clarksville’s Riverfest Celebrates it’s 32nd anniversary

RiverFest 2019Clarksville, TN – Join the City of Clarksville and Miller Lite along the banks of the Cumberland River to celebrate Clarksville’s river heritage and the 32nd anniversary of the annual Riverfest Celebration, September 5th-7th, 2019.

This free, three-day music and arts festival features three stages of diverse local and nationally known entertainers and cultural groups, plus delicious food and fun for the entire family.

Clarksville's Three-day music and arts festival, Riverfest, to be held September 5th-7th, 2019.

Clarksville’s Three-day music and arts festival, Riverfest, to be held September 5th-7th, 2019.

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FUEL the Bus Event to take place at Downtown Commons, August 3rd

July 25, 2019

Downtown CommonsClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville and Montgomery County Government invites everyone out to the Downtown Commons on August 3rd, 2019, for “FUEL The Bus” event. “FUEL The Bus” starts at 10:00am and will end at 2:00pm. The event will support of the FUEL Kids Nutrition Program.

The FUEL Program is designed to feed children whose only food source may be the food they receive from school.

FUEL the Bus [Read more]

Riverfest seeks vendors, entertainers, artists

July 24, 2019

RiverFest 2019Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces that the 32nd annual Riverfest Celebration is currently taking applications from vendors, entertainers and artists. The City of Clarksville’s Riverfest is presented by Miller Lite.

Vendors and entertainers are encouraged to apply online at

Riverfest will be held September 5th -7th.

Riverfest will be held September 5th -7th.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces Montgomery Gentry to headline Riverfest

July 4, 2019

RiverFest 2019Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation is pleased to announces that Montgomery Gentry will be the headliner for Riverfest 2019. Riverfest, the City of Clarksville’s arts and entertainment festival, is now in its 32nd year.

Montgomery Gentry will perform at 9:15pm Saturday, September 7th on the Miller Lite Stage at McGregor Park. The concert is free and open to the public.

Montgomery Gentry (featuring Eddie Montgomery) to headline Clarksville's 2019 Riverfest.

Montgomery Gentry (featuring Eddie Montgomery) to headline Clarksville’s 2019 Riverfest.

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Clarksville Transit System celebrates Independence Day with Free Rides July 3rd

July 1, 2019

Clarksville Transit SystemClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Transit System (CTS) will be offering free rides all day on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019, in celebration of Independence Day.

CTS wants to provide passengers an opportunity to get their Independence Day shopping done and enjoy a free ride on the City of Clarksville.

Clarksville Transit System Patrons ride free Wednesday, July 3rd.

Clarksville Transit System Patrons ride free Wednesday, July 3rd.

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