Austin Peay University Students conduct important Research on the Bats at Dunbar Cave
July 3, 2012
Clarksville, TN – On a muggy evening in late June, several Austin Peay State University graduate and undergraduate students hiked up to the mouth of Dunbar Cave in the hopes of finding a few bats.
The group brought with them a large Harp trap, consisting of a metal frame inset with rows of thin fishing line, and three high-frequency microphones and computerized recording units. After setting up their equipment, they sat in the cool dark of the cave opening and waited.

APSU graduate student Veronica Mullen and former APSU graduate student Josh Schulte prepare for a night of monitoring bats at Dunbar Cave.
Dunbar Cave State Park Events for July 1st through July 7th
June 29, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Human Sundial, Bats, Night Hike, Trees are Terrific, History of Dunbar Cave and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Park activities for June 24th through June 30th
June 21, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Bats, Night Hike, Cave Wonders, Insects, Nature Detectives and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for June 17th through June 23rd
June 14, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Bats, History of Dunbar Cave, Welcome Summer Hike, Nature Detectives, Frog Talk and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for June 11th through June 16th
June 9, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Bats, The Human Sundial, Cave Wonders, Frogs and Toads, Tree Identificaiton Hike and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for June 3rd through June 9th
June 3, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Un-Nature Hike, The Human Sundial, Bats Are Fun, Wildflower Walk, Acorn Extravaganza and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Park’s Annual Crawdad Hootenanny, May 19th
May 12, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Don your boots and join intrepid biologists Wooten & Withers for an aquatic excursion to a natural area best known for its historic cave. Dunbar Cave SNA is home to some of our most clever crayfish–the mudbugs, or burrowers.
Bring boots you don’t mind getting wet and gloves you don’t mind getting dirty. [Read more]
Schedule of Dunbar Cave’s Spring Fling Released
April 30, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The Friends of Dunbar Cave have finalized the schedule for this year’s Spring Fling slated to take place rain or shine on Saturday, May 5th.
Come out and enjoy a day of free, family fun. A bird hikes with the Warioto Audubon Society, wild flower hike led by APSU botanists and a trail hike led by Suva Batsin from our local chapter of the Tennessee trails Association.
Spring Fling at Dunbar Cave May 5th, Save the Date
April 24, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Saturday, May 5th, the Friends of Dunbar Cave
(FODC) are putting on their annual Spring Fling event. FODC is anticipating a good turnout and has planned lots of free activities for the whole family.
The group is still finalizing the schedule, but in past years, the Friends group has put on the following activities at Spring Fling.
Clarksville Officials Joe Pitts, Tim Barnes, and Kaye Jones Announce Greater Access to Dunbar Cave State Park
January 20, 2012
Electronic gate will especially help Soldiers, ROTC Students
Clarksville, TN – State Representative Joe Pitts (D-Clarksville), State Senator Tim Barnes (D-Clarksville) and Ward 11 City Councilwoman Kaye Jones announced this week that residents will have greater access to Dunbar Cave State Park thanks to an upgraded, automatic gate.
“I am grateful to the Department of Environment and Conversation, Tennessee State Parks, and the Dunbar Cave park staff for their help in making this state treasure more accessible,” Pitts said. “Our citizens now have an expanded opportunity to use the park.”