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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for July 17th through July 23rd

July 13, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Evening Critter Hike, History of Dunbar Cave, Geology of a Cave, Dragonfiles and so much more!

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for July 10th through July 16th

July 8, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Evening Trail Hike, Fossil Fun, Bugs Slugs and Other Uugs, Fun with Bats and so much more!

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Dunbar Cave State Park’s Cooling at the Cave

July 1, 2011

Written by Blayne Clements

Clarksville, TN – The weather is getting hotter, and the Friends of Dunbar Cave are gearing up to cool down!

Locals have always come to the mouth of Dunbar Cave in the dog days of summer to beat the heat. With a year round breeze of 56 degree blowing from the cave, the Friends of Dunbar Cave invite your family to enjoy Mother Nature’s air conditioning on July 30th 3:00pm-5:00pm. For those who need assistance, or just want a ride, a golf cart donated by the City of Clarksville Golf Pro Jeff Vaughn will be running from the parking lot to the cave entrance, and back.

A crowd of people at Cooling at the Cave listening to the Cumberland Winds Jazz Band

A crowd of people at Cooling at the Cave listening to the Cumberland Winds Jazz Band

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for July 1st through July 9th

June 30, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Evening Trail Hike, Eyes of the Night, Night Hike, Children’s Theatre, Fireflies and so much more!

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for June 19th through June 30th

June 16, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Evening Trail Hike, Beginning Birding, Children’s Theatre Craft Activity, Children’s Theatre, “Animal Tales” and so much more!

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for June 12th through June 18th

June 9, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Bats take Flight, Atlatl Demonstration, Night Hike and so much more!

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Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for June 3rd through June 11th

June 3, 2011

Clarksville, TNDunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.

Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.

Upcoming events include: Wildflower hike, History of Dunbar Cave, Atlatl Demonstration and so much more!

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Spring Fling at Dunbar Cave This Saturday

May 3, 2011

Dunbar Cave seen from across Swan LakeClarksville, TN – This Saturday, May 7th, the Friends of Dunbar Cave (FODC) are putting on their annual Spring Fling event. FODC is anticipating a good turnout and has planned lots of free activities for the whole family.

Readers may remember that last year Spring Fling was on the weekend of the historic flood. We are hoping that Mother Nature is more co-operative this year. But rain or shine, bring the family out for a good time!

Crowd watches Save Our American Raptors (SOAR)

Crowd watches Save Our American Raptors (SOAR)

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Friends of Dunbar Cave seeking volunteers for Earth Day activity

March 19, 2011

Trees to Trails at Dunbar CaveClarksville, TN – The Friends of Dunbar Cave invites the public to participate in its twelfth annual Mulching Day at Dunbar Cave State Natural Area.

This year the group will use the mulch made from discarded Christmas trees to refurbish the picnic area and the dividers in the parking lot as well as to cover the walking trails. This is a perfect Earth Day Activity and community service project. The mulch reduces soil runoff into the lake and cushions the trails for hikers. [Read more]

Friends of Dunbar Cave’s Twelfth Annual Trees to Trails

December 16, 2010

Trees to Trails at Dunbar CaveClarksville, TN – The Friends of Dunbar Cave Nature Area are gearing up for their twelfth annual Trees to Trails project. The first stage of the project is the collection of Christmas trees. Once decorations (including tinsel) have been taken off cut trees, members of the community are asked to drop them off at the park.

The designated drop-off pile is located in the corner of the parking lot, at intersection of Dunbar and Old Dunbar Cave Roads. The park is open daily 8:00am until sunset. Trees will be accepted through January 9th, 2011.

The second phase of the project is the shredding of the collected trees. The resulting mulch will be will be saved until early Spring and used to cover park pathways. Christmas trees are considered a good source of park mulch because they are free of vines and seeds from invasive plants. The mulch helps control erosion without introducing unwanted plants to the trails.

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