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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Registration under way for Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Youth Co-ed Baseball/Softball League

February 9, 2017

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Registration for the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Youth Baseball and Softball Recreation Leagues is under way.

Participants can register now through Monday, March 27th at any of our three recreation centers, the Clarksville Parks and Recreation office, as well as online at

Baseball [Read more]

Clarksville Parks and Recreation teams with Roxy Regional Theater for Father-Daughter Date Night

January 30, 2017

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation has partnered with The Roxy Regional Theater to bring their “Seussical The Musical” to this year’s Father-Daughter Date Night!

Fathers and their daughters are invited to the Wilma Rudolph Event Center on Saturday, April 1st from 5:30pm – 8:30pm to enjoy the dinner and a show followed by crafts, photo booth and dancing.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation's Father-Daughter Date Night to feature the Roxy Regional Theatre's “Seussical The Musical” Saturday, April 1st.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Father-Daughter Date Night to feature the Roxy Regional Theatre’s “Seussical The Musical” Saturday, April 1st.

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Howard’s Hope teams with Clarksville Parks and Recreation to provide Free Swim Lessons

January 22, 2017

Howard's HopeClarksville, TN Howard’s Hope has partnered with Clarksville Parks and Recreation to offer free swim lessons to Montgomery county children between the ages of 3 – 12 years old.

The Howard’s Hope “Flying Fish” program focuses on preventing juvenile drownings in Tennessee by funding swim lessons for children residing in economically disadvantaged households.

The funds for the Flying Fish program are provided by a grant from BlueCross BlueShield Tennessee Health Foundation and donations from private and corporate citizens throughout the United States.

Howard's Hope Offering Free Swim Lessons Coming to Clarksville

Howard’s Hope Offering Free Swim Lessons Coming to Clarksville

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Registration for Clarksville Parks and Recreation spring adult softball leagues begins this month

January 17, 2017

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Despite the wintery chill, Clarksville Parks and Recreation is gearing up for spring adult softball, with leagues open to men and women ages 18 and older.

An organizational meeting will start at 3:00pm on Saturday, January 21st at Burt-Cobb Recreation Center, and registration begins Monday, January 23rd. League participants — including coaches, sanctioning representatives, and umpires — are invited to attend.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation will begin accepting Spring Adult Softball League registrations Monday, January 23rd.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation will begin accepting Spring Adult Softball League registrations Monday, January 23rd.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation accepting applications for lifeguards in the New Year

January 11, 2017

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Parks and Recreation is now accepting applications for lifeguard positions for the 2017 summer swimming season.

Make this summer count! Earn $8.25 an hour, feel a sense of pride working in an important position, and make new friends amongst co-workers all while making a difference in your community.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation now hiring summer lifeguard positions [Read more]

No Gym Required: R.U.N. Provides Plenty of Ways to Meet Your Fitness Goals

January 5, 2017

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation has teamed up with Healthy Clarksville to offer a new walking + running program, R.U.N., designed to help you along the road of self-discovery and fitness.

This 16-week training program is structured to help beginners cross the finish line of your first 5K at Queen City Road Race on May 6th (which is optional) and to help more advanced runners beat your previous personal records and set new goals for yourself.

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Winter/Spring Clarksville Parks and Recreation Activity Guide now available

December 29, 2016

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – We’re ringing in the new year by releasing the new 2017 Winter/Spring Clarksville Parks and Recreation Activity Guide a little bit early.

The Activity Guide is full of over seventy-five different activities and special events occurring between the months of January and April in the City’s parks, recreation centers and indoor pool.

2017 January-April Clarksville Parks and Recreation Program Guide [Read more]

Queen City Road Race T-shirt contest for kids

December 24, 2016

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Calling all budding artists in grades 1st through 5th, Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Queen City Road Race T-shirt design contest is back and the best drawing will be featured on the official 2017 event t-shirt!

The Queen City Road Race, sponsored by Cumberland Bank and Trust, will take place Saturday, May 6th beginning at 8:00am at Austin Peay’s Fortera Stadium. The event will include a 5K, 10K, and One-Mile Walk/Run.

Queen City Road Race .

Queen City Road Race .

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Tickets on sale now for Clarksville’s fifth annual Chocolate Affair

December 20, 2016

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Join Clarksville Parks and Recreation for this year’s Chocolate Affair on Saturday, February 4th, 2017 at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center located at 1190 Cumberland Drive. The event will feature sweet and savory samples from over 20 local and national businesses.

2017 Chocolate Affair [Read more]

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.

This weeks highlights include: Christmas on the Cumberland, New Providence Pool, New Year’s Eve Splash and the Chocolate Affair.

Clarksville's Christmas on the Cumberland.

Clarksville’s Christmas on the Cumberland.

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