Fort Campbell Riding Stables “Turn & Burn” Speed Show Trophy Series
February 28, 2012
Fort Campbell, KY – The Fort Campbell Riding Stables will be holding a “Turn & Burn” Speed Show Trophy Series beginning on March 23rd. There will be eleven show date opportunities between March 23rd and October 26th. Registration will begin at 5:00pm and the show will start at 6:00pm.
If you would like to participate, there is a $25.00 blanket fee or $5.00 per class, $5.00 office fee, and $5.00 high point nomination fee. It’s free to the public to come and watch. [Read more]
Fort Campbell Riding Stables “Post & Coast” Open Show Trophy Series
February 27, 2012
Fort Campbell, KY – The Fort Campbell Riding Stables will be holding a “Post & Coast” Open Show Trophy Series beginning on March 24th. There will be eleven show date opportunities between March 24th and October 27th.
During the months of March through May, September and October, registration will begin at 9:00am and the show will start at 10:00am. During the months of June, July and August, registration will begin at 4:00pm and the show will start at 5:00pm. [Read more]
Crockett Policy Institute to Host Veterans and Jobs Forum at Austin Peay State University
February 23, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Lt Gen John Castellaw, a former Commanding General of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing and the President of the Crockett Policy Institute, will lead a “Jobs and Veterans” forum at Austin Peay State University, Monday, February 27th.
MG James McConville of Fort Campbell will be joined by State Commissioner of Veteran’s Affairs Many-Bears Grinder, former Deputy Commissioner of Workforce Development Bob Henningsen, and Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan on the panel. [Read more]
Fort Campbell Welcome Home Ceremony for the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade
February 21, 2012
Fort Campbell, KY – On February 20th, 2012, the 101st Airborne Division welcomed home 186 soldiers from the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade. The Brigade returns from a year deployment to Afghanistan. This was the last incoming flight for the 158th CAB.
With this flight, all Brigades of the 101st Airborne Division are safely back home.
“The Statues of Patriots Park” To Honor Soldiers Of Fort Campbell
February 17, 2012
Clarksville, TN – At a special called meeting of the Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Military Affairs (MAC) Committee on Thursday, Jim Durrett, Chamber Second Vice-Chairman, presented the concept for the “The Statues of Patriots Park” project.

Military Affairs Committee Chairman, Jeff Truitt and Chamber Second Vice-Chairman, Jim Durrett, present the “Statues of Patriots Park” project to a group of MAC members on Thursday morning.
Austin Peay State University to begin new Center for the Study of Military Life
February 1, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The College of Behavioral and Health Sciences at Austin Peay State University announce the creation of the Center for the Study of Military Life.
The purpose of this center is to support research activities that seek to develop a more in-depth understanding of all aspects of military life as they impact individual service members, military families and communities and nation.
APSU is positioned to sponsor such a center. The University has a long-standing relationship with the U.S. Army through the military installation at Fort Campbell, KY. [Read more]
Clarksville Officials Joe Pitts, Tim Barnes, and Kaye Jones Announce Greater Access to Dunbar Cave State Park
January 20, 2012
Electronic gate will especially help Soldiers, ROTC Students
Clarksville, TN – State Representative Joe Pitts (D-Clarksville), State Senator Tim Barnes (D-Clarksville) and Ward 11 City Councilwoman Kaye Jones announced this week that residents will have greater access to Dunbar Cave State Park thanks to an upgraded, automatic gate.
“I am grateful to the Department of Environment and Conversation, Tennessee State Parks, and the Dunbar Cave park staff for their help in making this state treasure more accessible,” Pitts said. “Our citizens now have an expanded opportunity to use the park.”

Hikers at Dunbar Cave State Park take a break in the cool breeze of the cave entrance early one morning.
Austin Peay State University faculty, staff named for various accomplishments
January 11, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Several faculty and staff members as well as some students at Austin Peay State University announce their recent professional and scholarly activities.
Dr. Tristan Denley, provost and vice president of academic affairs, was interviewed for a story in the December 11th, 2011, issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education about how educational data mining to customize student experiences and selections. His expertise in developing software that recommends courses based on a student’s major, academic record and other factors also was noted in the article. [Read more]
Crye-Leike welcomes Realtor Alison Cox to its Clarksville, Sango Branch Office
January 10, 2012
Former Math Teacher Has All Of The Right Answers For Her New Real Estate Clients
Clarksville, TN – After 15 years spent helping her math students find all of the right answers, Clarksville Realtor Alison M. Cox is ready to help her buyers and sellers find the right solutions to all of their real estate needs.
Alison recently obtained her real estate license and joined Crye-Leike, REALTORS in its Clarksville, Sango branch office. She was previously a high school math teacher at Rossview High School for the last four years.
“My previous experience as a math teacher will benefit me in numerous ways as an affiliate broker,” said Alison. “There is no one more difficult to sell than a math student. If I can help sell math students on listening in class, completing homework and successfully passing Algebra, I think real estate will be a great fit for me.” [Read more]
Austin Peay State University 2011 Distinguished Professor Award recipient to address 700-plus degree candidates
December 7, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University will send off 733 candidates for degrees during dual Fall Commencement ceremonies December 16th in the Dunn Center.
Dr. Bert Randall, professor of philosophy and the 2011 APSU National Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award recipient, will be the keynote speaker at both commencement events.
The faculty member who earns the Distinguished Professor Award in May serves as commencement speaker at APSU’s fall graduation.
Randall holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the university of Oklahoma. He has a B.S. in mathematics from Maryville College, a Master of Divinity in theology from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a Master of Arts. [Read more]