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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Fort Campbell MWR and R.F. Sink Library Hosts Author Sue Freeman Culverhouse for Brunch and a Book

July 10, 2014

Fort Campbell's Morale, Welfare and Recreation - MWRFort Campbell, KY – Robert F. Sink Memorial Library is excited to announce that they will host a visiting author for Brunch and a Book in July. During the monthly Brunch gathering on July 15th at noon, Sue Freeman Culverhouse will discuss her recent book, Tennessee Literary Luminaries: From Cormac McCarthy to Robert Penn Warren.

Mrs. Culverhouse is the author of three books including Seven Keys to a Successful Life, To Cure Sometimes, To Comfort Always, and Tennessee Literary Luminaries.

Tennessee Literary Luminaries book by Sue Freeman Culverhouse

Tennessee Literary Luminaries book by Sue Freeman Culverhouse

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IDB announces Wally Crow as New Chairman

July 2, 2014

Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development BoardClarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development Board (IDB) is pleased to announce Wally Crow as the Chairman of the Board for the 2014-2015 term.

Crow is a contract employee with the Directorate of Public Works at Fort Campbell and the owner of Crow Engineering.

Wally Crow, IDB Chairman

Wally Crow, IDB Chairman

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Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce announces 2014-2015 Board

July 2, 2014

Clarksville Area Chamber of CommerceClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the 2014-2015 Chamber Board of Directors.

The Chamber elects new leadership each fiscal year, with the fiscal year running from July 1st, 2014 to June 30th, 2015.

Chamber Chairman, Jeff Truitt.

Chamber Chairman, Jeff Truitt.

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APSU now offering graduate degree in engineering technology

June 2, 2014

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – Earlier this year, the Tennessee Higher Education Commission approved a new graduate degree program at Austin Peay State University – a Master of Science in Engineering Technology.

The program, developed in response to the needs of industrial employers in this area, is currently accepting students for the Fall 2014 semester.

APSU Center at Fort Campbell.

APSU Center at Fort Campbell.

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Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 396 holds annual Memorial Day Candle Light Vigil

May 26, 2014

Clarksville, TN – It is a solemn occasion when a nation gathers together to honor its soldiers, those who lived to come home, but even more importantly those who did not. The body of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Lawrence Woods was buried in Arlington National Cemetery on March 21st of this year. There are 27 remaining missing POW/MIA’s from the State of Tennessee. Each one was honored in a ceremony held in front of the William O. Beach Civic Center at Veterans Plaza in Clarksville Tennessee on Sunday evening.

he Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 396 holds this Memorial Day Vigil each year to remember the men and women who were left behind in Vietnam when American forces left that country in 1975.

State Senator Mark Green delivering the keynote address at the 2014 Vietnam Veterans of America Candle Light VigilState Senator Mark Green delivering the keynote address

State Senator Mark Green delivering the keynote address at the 2014 Vietnam Veterans of America Candle Light Vigil

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Premier Medical Welcomes Dr. Patricia Keefe to their Group Practice

May 2, 2014

Premier Medical GroupClarksville, TN – Premier Medical Group is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Patricia Keefe to their general surgery department.

Dr. Keefe studied at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and earned her medical degree from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. She completed her general surgery residency at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Dr. Patricia Keefe

Dr. Patricia Keefe

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Fort Campbell’s 744th Ordnance Company Lends a Helping Hand to Friends of Dunbar Cave

April 7, 2014

Dunbar Cave State ParkClarksville, TN – In March, the 744th Ordnance Company (EOD) part of the 52 Ordnance Group (EOD) from Fort Campbell, along with members of the Tennessee Trails Association, volunteered over 50 man hours and removed 400 lbs. of cinder blocks, 300 lbs. of tires, 200 lbs. of metal and over 50 lbs. of trash. Platoon leader, Lt. Chris Weber stated, “We worked our butts off.” He added “Everyone had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves.”

Friends Group President, Lionel Senseney is grateful for the community’s effort to help the Friends Group and expand our park. “What an effort!” Lionel said, “Many thanks to everyone that is helping.”

A soldier from the 744th Ordnance Company lends a hand cleaning up the "Rather property"

A soldier from the 744th Ordnance Company lends a hand cleaning up the “Rather property”

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Clarksville’s American Red Cross Two Rivers Chapter to Host 3rd Annual Escoffier

March 19, 2014

Five Course French Cuisine Dinner to Benefit Local American Red Cross

American Red CrossClarksville, TN – The Two Rivers Chapter of the American Red Cross will be hosting the 3rd Annual Escoffier Dinner – The Art of French Cuisine, on Saturday, April 12th beginning at 6:00pm at The Looking Glass Restaurant located at 329 Warfield Boulevard Suite H, Clarksville, Tennessee.

Tickets are available for $100.00 per person and all proceeds will support the American Red Cross whether it’s responding to a disaster, teaching skills that can save a life, or assisting our military members and their families. Seating is limited. For more information, please call 931.645.6401. [Read more]

Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development Council announces Cal Wray as New Executive Director

February 27, 2014

Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development CouncilClarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County, Tennessee Economic Development Council (EDC) Executive Board is excited to announce they have received commitment from Cal Wray, 35, of Dublin, GA, to assume the reins as the Executive Director.

The EDC was established in 1996, and currently promotes economic growth and development of Clarksville-Montgomery County.

New EDC Executive Director Cal Wray.

New EDC Executive Director Cal Wray.

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Fort Campbell Federal Credit Union Achieves Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification

February 7, 2014

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification ProgramMontgomery County, TN – The latest business to complete requirements for Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification and host a Green Ribbon Cutting is Fort Campbell Federal Credit Union.

Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers, City of Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan, and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Melinda Shepard were there to congratulate the Credit Union employees for their certification.

Green Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Fort Campbell Federal Credit Union.

Green Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Fort Campbell Federal Credit Union.

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