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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Art contest for Heritage Park Skate Park

September 11, 2018

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department has partnered with Porter Paints to once again host the Art on the Park contest.

This contest takes place every two years in an effort to beautify the Heritage Park Skate Park, deter graffiti and to showcase local art.

Heritage Park Skate Park Art Contest open to ages 12-18, 19-24, and 25 and up.

Heritage Park Skate Park Art Contest open to ages 12-18, 19-24, and 25 and up.

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Clarksville Riverfest has large turnout despite Weather

September 10, 2018

Clarksville RiverFestClarksville, TN – “In practical terms, this year’s Clarksville Riverfest was a success,” Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Rob Rayburn said. “We still had a great turnout, and though weather was a factor, the rain held off long enough for lots of folks to come out and enjoy some great music, food and fun.”

Weather was the big story at this year’s Riverfest, with delays on Friday and then an early wrap on Saturday, Rayburn and his team were forced to make some tough decisions.

This year's Riverfest was hindered by rain, which delayed Friday's events and forced organizers to cancel several of Saturday's scheduled performers, including headliner Sister Hazel.

This year’s Riverfest was hindered by rain, which delayed Friday’s events and forced organizers to cancel several of Saturday’s scheduled performers, including headliner Sister Hazel.

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Clarksville’s Riverfest Regatta a sure crowd pleaser

September 9, 2018

Clarksville RiverFestClarksville, TN – On Saturday, September 8th, the Clarksville Riverfest Regatta, also known at the cardboard boat races, took place at McGregor Park Boat Launch Area at 1:00pm. It was overcast, cool, with a steady down river wind.

Boats are constructed from cardboard and recycled materials and raced down the Cumberland River in a 100-yard dash. U.S. Bank was the sponsor of this year’s Riverfest Regatta. There were 10 entries and 9 took part in the races.

Clarksville Riverfest Regatta

Clarksville Riverfest Regatta

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Youth Basketball League open for registration

September 7, 2018

Clarksville Parks and Recreation

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Is your child interested in playing basketball this winter? The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is proud to offer a co-ed youth basketball league for boys and girls ages 7 to 15.

Volunteer coaches will work with children to improve individual skills in dribbling, passing, and shooting, while instilling values in teamwork and sportsmanship.

Boys and girls ages 7-15 are invited by Clarksville Parks and Recreation to join in the fun.

Boys and girls ages 7-15 are invited by Clarksville Parks and Recreation to join in the fun.

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Clarksville Riverfest celebrates 31st Anniversary

August 29, 2018

Clarksville Riverfest

Clarksville RiverFestClarksville, TN – Join the City of Clarksville and Miller Lite along the banks of the Cumberland River to celebrate Clarksville’s river heritage and the 31st anniversary of the annual Clarksville Riverfest Celebration, September 6th-8th, 2018.

This free, three-day music and arts festival features three stages of diverse local and nationally known entertainers and cultural groups, plus delicious food and fun for the entire family.

Chart-topping band Sister Hazel to hit the Miller Lite Stage Saturday, September 8th, 2018.

Chart-topping band Sister Hazel to hit the Miller Lite Stage Saturday, September 8th, 2018.

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City of Clarksville to open BCycle station at APSU

August 28, 2018

City of Clarksville

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville and Austin Peay State University are partnering to open a Clarksville BCycle station on campus and offer currently enrolled APSU students free annual bike-share memberships.

Thanks to an award-winning “Great Green Idea” by former SGA President Frank Burns, the support of the Student Government Association and the Sustainable Campus Fee Committee, a new station with 10 BCycles has been installed at the Foy Recreation Center.

Gleaming new BCycles, customized with special APSU graphics, stand ready for use at the new Clarksville BCycle station near APSU’s Foy Recreation Center. The station will be dedicated Thursday.

Gleaming new BCycles, customized with special APSU graphics, stand ready for use at the new Clarksville BCycle station near APSU’s Foy Recreation Center. The station will be dedicated Thursday.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation 2018 Fall/Winter Activity Guide now available

August 24, 2018

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The new 2018 Fall/Winter Clarksville Parks and Recreation Activity Guide is now available, offering details about scores of programs and events, a detailed map showing all 47 of the department’s parks, trails and facilities, and information about rentals for private functions.

The guide also offers information about 15 new events and programs from September to December in the City’s parks, recreation centers and indoor pool and includes information about current and upcoming park projects and improvements.

2018 Fall-Winter Clarksville Parks and Recreation Activity Guide

2018 Fall-Winter Clarksville Parks and Recreation Activity Guide

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Clarksville Downtown Market announces upcoming events

August 22, 2018

Clarksville Downtown Market

Clarksville Downtown MarketClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Downtown Market on Public Square a community favorite and shopping destination offers a variety of events.

Coordinated by Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, the festivities are free of charge and diverse, offering something for visitors of all ages looking to have a great time at one of Clarksville’s most treasured gathering places.

Some of the upcoming events include: Pop-Up Markets at McGregor Park, Paws for a Cause Dog Day, Market Scavenger Hunt and more.

Clarksville Downtown Market

Clarksville Downtown Market

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation repairing gate at King’s Run Bark Park at Liberty Park

August 20, 2018

Clarksville Parks and Recreation

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation says repairs are being made Monday, August 20th, 2018 to the gate at King’s Run Bark Park at Liberty Park, 1188 Cumberland Drive.

While repairs to the gate are underway, an attendant will be on site to check memberships and control access to the Bark Park, allowing registered users to resume exclusive use of the space with their dogs.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation has attendant onsite to control access while work continues on King’s Run Bark Park gate.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation has attendant onsite to control access while work continues on King’s Run Bark Park gate.

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Final Road to Riverfest concert of the series to be held August 25th

August 12, 2018

Clarksville Parks and Recreation

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Road to Riverfest, an outdoor concert series leading up to Clarksville’s award winning festival Riverfest, continues with the final show of the series from 6:00-9:00pm Saturday, August 25th with live music, food and beer at Liberty Park.

Liberty Park Music Series to offer Live Music, Food and Beverages.

Liberty Park Music Series to offer Live Music, Food and Beverages.

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