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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Hiller recognized for 35 years of city employment

March 26, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan joined with members of the city’s Information Technology Department on Tuesday, March 22nd, to recognize the 35th anniversary of Jeannie Hiller’s employment with the city. Hiller is the IT Department’s executive assistant.

“I’ve been here though several mayors,” Hiller told Mayor McMillan. “There were some good days and some bad days, but the good days outweighed the bad.”

Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan, center left, presents a certificate of appreciation to Jeannie Hiller for her 35 years of service to the City of Clarksville as the IT staff looks on.

Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan, center left, presents a certificate of appreciation to Jeannie Hiller for her 35 years of service to the City of Clarksville as the IT staff looks on.

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Interview with Clarksville’s Mayor Kim McMillan

March 21, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – On Saturday, March 19th, Mayor Kim McMillan sat down with Clarksville Online, Discover Clarksville, and WJZM’s Hank Bonecutter to answer some questions on the top topics in Clarksville.

Some of the topics covered include the Marina, the City Budget, Clarksville Department of Electricity, Hemlock Semiconductor, growing infrastucture needs and several others.

Video Interview

City Budgeting Process

March 19, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – In conjunction with Sunshine Week, Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan announces details of an open budgeting process that will include the public and will help residents better understand what goes into building a budget.

The Mayor and finance staff will have budget hearings for city departments and city-funded entities beginning April 11th at City Council Chambers. All hearings, workshops and meetings regarding the 2011-2012 Budget will be open to the public, and the proceedings will be digitally recorded and posted on the City’s website for those unable to attend. A copy of the proposed hearing dates is available on the City’s website and is attached. [Read more]

Home Repair Applications now being accepted by Housing and Community Development

March 15, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Office of Housing and Community Development is accepting applications for minor home repair for low- to moderate-income homeowners.

Various repairs and projects, primarily exterior renovation, are offered at no cost to qualifying homeowners. Projects range from roof repairs and painting to constructing handicap-accessible ramps and landscaping. Elderly and disabled homeowners are encouraged to apply.

World Changers working on a railing project here in Clarksville, TN.

World Changers working on a railing project here in Clarksville, TN.

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Clarksville City Departments to switch Phone Systems

March 14, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – The primary telephone numbers for the city’s Building and Codes Department and the Parks and Recreation Department will be switched to a new system Wednesday morning, which could temporarily cause calls to not be completed to those departments.

Technicians from Information Systems will start the switch at 9:30am on Wednesday. In the past, such changeovers have taken less than 10 minutes, but the process might require as much as 30 minutes. Also some numbers for the Police Department’s Professional Integrity Unit and Domestic Violence units

Residents should be aware that calls to these two departments may not reach their destination on Wednesday morning, and they should continue trying until their calls are answered.

Spring Clean Up

March 14, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Clarksville Street Department will begin its annual Spring Clean Up on March 21st, when crews will pick up yard debris, leaves and limbs at city residents.

Yard debris, such as leaves, must be placed in biodegradable paper bags and placed near the street. Tree limbs must be in lengths of four feet or less. The Street Department will not pick up limbs pruned by a commercial company. The clean-up service will continue through April 8th.

In order to schedule a picked up, contact the Street Department at 931-645-7464 between 7:00am and 3:30pm Monday through Friday.

Certified Municipal Finance Officers Awards

February 10, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Clarksville Finance Commissioner Ben Griffin and Senior Accountant Deborah K. Johnson were among the more than 90 municipal finance officers to be awarded the Certified Municipal Finance Officers (CMFO) certificate on January 27th in Nashville, TN.

Comptroller of the Treasury Justin Wilson, left, and UT Vice President of Public Service Mary Jinks, present a Certified Municipal Finance Officers certificate to City of Clarksville Finance Commissioner Ben Griffin.

Comptroller of the Treasury Justin Wilson, left, and UT Vice President of Public Service Mary Jinks, present a Certified Municipal Finance Officers certificate to City of Clarksville Finance Commissioner Ben Griffin.

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Recipients Receive Mayor’s Certificate for Quick Action

February 4, 2011

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Mayor Kim McMillan recognized Clarksville Police Officer Beau Skinner, U.S. Army Captain Graham Inman, and Cynthia Young for their life-saving actions at 1032 Washington Street on January 25th, 2011.

Officer Skinner and Pat Nowell, who accepted the certificate for Captain Inman (relocated to Fort Rucker) were presented with Mayor certificates at the February 3rd City Council Meeting.

Chief Ansley reads the citation of the Mayor’s certificate to Officer Skinner. (Photos by Jim Knoll-CPD)

Chief Ansley reads the citation of the Mayor’s certificate to Officer Skinner. (Photos by Jim Knoll-CPD)

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Press Conference with Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan

January 25, 2011

Clarksville, TN – On January 25th, 2011, at 8:45am, Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan held a press conference where she discussed the U.S. Conference of Mayors she attended last week in Washington, D.C. Topics discussed were energy conservation and the new Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification program that is about to kick off. As well as the Civility Accord that was brought forward by the mayor of Tucson, Robert Walkup, in light of the recent shooting in his city. The press conference was held at the Riverview Inn ballroom.

Kim McMillan Sworn in as Clarksville’s new Mayor

January 4, 2011

Clarksville, TN – On January 3rd, 2010, Kim McMillan was sworn in as the new Mayor of Clarksville. She is also the first female Mayor of Clarksville. The event was held at the Roxy Regional Theatre at 4:00pm.

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