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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Austin Peay State University faculty, staff named for various accomplishments

December 9, 2011

Austin Peay State UniversityClarksville, TN – Several faculty and staff members as well as some students at Austin Peay State University have been recognized for their recent professional and scholarly activities.

Dr. Doris Davenport, professor of nursing, was nominated for the March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Award.

Dr. Sara Gotcher, associate professor of theatre and dance, helped to write and direct “Who’s Coming to Dinner?” for the Montgomery County Historical Society in October. On a separate note, she played the role of “Ophelia Owl” in the Clarksville Children’s Theatre production of “Animal Tales: Pumpkin vs. Pie” in October at Dunbar Cave State Park. [Read more]

A Sleepy Hollow Bonfire and Night Hike at Dunbar Cave

October 14, 2011

Written by Blayne Clements

Clarksville, TN – On friday, October 28th, the Friends of Dunbar Cave and the Clarksville Children’s Theater are sponsoring ” A Sleepy Hollow Bonfire and Night Hike.” The event is from 6:00pm-9:00pm.

Come join Ichabod Crane, as he guides you on a night hike while regaling your family with the Legend of Stingy Jack. Once at the mouth of Dunbar Cave, the Clarkville Children’s Theater will dramatize the Legend of the Headless Horsemman. Please bring flashlights for your family. All children must be accompanied by an adult. This is a family event, and not intended to be scary. [Read more]

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for August 25th through August 31st

August 23, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Childrens’ Theatre, Early Morning Nature Hike, Sinkholes, Eyes of the Night, Seeds and so much more!

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for August 18th through August 24th

August 16, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Whats’ in Swan Lake?, Nature Art, Bats And Cave Salamanders, Night Flight and so much more!

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Reptiliacs presents program at Dunbar Cave

August 12, 2011

Sandy, a Baja Gopher snake owned by Sherry and Donnie Howell

Sandy, a Baja Gopher snake owned by Sherry and Donnie Howell

Clarksville, TN – Reptiliacs will present a snake program on Saturday, August 13th, 2011, 1:00pm at Dunbar Cave.

This hands-on program will allow you to see and handle some of the harmless reptiles owned by Sherry Koontz-Howell and Donnie Howell of Reptiliacs. In addition to some of the more exotic reptiles such as a Burmese Python, Ball Python, Bearded Dragon, Giant African Pyxie Frog, etc., native species from Tennessee such as ratsnakes, cornsnakes and garter snakes will be presented.

Tank, a Giant African Pyxie Frog

All reptiles are non-venomous and the program provides an excellent opportunity to learn about habitats and care for these wonderful creatures as well as their role in the ecosystem.

This program is suitable for all ages and is free to the public.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for August 11th through August 17th

August 9, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Night Hike, Snake Tales, Birds, Butterflies and so much more!

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for August 5th through August 10th

August 4, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Frogs and Toads, Hunters of the Past, Junior Ranger Kickoff, Night Flight and so much more!

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“Cooling at the Cave” is Saturday, July 30th

July 26, 2011

Clarksville, TN – The weather is getting hotter, and the Friends of Dunbar Cave are gearing up to cool down!

Locals have always come to the mouth of Dunbar Cave in the dog days of summer to beat the heat. With a year round breeze of 56 degree blowing from the cave, the Friends of Dunbar Cave invite your family to enjoy Mother Nature’s air conditioning on July 30th from 3:00pm-5:00pm.

Cooling at the Cave

Cooling at the Cave

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for July 24th through July 31st

July 21, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Native American Artifacts, Nature Hike, Bats and Cave Salamanders, Childrens’ Theatre, Cooling at the Cave and so much more!

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Come see a special program on Dragonflies at Dunbar Cave

July 18, 2011

Clarksville, TN – Have you ever seen a Shadow Darner, Black Saddlebags, or Halloween Pennant at Dunbar Cave State Natural Area? You probably have, even if you didn’t know what it was. These are some of the Dragonflies that can be found at Dunbar Cave.

Dragonfly watching, like birdwatching, has become very popular with those interested in the natural world. Dragonflies can be seen just about anywhere, and are active even on the hottest days.

Blue Dasher Dragonfly

Blue Dasher Dragonfly

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