Central Civitan 5k to be held at Historic Collinsville, October 5th
August 9, 2019
Southside, TN – On Saturday, October 5th, 2019, the Central Civitan Club will hold the Central Civitan 5k at the Historic Collinsville Pioneer Settlement.
The 5k will start at 8:30am. Registration, walking or running, is $35.00 for adults and $25.00 for children 2-18. Price includes a t-shirt and goodie bag.
“This will be the first one we have sponsored at Historic Collinsville,” said Margaret Adames, Central Civitan. “We are looking forward to having a great experience there.”
Artists Invited to Show Work at Collinsville Artisan Fair
August 1, 2019
Clarksville, TN – On Saturday, October 5th, 2019, Historic Collinsville Pioneer Settlement is hosting a one-day Artisan Fair from 10:00am to 2:00pm as part of Tennessee Craft Week (October 4th-13th).
Artists and craftspeople are invited to bring a table to show and sell their work. They are looking for artists and craftspeople who work with jewelry, pottery, fabric, metal, photography, paints, wood—any material that showcases artistic and hand-crafted products.
Southside Summer Nights concert to feature Queen City Committee, July 26th
July 12, 2019
Southside Summer Nights July Concert Tickets Available for Buy-One-Get-One
Clarksville, TN – On Friday, July 26th, 2019, the Southside Summer Nights concert will feature Queen City Committee. Buy-One-Get-One advance purchase tickets are now available for the event.
Purchase online tickets to the Historic Collinsville Pioneer Settlement event at EventBrite.com to receive special Buy-One-Get-One-Free pricing.

Queen City Committee to play at Southside Summer Nights concert at Historic Collinsville Pioneer Settlement, July 26th.
Central Civitan held their annual BBQ Chicken Dinner fundraiser, Saturday
May 1, 2019
Cunningham, TN – It was overcast and looked like rain this past Saturday, April 27th for the Central Civitan annual BBQ Chicken Dinner fundraiser. The rain held off and it turned into a great day for the event.
“It looked like it might rain at first, but it didn’t. It was a nice cool day for our fundraiser,” stated Larry Pitts with Central Civitan.
The dinners were take home only and included a 1/2 chicken, with baked beans, slaw, and a beverage. Each adult plate was just $8.00. Pick up was at the Central Civitan building located between Hwy 13 and Alonzo Place in Cunningham, TN.
Historic Collinsville kicks off 2019 with Spring Homecoming, Easter Extravaganza
April 25, 2019
Southside, TN – Historic Collinsville opened its 2019 season last weekend with a series of Easter Egg hunts for kids ages 0 -12.
Located just outside Clarksville, near the community of Southside, Historic Collinsville is a recreated village/living history museum that offers visitors a glimpse into mid 19th century life.

Historic Collinsville opened its 2019 season April 20th, with Easter Egg hunts for the kids and lots of history and fun for the entire family.
Historic Collinsville Opens 2019 Season April 20 with Spring Homecoming and Easter Extravaganza
March 26, 2019
Historic Collinsville
Clarksville, TN – Historic Collinsville opens for the 2019 season on Saturday, April 20th with its annual Spring Homecoming. This year, the pioneer settlement is also hosting an Easter Extravaganza with egg hunts and prizes for ages 1-12.
A Candlelight Christmas Returns to Historic Collinsville
December 6, 2018
Historic Collinsville
Clarksville, TN – Historic Collinsville will host Candlelight Christmas tours December 14th-15th, 2018 for the first time in 15 years.
During the two evenings from 4:00pm-8:00pm, docents will take guests on guided tours of the pioneer settlement. Each home and structure will be donned with holiday décor appropriate for the 1830s – 1870s era. Guests will also enjoy music and a fireside Christmas story.
Historic Collinsville Celebrates Fall Pilgrimage on October 20th
October 15, 2018
Historic Collinsville
Clarksville, TN – Historic Collinsville celebrates all things Fall with its annual Fall Pilgrimage on Saturday, October 20th, 2018, from 10:00am–4:00pm.
Throughout the day guests will experience spinners, weavers, children’s games, hayrides, pumpkins, make-and-take crafts, craft vendors, food and live bluegrass music.

Historic Collinsville’s Visitor Center welcomes and introduces guests to a by-gone era. (Terry Minton)
AHDC honors four Clarksvillians for their work in advancing arts, heritage in our community
November 16, 2017
Clarksville, TN – Four Clarksvillians were recently honored by the Clarksville/Montgomery County Arts and Heritage Development Council for their achievements in art and in preserving our heritage.
Cindy Marsh, professor emerita of art at Austin Peay State University, and graphic designer Mike Fink received the Lifetime Achievement in Art award, and local historians Rosalind Kurita and Carolyn Stier Ferrell received the Lifetime Achievement in Heritage award.
Historic Collinsville to hold 20th Spring Homecoming, May 21st
May 7, 2016
Southside, TN – Historic Collinsville is celebrating 20 years. You are invited to the 20th Spring Homecoming at the 40 acre, authentic frontier settlement that features 18 restored log structures. Come enjoy hands on pioneer activities and open houses in the 1842 and 1870 homes.
The event will take place Saturday, May 21st from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Admission is free!