Unity Day
June 4, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Come out tonight and celebrate Unity Day with the Clarksville Area Churches at 1st Assembly of God Church on June 4th 2011 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.
Austin Peay State University athletics director and basketball coach Dave Loos, along with Maj. General John F. Campbell, the commanding general at Fort Campbell, and Pastor Wess Morgan, a contemporary recording artist, will receive the prestigious awards during the event along with several local pastors and non-profit organizations each of whom who strive to positively impact the Clarksville community.
Hosts Yolanda Stewart and Kevin Kennedy will return as the hosts for the 2011 Celebration of Unity Day that will be held at 1st Assembly of God Church located at 1186 Fort Campbell Blvd.
APSU’s Mickey Fisher Memorial Golf Tournament is July 9th at Fort Campbell’s Cole Park
June 3, 2011
Clarksville, TN – After having a successful inaugural event in 2010, the Mickey Fisher Memorial Golf Tournament will return this summer to raise money for scholarships.
The Mickey Fisher Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, July 9th at Cole Park at Fort Campbell, KY. The entry fee of $400.00 includes dinner, auction and scholarship presentation at 6:00pm, Friday, July 8th at the Bud Barn off Exit 19 on Interstate 24 and lunch from 12:00noon-1:00pm, Saturday at Cole Park. [Read more]
APSU College of Business forms new advisory board
June 2, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Students taking business, finance, accounting, economics or management classes next year at Austin Peay State University might notice a new spirit of entrepreneurship and service in their courses.
Thanks to the formation of the APSU College of Business Advisory Board, members of the new entity – themselves business and community members in Clarksville and Nashville – will help to develop the college’s faculty, offer or suggest internships to students, provide input on curriculum design, establish scholarships and other financial support, serve as guest speakers and assist in other ways. [Read more]
Greetings from Fort Campbell! Home of America’s Air Assault Division!
May 29, 2011
Written by John F. Campbell
Major General, US Army, Commanding
CSM Schroeder and I wanted to send a note to thank you for the support you provided to our Army Families and Soldiers here at Fort Campbell. Most of our Soldiers have returned from deployment, but many remain in harm’s way. We thank you in advance for the world-class support you and the communities surrounding Fort Campbell continue to provide them and their Families.
We have continuously been impressed with the level of support between Fort Campbell and the great surrounding communities including Clarksville, Hopkinsville, Oak Grove, and other areas in Middle Tennessee and Western Kentucky. Each of your communities does so much for our Soldiers and our Families which makes Fort Campbell such a desirable duty assignment for so many military Families. Upon our return from deployment, we felt we were truly coming home.

(Left to Right) Scott C. Schroeder, Command Sergeant Major, USA , Division Commander Sergeant Major and John F. Campbell, Major General, US Army, Commanding.
Clarksville Area Memorial Day Events
May 29, 2011
Written by the Women Veterans of America Chapter 20
Clarksville, TN – Three years after the Civil War ended, Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, head of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans, established May 30th as Decoration Day, a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. It is believed that date was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country.
Gen. Logan’s order for his posts to decorate graves in 1868 “with the choicest flowers of springtime” urged: “We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. … Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.”
Former Defense Secetary Donald Rumsfeld visits Fort Campbell for Book Signing
May 28, 2011
Fort Campbell, KY – Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visited Fort Campbell today to promote his new book “Known and Unknown” in a book signing held at the Fort Campbell Post Exchange.
Mr. Rumsfeld has been visiting military bases nationwide to promote the sale of his book which reached the #1spot on the New York Times Best Seller List. Proceeds from the sale of the books go to charities supporting those serving in the military and their families.
Donald Rumsfeld’s Book Signing at the Fort Campbell PX
May 27, 2011
Fort Campbell, KY – Former Defense Secetary Donald Rumsfeld visited Fort Campbell today to promote his new book “Known and Unknown” in a book signing held at the Fort Campbell Post Exchange.
Mr. Rumsfeld has been visiting military bases nationwide to promote the sale of his book which reached the #1 spot on the New York Times Best Seller List. Proceeds from the sale of the books go to charities supporting those serving in the military and their families.
BACH observes Memorial Day
May 26, 2011
Limited Services during Day of No Scheduled Activity (DONSA)
Fort Campbell, KY – In honor of the national observance of Memorial Day, Blanchfield Army Community Hospital (BACH) personnel will observe the federal holiday Monday, May 30th, therefore all clinics and pharmacies will be closed.
The Emergency and Urgent Care centers will remain open to provide acute and emergency medical care. [Read more]
Wounded Soldiers To Meet Craig Morgan
May 23, 2011
5 Combat Wounded to Get VIP Treatment at Craig Morgan Concert
Oak Grove, KY – Five Combat Wounded Soldiers from the Warrior Transition Unit on Fort Campbell have been invited to a meet and greet with country star, Craig Morgan, before his performance at the Viceroy Performing Arts Center in Oak Grove, KY on May 28th, 2011.
The soldiers were invited by the Oak Grove Tourism Commission to join the VIP meet and greet and enjoy VIP seating during the show. The Warrior Transition Unit selected the 5 soldiers who will receive the VIP treatment. The concert is part of Oak Grove Tourism’s 4th Annual Spring Into Summer festival which is free and open to the public.
Motorcyclists donate $18,600 to Fort Campbell Fisher House
May 22, 2011
Oak Grove, KY – Members of the Some Gave All organization, sponsored by the Kentucky Association of Mortgage Professionals, held a Motorcycle charity event to benefit the Fisher House Foundation which helps wounded soldiers and their families. Riders came from all over Kentucky to donate $18,600 to the Fort Campbell Fisher House Saturday May 21st at the War Memorial Walking Trail in Oak Grove, KY.
Members of Some Gave All raised money throughout the year and originally wrote the check for $17,000 but raised another $1,600 over the last week, bringing the total to $18,600.