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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Girl Scouts donate over 37,000 packages of cookies to Fort Campbell

March 20, 2017

Girl Scouts of Middle TennesseeNashville, TN – Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee (GSMIDTN) donated 37,444 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to Fort Campbell soldiers through its Gift of Caring program on March 17th. This donation amount was a 20.37% increase from last year’s gift.

Through Gift of Caring, Girl Scouts are able to show their appreciation for men and women in uniform or support those in need by giving them Girl Scout Cookies.

Girl Scouts with Fort Campbell soldiers on March 17th.

Girl Scouts with Fort Campbell soldiers on March 17th.

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Montgomery County Sheriff Deputies visit county classrooms for Read Across America

March 4, 2017

Special Forces Brotherhood Motorcycle ClubClarksville, TN – The Special Forces Brotherhood Motorcycle Club (SFBMC), a non-profit organization, comprised of active duty and retired Green Berets, hosts the Gold Star Memorial Concert to honor and raise funds for Special Forces Association, a charitable organization that support Gold Star Families.

This year’s concert features Confederate Railroad, Mary Shara (from the Voice), The Matt Poss Band and Odiss Kohn. The concert will be held at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center at Liberty Park. Doors will open at 3:30pm. Tickets in advance at $15.00 and $20.00 at the door.

Special Forces Brotherhood Motorcycle Club to hold Gold Star Memorial Concert May 19th, 2017 [Read more]

101st Airborne Division Band to perform Holiday Concert at Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library

December 12, 2016

Clarksville-Montgomery County Public LibraryClarksville, TN – The 101st Airborne Division Band from Fort Campbell, KY will be performing in the atrium of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library at 6:00pm on Tuesday, December 13th.

The show will feature several different types of musical groupings including a brass quintet and a jazz combo for an hour-long concert.

101st Airborne Division Band to hold Holiday Concert Tuesday at Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library. [Read more]

Clarksville Transit System receives New Paratransit Vehicles

December 8, 2016

Clarksville Transit System - CTSClarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Transit System (CTS) has received nine new paratransit vehicles. Funding was received for all nine vehicles through the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Grant Program.  The total funding received was $367,311.

These vehicles will average 110 trips per day and began to service the community on December 7th.

Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillans stands long side the new Clarksville Transit System Paratransit Vehicles.

Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillans stands long side the new Clarksville Transit System Paratransit Vehicles.

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Military and Veteran Graduate Recognition Ceremony December 7th for APSU Fall Graduates

December 3, 2016

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – Active duty military and veteran students graduating from Austin Peay State University in December will be honored with an APSU military coin and a special cord to wear with their commencement regalia.

The military and veteran graduate recognition and coin presentation ceremony, with the theme “All Hail to Those Who Serve,” is scheduled for 5:00pm, Wednesday, December 7th in the Mabry Concert Hall, located inside the Music/Mass Communication Building on the University campus. The event is open to the public.

APSU’s Military Coin.

APSU’s Military Coin.

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Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam appoints Eight to serve on Austin Peay State University Board of Trustees

October 12, 2016

APSU to Have Increased Autonomy with Local Governing Board

Tennessee Higher Education CommissionClarksville, TN – Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam has appointed eight individuals to the newly created institutional governing board at Austin Peay State University.

The purpose of the appointments is to give the University increased autonomy to support student success as the state continues its Drive to 55 Initiative. Austin Peay State University’s governing board is one of six to be appointed by the governor, a result of the governor’s FOCUS Act passed by the Tennessee General Assembly earlier this year.

The campus of Austin Peay State University. (APSU)

The campus of Austin Peay State University. (APSU)

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Fort Campbell Garrison Commander Colonel James R. Salome to speak at APSU’s Summer Commencement

August 2, 2016

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – Fort Campbell Garrison Commander Colonel James R. Salome will deliver the keynote address at Austin Peay State University’s 88th Summer Commencement on August 5th.

Salome took command of Fort Campbell on June 18th, 2015, after arriving from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he served as the Commander’s Initiatives Group director, U.S. Army Forces Command. Salome previously served with 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, as an operations officer.

Fort Campbell Garrison Commander Colonel James R. Salome

Fort Campbell Garrison Commander Colonel James R. Salome

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Clarksville’s James Moore and Sean Hogan take Viking Cruise in Norway and Scotland

July 26, 2016

TravelClarksville, TN – Supervisory Librarian, Robert F. Sink Memorial Library at Fort Campbell, James Moore and Special Collections Librarian, Felix G. Woodward Library, Austin Peay State University, Sean Hogan, are world travelers.

Each year they cruise to a different location and this June their travels took them on a Viking ocean cruise to both Norway and Scotland. Following are James’ enticing description of their tour and Sean’s exquisite photographs:

Parliament in Oslo, Norway. (Sean Hogan)

Parliament in Oslo, Norway. (Sean Hogan)

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Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) fills Administrator Positions

July 23, 2016

Clarksville-Montgomery County School System - CMCSSMontgomery County, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) has selected three candidates to fill administrator positions for the upcoming school year.

Current assistant principal, Scott Wainwright, has been appointed to serve as the principal of New Providence Middle School. Rossview Middle School teacher, Jenette Spurbeck, has been chosen as an assistant principal at Clarksville High School (CHS). Richview Middle School (RIMS) teacher, Lisa Courson, has been selected as an assistant principal at RIMS.

Clarksville-Montgomery County School System's administrators (Top: L to R) Scott Wainwright, Jenette Spurbeck, and Lisa Courson.

Clarksville-Montgomery County School System’s administrators (Top: L to R) Scott Wainwright, Jenette Spurbeck, and Lisa Courson.

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Austin Peay State University alum George Mabry to be inducted into inaugural class of ROTC Hall of Fame

June 3, 2016

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – U.S. Army ROTC cadets selected for the inaugural class of the Army ROTC Hall of Fame. More than 300 former cadets will be inducted into the Hall of Fame during a ceremony at Fort Knox, Kentucky on June 10th that will also celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Army ROTC program.

A 2000 graduate of Northeast High School (NEHS) in Clarksville, Gregory C. Mabry Jr. earned his Bachelor of Science in sociology from APSU in 2004.

Gregory C. Mabry Jr.

Gregory C. Mabry Jr.

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