Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for August 29th and 31st
August 26, 2010
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Bygone Years, Snapping Turtles, and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for the week of August 22nd
August 19, 2010
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Un-Nature Hike, Make Your Own Windchime, Spinning Snakes, Children’s Theatre “Animal Tails” , Sunset Hike and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for the week of August 15th
August 12, 2010
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Tree Cookies, Critter Creations, Make Your Own Hummingbird Feeder, and so much more!
Children’s Theater Event at Dunbar Cave
August 11, 2010
The Children’s Theater of Austin Peay presented a wonderful, entertaining, eco-friendly program to an audience of sixty two visitors at Dunbar Cave State Natural Area On Saturday, July 24th.
This event began with a children’s art project, involving coloring and cutting out leaves and making frog hats, later used in the audience participation portions of the skits. Two skits, The Squirrel and the Acorn and The Caterpillar and the Frog, were acted out at the cool cave entrance.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for the week of August 8th
August 6, 2010
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Pine Cone Owl, Tree Identification Hike, Beginning Birding, Leaf Rubbin’, Flint and Steel, and so much more!
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for the week of August 1st
July 29, 2010
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Spinning Snakes, Reptiles!, Make Your Own Cave Art!, Fossils, Pine Cone Bird Feeder, Hoppers and Croakers, Insects, Butterfly Mobile, All About Bats, and so much more!
Dunbar Cave’s Cooling at the Cave is Saturday July 31st
July 26, 2010
Transportation via golf cart between the parking lot and the cave entrance will be available for those who need it, thanks to the kindness of the Jeff Vaughn and the City of Clarksville.
With the heat index passing 100 lately, it is perfect timing for the Friends of Dunbar Cave’s annual Cooling at the Cave event. Bring your family out Saturday, July 31, from 4pm to 6pm and enjoy sitting at the mouth of the cave, which stays at 58 degrees year round.
Sitting in the shade at the mouth of the cave is how locals cooled off before the cave was a designated State Natural Area. Folks would bring tables, chairs, and board games. Some would play instruments, while others danced. This is the atmosphere the Friends of Dunbar Cave recreate every year. [Read more]
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for the week of July 25th
July 22, 2010
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Mammal Mayhem, Full Moon Lunacy, Habitat: cave Entrance, Animal Tracking, Learn About Swan Lake, Blowgun Workshop, Frogs, and let’s not forget Cooling at the Cave and so much more!
What’s happening at Dunbar Cave?
July 17, 2010
Photos by Ruthann Cashner and Amy Wallace (passionflower, visitors/program)
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area — The cave, as you may know, has been closed since the beginning of November. We always close during the winter to let the bats hibernate in peace. Usually we would reopen in April, but this year a bat infected with White Nose Syndrome was found in March and the cave was closed indefinitely. We recently found out that even if this hadn’t happened, we still would not have been able to go into the cave after the first of May. We have at least a foot of mud in many of the passageways (at least those we could even get into, some were just too slippery to manage) that will take months to dry.
But we are doing a lot of other programs, which you can find listed in Discover Clarksville. In June we did 118 programs for 1,416 visitors, and we have 76 programs scheduled for July.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area Programs for the week of July 18th
July 16, 2010
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area has been a State Park since 1973. The cave and its surrounding 110 acres have considerable scenic, natural and historical significance. The entrance offered shelter to prehistoric Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years.
Dunbar Cave State Natural Area will present many nature programs this summer.
Upcoming events include: Insect Condos, Orienteering, Indian Pottery, Canoeing on Swan Lake, Children’s Theater Craft Activity Children, Special Program, Frogs and Toads, and so much more!