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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Movies in the Park returns May 28th

April 18, 2022

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department announces the return of Movies in the Park, presented by Kyrstin Frate of Keller Williams Realty. The popular event series is set to feature a movie each month at dusk from May through September. 

The event will alternate between Liberty Park Amphitheater and Heritage Park Softball Field throughout the season.

Movies in the Park

Movies in the Park

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Clarksville Greenway popularity creating Parking Problems

May 28, 2020

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – With warm weather increasing use of the Clarksville Greenway, the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is asking visitors to respect parking guidelines while enjoying the outdoors.

Parking at Pollard Road Trailhead is limited and parking on the roadway is not permitted. Vehicles parked on the roadway obstruct traffic and could delay emergency or medical personnel response time and prevent nearby property owners from moving farm equipment.

Clarksville Greenway at Mary’s Oak trailhead.

Clarksville Greenway at Mary’s Oak trailhead.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation Art on the Park entries now being excepted

May 26, 2020

Winning artwork will be painted at Heritage Park Skate Park

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation is seeking talented artists who want to see their work on public display to compete in the biannual Art on the Park contest sponsored by PPG Paints.

The contest has three age brackets, 12-18, 19-24, and 25 and up. Participants are competing for the chance to paint their work on a wall chosen by Clarksville Parks and Recreation at the Heritage Park Skate Park. Each winner will receive a $25.00 gift card, and all winning artwork will be featured on social media and other advertisements in the future.

2020 Art on the Park contest [Read more]

Clarksville Parks and Recreation now forming Spring Adult Softball leagues

December 31, 2019

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is gearing up for spring adult softball with leagues open to men and women ages 18 and older.

League play takes place at Heritage Park Softball Complex, 1241 Peachers Mill Road. Games will be weekly and include the following leagues: Men’s, True Co-Ed (equal men and women), Men’s 45 & over, Co-Ed (at least two women) and Women’s.

To ensure your team gets a spot in the league, a team registration fee of $100.00 is due by February 14th.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation now accepting Spring Adult Softball League registrations.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation now accepting Spring Adult Softball League registrations.

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Clarksville’s Movies in the Park to show “Black Panther” this Saturday

July 8, 2019

Clarksville's Movies in the ParkClarksville, TN – On Saturday, July 13th, 2019, the City of Clarksville’s free outdoor movie series Movies in the Park will continue its 14th season with the showing of “Black Panther” at the Heritage Park soccer fields.

Pre-show activities, coordinated by the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, will begin at 6:30pm and include a ping pong cannon firing demonstration by Austin Peay’s Bryan Gaither, lab manager for the Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy. Watch as plastic balls are fired more than 700 mph through cans, plywood and maybe even some fruit.

"Black Panther" playing this Saturday at Movies in the Park.

“Black Panther” playing this Saturday at Movies in the Park.

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Clarksville’s Movies in the Park to show “Aquaman” this Saturday

June 26, 2019

Clarksville's Movies in the ParkClarksville, TN – This Saturday, June 29th, 2019, Movies in the Park will feature “Aquaman” at Heritage Park. In it’s 14th season, Movies in the Parks is the City of Clarksville’s free, outdoor movie series.

Pre-show activities, coordinated by the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, will begin at 6:30pm and include walking on water with Austin Peay State University’s College of STEM and experiencing breathing underwater with Waterdogs Scuba and Safety.

"Aquaman" playing this Saturday at Movies in the Park.

“Aquaman” playing this Saturday at Movies in the Park.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces Youth Baseball, Softball clinics at Heritage Park

June 25, 2019

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation will be holding youth baseball and softball clinics for kids ages 3-14 at Heritage Park.

Baseball and softball clinics meet weekly from 6:00pm to 8:00pm July 22nd to August 12th at Heritage Park Baseball Complex, 1241 Peachers Mill Road.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation's Youth Baseball and Softball clinics registration deadline for four-week sessions is July 15th.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Youth Baseball and Softball clinics registration deadline for four-week sessions is July 15th.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation accepting registration for Fall Adult Softball Leagues

June 19, 2019

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is currently taking registrations for fall adult softball with leagues open to men and women 18 and older.

League play begins the week of August 11th at Heritage Park Softball Complex, 1241 Peachers Mill Road.

Heritage Park registration deadline is July 8th for Clarksville Parks and Recreation Fall Adult Softball Leagues.

Heritage Park registration deadline is July 8th for Clarksville Parks and Recreation Fall Adult Softball Leagues.

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Movies in the Park to show Beauty and the Beast” June 8th

June 7, 2019

Clarksville’s Heritage Park will host free Movie Screening, Vendors, and Fun.

Clarksville's Movies in the ParkClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreations free outdoor movie series Movies in the Park to be held this Saturday, June 8th, 2019 with the showing of “Beauty and the Beast” at Heritage Park located at 1241 Peachers Mill Road.

Pre-show activities, coordinated by the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, will begin at 6:30pm and include a demonstration using liquid nitrogen by Austin Peay State University’s College of STEM.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation's Movies in the Park continues this Saturday.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Movies in the Park continues this Saturday.

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APSU to provide science demonstrations at Clarksville’s Movies in the Park

May 21, 2019

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – Mr. Incredible and his super-suit wearing colleague Frozone could learn a trick or two this Saturday from Austin Peay State University (APSU) scientists and students at Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Movies in the Park.

Austin Peay scientists will crush two sealed steel drums at Movies in the Park on May 25th. (APSU)

Austin Peay scientists will crush two sealed steel drums at Movies in the Park on May 25th. (APSU)

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