City of Clarksville restores Arlington monument stones
July 18, 2017
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville has completed restoration of the Arlington Hotel monument on Second Street, thanks to the Montgomery County Historical Society and an anonymous donor.
The stone monument commemorates the Arlington Hotel, a three-story brick building that stood on the site from 1887 until it was razed in 1973. The City’s Cumberland Place Parking Plaza garage was built on the site in 1992.

City of Clarksville, donor, Montgomery County Historical Society collaborate on project to restore Arlington monument stones.
Montgomery County unveals Emergency Notification App
August 26, 2015
Montgomery County, TN – Montgomery County Government is pleased to announce the release of an emergency notification app for iOS devices. The app, MCGTNotify, is free to download and is currently available for those with Apple devices.
MCGTNotify will be an immediate source for local emergency notifications. It also includes a county departmental directory, the Sheriff’s Office booking log and the daily court docket – available right at your fingertips!
New Information Systems Director Announced
May 25, 2011
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Mayor’s Office is pleased to announce that Kurt Bryant has been selected as director of Information Systems. Kurt most recently served as a Networking Contractor for Metro Nashville Schools, Nashville, Tennessee following a 30-year career with IBM. He brings almost 35 years of experience in the technology arena to Montgomery County Government.
Kurt is a graduate of Clarksville High School and holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee.