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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Father-Daughter Date Night set for April 4th

March 12, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – A night that already promises to be super will be filled with even more wonder when a surprise superhero guest makes a special appearance at Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Father-Daughter Date Night.

The special guest is presented by Gateway Credit Union and is sure to be a hit with all the attendees.

“We’re so happy to have Gateway Credit Union on board and sponsoring our special guest,” said Maggie Houts, Event Planning Specialist with Clarksville Parks and Recreation.

Surprise Superhero planned for Clarksville Parks and Recreation's Father-Daughter Date Night.

Surprise Superhero planned for Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Father-Daughter Date Night.

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Clarksville’s First Thursday Art Walk to be held March 5th, 2020

March 5, 2020

First Thursday Art WalkClarksville, TN – Produced by The Downtown Clarksville Association, First Thursday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour spanning a 5-block radius that combines visual art, live music, engaging events and more in the heart of Downtown Clarksville.

With 10+ venues, bars and businesses participating each month, the First Thursday Art Walk in Clarksville is the ultimate opportunity to savor and support local creative talent.

First Thursday Art Walk in downtown Clarksville

First Thursday Art Walk in downtown Clarksville

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces Clarksville Film Festival Tickets on sale now

February 29, 2020

Clarksville Film FestivalClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Clarksville Film Festival kicked off Friday, February 21st, 2020 when 11 teams of filmmakers gathered at Liberty Park’s Freedom Point to hear the competition rules and select movie genres.

What happened next was 52 hours of scripting, filming, editing — and very little sleep — as teams raced to submit their films by the deadline.

Clarksville Film Festival's 11 films will be shown and awards presented at the Roxy Regional Theatre.

Clarksville Film Festival’s 11 films will be shown and awards presented at the Roxy Regional Theatre.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department introduces Aqua Zumba®

February 16, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Are you ready to heat up the pool during these cold months? Clarksville Parks and Recreation is introducing Aqua Zumba®! The program blends the Zumba® philosophy with water resistance to create a pool party you don’t want to miss!

“We’re hosting this launch party in hopes that there’s enough interest for a full program,” says Kimberly Gilbert, Aquatics Superintendent for Clarksville Parks and Recreation. “We know how popular Zumba® is, and it only gets better when you can be in a pool.”

Clarksville Parks and Recreation has Free launch party planned for Aqua Zumba® at New Providence Pool.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation has Free launch party planned for Aqua Zumba® at New Providence Pool.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces Surrender of Clarksville event to be held at Fort Defiance

February 11, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – On Saturday, February 22nd, 2020, the Fort Defiance Interpretive Center will be hosting a living history event from 10:00am to 3:00pm to commemorate the surrender of Fort Defiance to Union soldiers in 1862.

The surrender of Clarksville was a significant event in Civil War history, opening the South to Union forces and the capture of Nashville. Uniformed soldiers will provide living history and cannon firing demonstrations. Visitors are invited to tour the permanent exhibit and view the film, “Crossroads of Change.”

Surrender of Clarksville to feature Uniformed Soldiers provide Living History and Cannon Firing Demonstrations at Fort Defiance.

Surrender of Clarksville to feature Uniformed Soldiers provide Living History and Cannon Firing Demonstrations at Fort Defiance.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation accepting registration for New Adult Kickball League

February 8, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department announces a new co-ed adult kickball league and registration is open for interested teams.

“Kickball is a great way to socialize with friends while still getting a workout,” said Kaylie Doughty, Athletic Coordinator for Clarksville Parks and Recreation. “Everyone remembers playing kickball as a kid and it’s still just as fun as an adult.”

Team registration is open now through March 13th, 2020.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department's new adult kickball league open for registration. Co-ed competition is geared for fun and fitness.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department’s new adult kickball league open for registration. Co-ed competition is geared for fun and fitness.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s 50 Plus Games set for May 11th-16th

February 7, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting registration for the 50 plus games for adults 50 and up from now until May 4th, 2020.

This year’s events will be May 11th-16th at venues across Clarksville, including Crow Recreation Center, Swan Lake Sports Complex, Pinnacle Family Entertainment Center, Austin Peay State University Foy Center, Ajax Turner Senior Center, D&D Black Light Mini Golf and Rossview High School track.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation's 50 Plus Games return May 11th-16th. Active adults should register before April 17th for discount. [Read more]

Clarksville’s First Thursday Art Walk to be held February 6th, 2020

January 31, 2020

First Thursday Art WalkClarksville, TN – Produced by The Downtown Clarksville Association, First Thursday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour spanning a 5-block radius that combines visual art, live music, engaging events and more in the heart of Downtown Clarksville.

With 10+ venues, bars and businesses participating each month, the First Thursday Art Walk in Clarksville is the ultimate opportunity to savor and support local creative talent.

First Thursday Art Walk in Downtown Clarksville

First Thursday Art Walk in Downtown Clarksville

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation invites public to design workshop for inclusive playground

January 12, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is inviting citizens to participate in a two-day workshop on the design of a proposed new inclusive playground at the Clarksville Athletic Complex at Exit 8.

The workshop is from 6:00pm-7:30pm on January 16th at Freedom Point. The purpose is to show the community what inclusive play looks like and to gather ideas, thoughts and visions about how a new inclusive park could take shape in the Athletic Complex, which is in the design phase.

The goal is to formulate a path forward based on input from the community to create a playground for everyone to enjoy.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department workshop will brainstorm design of potential playground at Exit 8 Clarksville Athletic Complex.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department workshop will brainstorm design of potential playground at Exit 8 Clarksville Athletic Complex.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation seeks Filmmakers for Clarksville Film Festival

January 9, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Do you dream of being a Hollywood director? Do you have a talent for cinematography? Clarksville Parks and Recreation is looking for you and your team to compete in the Clarksville Film Festival, sponsored by CDE Lightband.

“We know Clarksville has some amazing artists and we’re really hoping to see their talents,” said Maggie Houts, Event Planning Specialist for Clarksville Parks and Recreation. “It doesn’t matter if you have the best gear or just your phone. We are looking for filmmakers who can create a captivating story in 52 hours or less.”

Clarksville Film Festival [Read more]

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