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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Native Cultural Circle Presents Books to CMCSS

August 18, 2017

Clarksville Montgomery County School System (CMCSS)Montgomery County, TN – Clarksville’s Native Cultural Circle presented books to Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) Middle Schools Friday, August 18th, 2017.

The books feature Native American Stories and Environmental Activities.

Native American Books

Native American Books

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Clarksville’s Native American Cultural Circle to host 19th Annual Intertribal Powwow at Port Royal

September 26, 2016

 Native Cultural CircleClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Native Cultural Circle is proud to present the 19th Annual Intertribal Powwow and 10th Annual Trail of Tears Memorial Walk! All drums and the public are welcome!

The Intertribal Powwow will be held October 8th and 9th on the Powwow grounds located just outside of Port Royal State Park in Adams, TN.

19th Annual Intertribal Powwow to be held October 8th and 9th at Port Royal State Park.

19th Annual Intertribal Powwow to be held October 8th and 9th at Port Royal State Park.

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Clarksville’s Native American Cultural Circle to hold 18th Annual Intertribal Powwow at Port Royal October 10th and 11th

October 6, 2015

Clarksville, TN – The Native Cultural Circle (NCC) of Clarksville will be holding their 18th annual Intertribal Powwow on October 10th and 11th; the festivities begin around 9:00am on Saturday, and 10:00am on Sunday. The Grand Entry that officially opens each day begins around Noon. Come out and take part in a two day celebration of Native American Culture and traditions.

Native American Fancy Shawl Dancers

Native American Fancy Shawl Dancers

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2013 Inter-tribal Powwow Celebrated Native Cultures

October 18, 2013

The Native American Cultural Circle of Clarksville held their 16th annual Inter-Tribal Powwow at the powwow grounds located just across from the Port Royal State Park site last weekend.

Area Native Americans, community supporters, and dancers from across the nation gathered together to celebrate their heritage. The event is open to the community and several hundred people took part throughout the two-day event.

The 7th Annual Trail of Teals Memorial Walk

The 7th Annual Trail of Teals Memorial Walk

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Come out and experience another culture right in your back yard with the NCC Powwow

October 9, 2010

Clarksville, TN – The Native Cultural Circle (NCC) of Clarksville will be holding their 13th annual Intertribal Powwow on October 9th and 10th; the festivities begin around 9:00am on Saturday, and 10:00am on Sunday. The Grand Entry that officially opens each day begins around Noon. Come out and take part in a two day celebration of Native American Culture and traditions. [Read more]

Cold wet weather could not drown out the spirit at the 2009 NCC Intertribal Powwow

October 13, 2009

ncclogoThe Native Cultural Circle closed out their 12th Annual Intertribal Powwow Sunday. The Powwow showcases the culture, heritage, and traditions of all Native Americans. The Powwow opened Saturday morning with the third annual Trail of Tears Memorial Walk.

The walk remembers the plight of the Native Americans forced from their ancestral homes to the Indian territory in what became the State of Oklahoma. Diary records of the removal mentioned Port Royal, the last stop before leaving Tennessee, as an encampment site where the Cherokee stayed to re-supply, grind corn and rest. Hundreds of Cherokee died during their trip west, and thousands more perished as a consequence of relocation.

The third annual Trail of Tears Memorial Walk

The third annual Trail of Tears Memorial Walk

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