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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Clarksville Parks and Recreation forming Spring Adult Softball Leagues

January 23, 2018

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation is gearing up for spring adult softball, offering leagues for men and women ages 18 and older.

Team registration is available for these leagues: Sunday (Men’s), Monday (Over 45), Tuesday (True Co-Ed), Wednesday (Men’s), Thursday (Women’s) and Friday (Church Co-Ed).

Spring Adult Softball League registrations now being excepted by Clarksville Parks and Recreation.

Spring Adult Softball League registrations now being excepted by Clarksville Parks and Recreation.

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Movies in the Park to feature APSU PeayClipse talk on “Telling Time and Telling Tales: Eclipses in Ancient Greece”

July 5, 2017

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – As part of the ongoing PeayClipse lecture series, Austin Peay State University faculty members Tim and Mary Winters will present a talk titled, “Telling Time and Telling Tales: Eclipses in Ancient Greece,” at 7:00pm on July 15th, 2017 during the city of Clarksville’s Movies in the Park Series, at Heritage Park.

They will talk before that evening’s featured film, “Finding Dory.”

APSU PeayCLIPSE [Read more]

Movies in the Park continues June 10 with free showing of ‘Moana’

June 6, 2017

Movies in the Park - Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – Movies in the Park, the City of Clarksville’s free, outdoor movie series continues on Saturday, June 10th, 2017 with the showing of Disney’s “Moana” at Heritage Park, 1241 Peachers Mill Road.

Pre-show activities, coordinated by the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, will begin at 6:30pm.

Movies in the Parks to show Disney's "Moana" Saturday, June 10th at Heritage Park.

Movies in the Parks to show Disney’s “Moana” Saturday, June 10th at Heritage Park.

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Clarksville hosted Weekend Sporting Events Bring 8,300 people, $3.2 Million to Local Economy

May 22, 2017

Visit Clarksville TennesseeClarksville, TN – Visit Clarksville welcomed two major events this weekend that, combined, pumped over $3.2 million into the local economy.

The Tennessee Middle School Athletic Association (TMSAA) Track & Field State Championships brought some 2,520 visitors, including 600 athletes, who competed at Austin Peay State University’s Fortera Stadium for top medals in discus throw, high jump, long jump, shot put along with multiple track events.

The Tennessee Middle School Athletic Association (TMSAA) Track & Field State Championships were held at APSU’s Fortera Stadium on Saturday. Pictured here are Discus Throw, Shot Put and the High Jump.

The Tennessee Middle School Athletic Association (TMSAA) Track & Field State Championships were held at APSU’s Fortera Stadium on Saturday. Pictured here are Discus Throw, Shot Put and the High Jump.

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Movies in the Park returns May 27th

May 18, 2017

Movies in the Park - Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – Movies in the Park, the City of Clarksville’s free, outdoor movie series, will celebrate its 12th season as it kicks off on Saturday, May 27th at Heritage Park, 1241 Peachers Mill Road, with the showing of “Finding Dory.”

Pre-show activities, coordinated by the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, will begin at 6:30pm.

2017 Movies in the Parks kicks off May 27th with "Finding Dory" at Heritage Park.

2017 Movies in the Parks kicks off May 27th with “Finding Dory” at Heritage Park.

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Local Foundry Casts Replica Cannon for Clarksville Rotary’s 100th Anniversary

May 11, 2017

Clarksville FoundryClarksville, TN – Clarksville Foundry is one of the oldest continuously operating foundries in the United States. The foundry’s origins predate the Civil War, having first opened in 1847.

While the family owned and operated foundry today casts component parts for a variety of industries, it once manufactured cannons and munitions for the Confederate States of America (1861-1862).

Clarksville Foundry cast the barrel and carriage of the replica Model 1841 6-Pounder Field Gun entirely in-house, which required 47 castings and 23 additional fabricated components. Clarksville Rotary Club commissioned the cannon in honor of its 100th Anniversary this month, and the cannon will be unveiled Friday in a ceremony on the Montgomery County Courthouse grounds. (Greg Williamson)

Clarksville Foundry cast the barrel and carriage of the replica Model 1841 6-Pounder Field Gun entirely in-house, which required 47 castings and 23 additional fabricated components. Clarksville Rotary Club commissioned the cannon in honor of its 100th Anniversary this month, and the cannon will be unveiled Friday in a ceremony on the Montgomery County Courthouse grounds. (Greg Williamson)

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation hosts event series for dog-lovers

May 8, 2017

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation is excited to host Fun with Fido, a free event series for you and your four-legged family member.

The season will kick-off at Heritage Park Bark Park, 1241 Peacher’s Mill Road. Join us from noon to 2:00pm Saturday, May 13th for a tail-waggin’ good time of contests, prizes and dog-related vendors.

Clarksville Parks and Recreation - Fun with Fido [Read more]

Work under way on section of Red River Trail

April 22, 2017

City of Clarksville uses state grants to continue Greenway

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – Construction has begun on a another downtown section of the Clarksville Greenway, which ultimately will create a 10-mile hiking-and-biking trail connection between the City’s core and Heritage Park in Northeast Clarksville.

The latest section is known as the River Trail Red River Section and extends north along the Red River from the RiverWalk in McGregor Park to the Highway 41A bridge at Providence Boulevard.

In this enhanced map, the River Trail Section is shown as the shaded area on the north side of the Red River.

In this enhanced map, the River Trail Section is shown as the shaded area on the north side of the Red River.

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Movies in the Park is Back Again

April 10, 2017

Movies in the Park - Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Movies in the Park, the city’s free, outdoor movie series, will celebrate its 12th season as it kicks off on Saturday, May 27th with the showing of Finding Dory (G) at Heritage Park!

The season begins with the first two showings at Heritage Park, 1241 Peachers Mill Road, followed by the next two showings at McGregor Park’s North Extension (behind O’Charley’s), 640 North Riverside Drive.

2017 Movies in the Parks kicks off May 27th with "Finding Dory" at Heritage Park.

2017 Movies in the Parks kicks off May 27th with “Finding Dory” at Heritage Park.

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Registration under way for Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s Youth Co-ed Baseball/Softball League

February 9, 2017

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – Registration for the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Youth Baseball and Softball Recreation Leagues is under way.

Participants can register now through Monday, March 27th at any of our three recreation centers, the Clarksville Parks and Recreation office, as well as online at

Baseball [Read more]

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