101st Airborne Division Band to perform Holiday Concert at the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library
December 5, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The 101st Airborne Division Band from Fort Campbell, KY will be performing in the atrium of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library at 6:00pm on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011.
This show will feature a “Rockin’” rendition of holiday music and other tunes for the whole family. This event is free and open to the public.
For further information contact Martha Hendricks, Interim Director, Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library 931.648.8826 x61402 or email at martha@clarksville.org
Austin Peay State University’s ROTC program celebrates 40 years
December 2, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Lt. Col. Robert Gordon, chair of the Austin Peay State University Department of Military Science and Leadership, presented Col. Paul Bontrager with a plaque honoring his service with the APSU Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Governors Guard Battalion December 1st.

Lt. Col. Robert Gordon (left) presents Col. Paul Bontrager with a plaque honoring his service. (Photo by Beth Liggett, APSU photographer)
Clarksville-Montgomery County Convention and Visitors Bureau will unveil New Welcome Center in 2012
December 1, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) will be opening the doors to their newly remodeled Welcome Center in early 2012. This will be the first update to the center, located at 180 Holiday Drive, in over 20 years.
“The much-needed remodel to the Welcome Center will be ready just in time to start serving the spring and summer tourism traffic that comes to the community. As tourism continues to grow, we knew it was time to move forward on improvements to not only the look, but the function of the center,” said Steve Stroman, Chairman of the CVB Board of Directors.
November First Thursday ArtWalk
November 28, 2011
Clarksville, TN – You’re invited to join the merchants of Historic Downtown Clarksville for The monthly Art Walk, on November 3rd, from 5:00pm–8:00pm.
Kendall Welsh from ARTifacts, sent us this information about November’s artistic extravaganza. Participating merchants include Ingredients, Edward’s Steakhouse, Couture Crush, ARTifacts, Fleur de leis, Hodgepodge, and many more. [Read more]
Austin Peay State University to celebrate 40-year anniversary of the ROTC
November 23, 2011
Clarksville, TN – In 1971, the U.S. Army established at Austin Peay State University the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) for recruiting, training and commissioning future Army officers.
In the 40 years since, hundreds of cadets have been commissioned at APSU as second lieutenants in the Army. The program also has earned the reputation as one of the nation’s finest, having won several awards for training and management performance standards. In addition, the program has been the best in the nation and had the top cadet in the nation in previous years. [Read more]
Operation Homefront Tennessee and Kentucky Chapter Prepares for 2011 “Holiday House” at Fort Campbell
November 21, 2011
Fort Campbell, KY – It is that time of year again! Operation Homefront Tennessee and Kentucky Chapter is preparing to help Military Families in need during the upcoming holiday season through their Holiday House. And you can help!
Holiday House is working to raise $10,000 in donations this season. We are 30% there, but need YOU to help us reach our goal and beyond! Your donation can be personal or corporate; in any amount.

Operation Homefront Tennessee and Kentucky Chapter prepared Easter baskets for young military families.
Hazelwood Principal to Head Up Newest Elementary School
November 17, 2011
Montgomery County, TN – A veteran of public education for 33 years, Hazelwood Elementary Principal Rosanne Sanford has been named principal at Carmel Elementary School, scheduled to open in August 2012.
She will begin her work as Carmel principal in January. The Hazelwood principal position will be posted on Friday.
Austin Peay State University to participate in joint Veterans Day program
November 2, 2011
Clarksville, TN – All U.S. veterans – including those fallen during war, prisoners of war and missing in action – will be honored during a joint Veterans Day ceremony on November 8th at Fort Campbell, KY.
Austin Peay State University is one of several postsecondary institutions participating in the program, which will be held at 11:00am, Tuesday, November 8th in the auditorium of the Glenn English Army Education Center. The event is free and open to the public. [Read more]
Fort Campbell Welcome Home Ceremony for 200 Soldiers
November 2, 2011
Fort Campbell, KY – On November 1st, 2011 around 4:45pm, 200 soldiers from the 584th Ordnance Maintenance Company part of the 101st Sustainment Brigade “Lifeliners” returned home to Fort Campbell KY. They were returning home from a 12-month deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom where their mission was to provide field maintenance within Regional Command-East as part of the 142nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion.
Col. Peterman assesses 101st Sustainment Brigade’s Deployment
October 30, 2011
Video by Sgt. 1st Class Peter Mayes
101st Sustainment Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (AA) Public Affairs
Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan – Col. Mike Peterman, commander, 101st Sustainment Brigade, from Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan talks to a military reporter about his assessment of the Brigade’s deployment winding down.