Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee announces Phase Two of Statues of Patriot’s Park Initiative now underway
September 9, 2013
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee (MAC) is pleased to announce that Phase Two of the Statues of Patriot’s Park initiative is underway.
Clarksville Senior City Amateur to be held at Swan Lake Golf Course, August 3rd and 4th
July 27, 2013
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Senior City Am will be held on August 3rd and 4th at Swan Lake Golf Course and is open to males that are 50 years of age or older prior to August 7th, 2013.
Residents of Clarksville/Montgomery County, TN, active duty military personnel residing on post at Fort Campbell, or resident students at Austin Peay State University are eligible.

Greg Guinn hits a shot during the City Amateur Golf Championship. (Josh Vaughn – Clarksville Sports Network)
Fort Campbell retired military veteran opens Maui Wowi Hawaiian franchise in Clarksville
July 15, 2013
Greenwood Village, CO – The newest franchisee of Maui Wowi Hawaiian in Clarksville, Tennessee is beginning his “second life” after retiring from a 22 year career as a military police officer with the 501st Signal Battalion, 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, KY.
Transitioning from the structured Army lifestyle, Gary Cryder is going from one family to another as he begins his business and brings the Aloha lifestyle to his community.
Montgomery County names Franklin Mir as new Veterans Service Organization Director
July 10, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Mayor’s Office is pleased to announce that Franklin Mir has been selected as the new Veterans Service Organization director.
He has most recently served as a Human Resources Specialist for the Personnel Service Battalion, Fort Campbell, KY.
Mir holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Sacred Heart and a master’s degree from Murray State University.
Clarksville Events this weekend, June 28th-30th
June 28, 2013
Clarksville, TN – Looking for something to do this weekend in the Clarksville Montgomery County area? There are several events going on this for children, adults, friends and family.
Some of this weekends events include: The Marvelous Wonderettes playing at the Roxy Regional Theatre, Doggie Palooza at Heritage Park, Jazz on the Lawn, Movies in the Park showing “Lincoln” at Liberty Park and several more. Below is a complete list of upcoming events.

Clarksville Events this weekend include “The Marvelous Wonderettes” at the Roxy Theatre, “Lincoln” at Movies in the Park, “Joe Gibson” playing at Jazz on the Lawn and “Birds of Prey” at Dunbar Cave.
Go Commando Half Marathon & 5k Continues to Grow in 2013
June 25, 2013
Clarksville, TN – The Go Commando Half Marathon & 5k, powered by CDE Lightband, is back for a third year, bringing with it new activities and enhanced features. Runners will take to the streets of Historic Downtown Clarksville Saturday, October 19th, 2013.
But those interested in running are encouraged to register early online at, as the event is only open to the first 2,000 participants.
APSU’s Mickey Fisher Memorial Golf Tournament is July 12th-13th at Fort Campbell’s Cole Park
June 3, 2013
Clarksville, TN – Since having a successful inaugural event in 2010, the Mickey Fisher Memorial Golf Tournament has returned every summer to raise money for scholarships – and will do so again next month.
The Mickey Fisher Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Friday, July 12th and Saturday, July 13th at Cole Park at Fort Campbell, KY. The entry fee of $400.00 includes dinner, auction and scholarship presentation at 6:00pm, Friday, July 12th at the Bud Barn off Exit 19 on Interstate 24 and lunch at noon both days at Cole Park.

Mary Fisher (left), widow of Mickey Fisher, taught Alexis Eldridge, the recipient of the 2012-13 Mickey Fisher Memorial Scholarship. (Photo by Beth Liggett, APSU photographer)
Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial Day Candle Light Vigil
May 28, 2013
Clarksville, TN – It is a solemn occasion when a nation gathers together to honor its soldiers, those who lived to come home, but even more importantly those who did not. No remains were returned during the previous year, that leaves 30 remaining missing POW/MIA’s from the State of Tennessee. Each one was honored in a ceremony held in front of the William O. Beach Civic Center at Veterans Plaza in Clarksville Tennessee on Sunday evening.
The Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 396 holds this Memorial Day Vigil each year to remember the men and women who were left behind in Vietnam when American forces left that country in 1975.

Colonel (Ret) Tom Denney addressing the crowd at the 2013 Vietnam Veterans of America Candle Light Vigil in Montgomery County on Sunday
Austin Peay State University History Professor Dr. Sheena Harris teaches classes in Honduras
May 15, 2013
Clarksville, TN – The Soto Cano Air Base sits at the bottom of the Comayagua Valley in the Central American nation of Honduras. It’s home to about 500 U.S. Army soldiers, and this past January, a handful of them gathered inside a small wood hut with a sheet metal roof.
The building served as a classroom for the first “on-the-ground” college courses offered at the remote base, and Dr. Sheena Harris, Austin Peay State University assistant professor of history, traveled all the way from Clarksville to teach the new classes.
APSU Veterans Upward Bound now enrolling
May 8, 2013
Clarksville, TN – Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) at Austin Peay State University is now enrolling veterans for free COMPASS test preparation and college prep classes.
The program is free and assists veterans with the transition to higher education. VUB offers refresher courses in mathematics, English, reading and computer literacy as well as seminars on time management and study skills. [Read more]