Clarksville Parks and Recreation to host “Let’s Just Dance” Teen Event at Burt-Cobb Recreation Center
July 14, 2016
Clarksville, TN – On July 22nd at 7:00pm, the Burt-Cobb Community Center, located at 1011 Franklin Street, will expand its offerings to the community by hosting a new teen event, “Let’s Just Dance.”
Teens, ages 13-17, are invited to come dance and party in a safe environment with friends from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
City of Clarksville celebrates Independence Day with a Blast
July 7, 2016
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville held the ninth annual Independence Day Celebration on Sunday, July 3rd, 2016 at Liberty Park and what a celebration it was. Featured were great music, good food, games. Just about something for everyone.
The “Ten Strings and Tom” trio kicked things off around 6:00pm. This band is named for the instruments in their band–six string guitar, four string bass, and a tom or one drum of a drum set. They performed songs by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix and others.
Paddle your way to fun at Rally on the Cumberland Canoe and Kayak Race
July 6, 2016
Clarksville, TN – Rally on the Cumberland is back for its fourth year and registration is underway! Clarksville Parks and Recreation will host the Canoe and Kayak Race on July 16th at Liberty Park, however participants must register by July 8th to compete.
The race will be held in heats beginning at 8:00am at the Montgomery County Conservation Club, located at 1182 Seven Mile Ferry Road, and finishing near Freedom Point in Liberty Park.
Registration is Underway for Clarksville’s Wonder Kids Triathlon
June 28, 2016
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation is excited to host the 4th Annual Wonder Kids Triathlon to be held Saturday, August 6th! This event is open to boys and girls ages 3-12 and will take place at the area surrounding New Providence Pool located at 168 Cunningham Lane.
Just like in a traditional triathlon, the Wonder Kids Triathlon athletes will participate in three legs of the event: swimming, biking and running.
City’s Independence Day Celebration takes place July 3rd
June 27, 2016
Clarksville, TN – City of Clarksville will celebrate our nation’s independence this year with the ninth annual Independence Day Celebration on Sunday, July 3rd, 2016 at Liberty Park. The event is free and open to the public.
Activities and music will begin at 6:00pm Seating is available throughout the park and the concerts will take place on the Great Lawn of the Wilma Rudolph Event Center. Concessions are for sale throughout the park.
Montgomery County Health Department encourages Healthy Eating at Clarksville Downtown Market
June 24, 2016
Clarksville, TN – On Saturday, June 18th, Clarksville Parks and Recreation held a Health and Fitness Day at the Clarksville Downtown Market. The Montgomery County Health Department had a booth and were giving out samples and the recipe for Citrusy Pico De Galio.
“A couple of times a year, Parks and Recreation invites us to come down to the Downtown Market and encourage healthy eating habits,” said Montgomery County Public Health Director Joey Smith.
The booth was so busy that they ran out of tortilla chips and had to go out for more.

Montgomery County Health Educator Megan Carroll was at the Clarksville Downtown Market this past Saturday handing out samples of freshly made Citrusy Pico De Galio.
Clarksville Police and Parks and Recreation strive to “Bridge the Gap” with Summer Night Lights program
June 21, 2016
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation is joining forces with the Clarksville Police Department to bring forth “Bridging the Gap” as a part of the Mayor’s Summer Night Lights program on Wednesday, June 22nd at the Kleeman Recreation Center.
The event will take place from 5:30pm to 9:00pm.
Clarksville Parks and Recreation now excepting Rally on the Cumberland registrations
June 18, 2016
Paddle your way to fun at Rally on the Cumberland Canoe and Kayak Race
Clarksville, TN – Rally on the Cumberland is back for its fourth year and registration is underway! Clarksville Parks and Recreation will host the Canoe and Kayak Race on July 16th at Liberty Park, however participants must register by July 8th to compete.
Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Movies in the Park features Guardians of the Galaxy Saturday, June 18th
June 16, 2016
Clarksville, TN – On Saturday, June 18th, Clarksville’s Movies in the Park, the city’s free, outdoor movie series will be showing the movie Guardians of the Galaxy (rated PG-13)!
This showing is at a new location – McGregor Park! The showings at McGregor Park, located at 640 North Riverside Drive, will take place at the North Extension (behind O’Charleys). The season will continue with the last five showings at Liberty Park, located at 1188 Cumberland Drive.
TWRA held their annual Youth Fishing Rodeo in Clarksville, Saturday
June 14, 2016
Clarksville, TN – Despite hot weather, 215 kids descended on the Liberty Park Saturday, June 11th for the annual Youth Fishing Rodeo held by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) in partnership with the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department. The event gives the youth of Clarksville an opportunity to enjoy a day of free fishing.
“Today is our annual free fishing day here with the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department. This is our 14th year of coming out and offering this event for kids 16 years and younger,” stated TWRA officer Jereme Odom.