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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Currahee Soldiers

October 27, 2011

The CurraheesFort Campbell KY, 101st Airborne Division

Fort Campbell, KY – A video depicting the Soldiers of 4th Brigade Combat Team (Currahee), 101st Airborne Division during their most recent deployment to Afghanistan.

APSU at Fort Campbell to have Student Appreciation Day

October 26, 2011

Austin Peay State UniversityClarksville, TN – The Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell will hold a Student Appreciation Day from 11:30am-2:00pm, Thursday, October 27th in the Glenn English Education Center at Fort Campbell, KY.

The event is free and open to the public.

The University’s culinary arts program will provide refreshments, and door prizes will be given. Students are encouraged to attend to meet their academic department representative.

For more information, please call the Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell, 931.221.1400.

Currahee Fallen Heros

October 25, 2011

Video by Staff Sgt. Matthew Graham
4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

The CurraheesFort Campbell KY, 101st Airborne Division

Fort Campbell, KY – A short video highlighting the Fallen Heroes from the Currahee Brigade, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division and it’s most recent deployment.

We will never forget. Once a Currahee, always a Currahee.

190 Soldiers with the 129th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Returned To Fort Campbell

October 20, 2011

Fort Campbell, KY – Cool temperatures, Wind and Rain could not keep family and friends away Wednesday afternoon as 190 soldiers with the 129th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion returned to Campbell Army Airfield after a year long deployment to Afghanistan on October 19th.

Gateway to Stardom gets Reprieve

October 15, 2011

Gateway to StardomClarksville, TN – The Gateway to Stardom Talent Show that was rained out at Riverfest has been given a new performance date and venue.

On Saturday, October 22nd from 1:00pm to 7:00pm on Strawberry Alley, you will see all of the talent contestants vying for the $2,500 cash prize awarded by Daymar Institute. National Talent Scouts will be part of the judges for these talented young performers. [Read more]

APSU Extended Ed offers Fall Classes

October 2, 2011

Early Registration Discount on Selected Courses

Austin Peay State UniversityClarksville, TN – Develop a new skill, explore a new idea, learn a new language, or seek a new career with one of the fall classes from Austin Peay State University’s Center for Extended and Distance Education. Register early and receive a 10 percent discount on selected courses.

Preregistration is required for each course. [Read more]

Sara Crotts awarded $3,000.00 Blavatnik Family Foundation/ThanksUSA Scholarship

October 1, 2011

Miller-Motte Technical CollegeClarksville, TN – Miller-Motte Technical College® Respiratory Therapy Program student Sara Crotts has been selected to receive the Blavatnik Family Foundation/ThanksUSA Scholarship.

Mrs. Crotts is originally from Salem, VA and is now residing in Clarksville, TN., with her husband Spc. Karl Crotts who is stationed at Fort Campbell.

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Annual Pet Show at Dale Wayrynen Recreation Center

September 30, 2011

Morale, Welfare and RecreationFort Campbell, KY – Do you have a pet with a special talent or that can perform an unique trick? Maybe your pet is special for some other reason no one else would think of? Bring your pet to Dale Wayrynen Recreation Center (DW Rec.) on October 2nd and see if your pet’s tricks, size, personality, and uniqueness can win a prize.

Awards will be given for Best Treat Catcher, Pet Costume Contest, Most Unique Trick and Best Follower of Child Commands. Fun is sure to be had by all with door prizes, demonstrations, and show beginning at 2:00pm. [Read more]

1st Annual Psi Pi Chapter Golf Tournament

September 26, 2011

Psi Pi ChapterClarksville, TN – On Friday, September 30th, 2011, the 1st Annual Psi Pi Chapter Golf Tournament will be held at the Cole Park Golf Course Fort Campbell, KY. This event benefits the E. Hyburnia Williams Scholarship Fund.

This is a four man scramble “Best Ball” tournament played over 18 holes. All players will play from the blue tees. The cost is $75.00 per person or $300.00 per team. Mulligans can be purchased at $5.00 each.

1st Annual Psi Pi Chapter Golf Tournament

1st Annual Psi Pi Chapter Golf Tournament

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Oktoberfest and Family Event at Cole Park Commons

September 24, 2011

Morale, Welfare and RecreationFort Campbell, KY – Oktoberfest is a two-week festival held each year in Munich, Germany and has been held annually since 1810. It’s the world’s largest fair with more than 6 million people attending and has inspired hundreds of large and small Oktoberfest celebrations throughout the country.

This year, Fort Campbell will be joining the celebrations with our own Oktoberfest. On October 8th, from 12:00noon until 6:00pm, come out to Cole Park Commons and join in the fun. [Read more]

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