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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Agero to open call center in Clarksville-Montgomery County Tennessee bringing with it 500 new Jobs

May 15, 2012

Operations to Begin October 29th

Clarksville Area Chamber of CommerceClarksville, TN – The Medford, Massachusetts based company, Agero, a global leader in driver assistance services and vehicle connectivity innovation, announced today that they have selected Clarksville, Tennessee as the next site for its sixth North American driver assistance call and data response center.

“I am excited to welcome Agero to our state and look forward to watching the company grow in Tennessee,” Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam said. “In creating our economic development strategies last year, we found Tennessee held a unique advantage in the ‘business services’ cluster, which includes call centers, and this announcement exemplifies a promising future for our state’s economic growth.” [Read more]

A “Get To Know Agero” Job Fair Will Be in Clarksville January 17th-18th

January 13, 2012

Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development BoardClarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development Board will be hosting a “Get To Know Agero” event in Clarksville at the Hilton Garden Inn, 290 Alfred Thun Road (off exit 4 on I-24) on January 17th-18th, from 8:00am – 6:00pm.

[Read more]

Clarksville-Montgomery County Show Record Sales and Lodging Tax Receipts

October 26, 2011

Clarksville Area Chamber of CommerceClarksville, TN – Amid the troubled national economy, Clarksville-Montgomery County has been fortunate to have continued economic growth, as was seen in the latest release of local sales and lodging tax receipts.

James Chavez, President and CEO of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development Council (EDC), recently shared data to the investors of the Aspire Foundation that showed the ripple effect of the community’s comprehensive approach to economic development. [Read more]

State of the Art Facility Being Created by Jostens, Bringing Additional Jobs to Clarksville

April 27, 2011

Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development CouncilClarksville, TN – Minneapolis-based memory book and scholastic products corporation, Jostens, announced today that it will be establishing a new state of the art memory book facility in Clarksville-Montgomery County, TN. The announcement means an enhanced facility will be based at a new location in Clarksville-Montgomery County with the current facilities located on Highway 48 transitioning into this new location after the completion of the 2011 school year.

David Smith, Chairman of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development Council stated, “This announcement is a great example of the value the Economic Development Council, its partners, the Aspire Foundation and our two mayors place on constantly understanding the needs of existing industry and creating an incentives model that favors those who are already here and have a demonstrated commitment to this community.” [Read more]

Community leaders presented with economic development award

March 25, 2010

Executives from Business Facilities magazine visited Clarksville on Tuesday to present community leaders with the publication’s Silver Award for 2009 Economic Deal of the Year. The award was based on Hemlock Semiconductor’s decision to base their $2.5 billion polysilicon plant in Clarksville.

Business Facilities Magazine's Award Presentation

Business Facilities Magazine's Award Presentation

Ted Coene, co-president of Group C Media, the publisher of Business Facilities, and senior account executive Ben Nachsin were on hand to present the award to the Economic Development Council, represented by EDC Chairman Mark Holleman; the Industrial Development Board, represented by current Chairman Bryce Sanders and Past Chairman Sammy Stuard; Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers; and City Mayor Johnny Piper who was represented by City Councilman David Allen, due an unavoidable conflict. [Read more]

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