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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

AHDC invites public to awards reception for 2Rivers Plein Air Paint-Out

October 13, 2016

Clarksville Arts and Heritage Development CouncilClarksville, TN – On Friday and Saturday, October 21st and 22nd, artists from around Middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky will arrive in Clarksville to paint the city in the third annual 2Rivers Plein Air Paint-Out.

Clarksvillians are invited to a reception and exhibition of work produced through the weekend at the L & N Train Station, on Saturday October 22nd, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. They may also purchase fresh, original work featuring scenes of their favorite Clarksville landscapes, painted en plein air.

2Rivers Plein Air Paint-Out

2Rivers Plein Air Paint-Out

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Montgomery County Farmers’ Market Alive and Well at L&N Train Station

August 19, 2016

Montgomery County Farmers Market at L&N Train StationClarksville, TN – The Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Farmers’ Market at L&N Train Station at 189 Tenth Street in Clarksville features local farmers and fresh produce three times a week. Fresh tomatoes–both red and green– plus black-eyed peas, turnip greens, green beans, pepper–both sweet and hot–and all kinds of other vegetables and fruits abound.

In addition, you can find canned jellies, jams, relishes, sauerkraut, and vegetables and crocheted items. Open 7:00am to 1:00pm, the official name is the L&N Montgomery County Farmers’ Market.

L&N Montgomery County Farmers’ Market

L&N Montgomery County Farmers’ Market

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Clarksville’s First Thursday Art Walk scheduled for November 6th, 2014

November 4, 2014

First Thursday Art WalkClarksville, TN – Produced by the Downtown Clarksville Association, First Thursday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour spanning a 5-block radius that combines visual art, live music, engaging events and more in the heart of Downtown Clarksville.

With 10+ venues, bars and businesses participating each month, the First Thursday Art Walk in Clarksville is the ultimate opportunity to savor and support local creative talent.

First Thursday Art Walk in downtown Clarksville scheduled for July 3rd.

First Thursday Art Walk in downtown Clarksville scheduled for July 3rd.

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2014 Cultural Calendars Now Available through Clarksville-Montgomery County Arts and Heritage Development Council

November 13, 2013

Clarksville Arts and Heritage Development CouncilClarksville, TN – The 2014 Cultural Calendar, produced by the Clarksville-Montgomery County Arts and Heritage Development Council, is now available online and at several local shops.

Each month of the calendar features an original work by a local artist, depicting a scene in Montgomery County, along with highlights of arts and heritage activities planned by community organizations for that month.

2013 Arts and Heritage Cultural Calendar

2013 Arts and Heritage Cultural Calendar

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Montgomery County Historical Society to present “Journey of Discovery” Saturday, September 28th

September 24, 2013

Montgomery County Historical SocietyClarksville, TN – On Saturday, September 28th, 2013, the Montgomery County Historical Society will present “Journey of Discovery” from 9:00am until 1:00pm.

Have fun and discover fascinating facts about our city. You will receive clues to take you to significant sites for Clarksville, TN. Be the first to visit all the clued places for a chance to win one of the many prizes.

The L&N Train Station

The L&N Train Station

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Clarksville’s First Thursday Art Walk to be held September 5th

September 3, 2013

Clarksville's First Thursday Art WalkClarksville, TN – Produced by The Downtown Clarksville Association, First Thursday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour spanning a 5-block radius that combines visual art, live music, engaging events and more in the heart of Downtown Clarksville.

With 10+ venues, bars and businesses participating each month, the First Thursday Art Walk in Clarksville is the ultimate opportunity to savor and support local creative talent.

September Art Walk To Be Held on September 5th
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Clarksville Arts and Heritage 2013 Cultural Calendar makes Perfect Stocking Stuffer

November 28, 2012

Clarksville Arts and Heritage Development CouncilClarksville, TN – Just in time for the holidays, the Clarksville Arts and Heritage Development Council is offering the perfect stocking stuffer — its 2013 Cultural Calendar.

This year’s wall calendar features the work of local artists Monica Dahl, Paula Baggett Edwards, Leah Foote, Rob Franklin, Bob Gandy, Alan Goldstein, Jim Hancock, Mary Hoffpauir, Lisa Kemmer, Judy Morgan, Patsy Sharpe, David E. Smith, Cliff Whittaker and Rita Woodward.

2013 Cultural Calendar

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The 2011 Chevrolet Fireball Run Adventurally visited Clarksville Tennessee

October 1, 2011

2011 Fireball Run AdventurallyClarksville, TN – The 2011 Chevrolet Fireball Run Adventurally Southern Excursion made their scheduled stop in Clarksville, Tennessee, Thursday afternoon, and left out early on Friday morning on the final leg of their 2500 mile journey. The 2011 Chevrolet Fireball Run Adventurally began on September 24th on Florida’s Space Coast and concludes today in the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The 2011 locations included Melbourne and Jacksonville FL, Savannah, Atlanta and Peachtree City GA, Charleston, SC, Knoxville, Crossville and Clarksville TN, Scottsville, KY, Anniston AL, and Gulfport MS.

Participants this year included NASCAR legend Geoff Bodine, NASA Shuttle Astronaut Winston Scott, Actor/Activist Kevyn Major Howard along with 40 other teams driving everything from Bentley’s and Camaro’s. Of special note was the 9/11 Pentagon Car which commemorates the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, it is inscribed with the names of the people who died on Flight 77; and the Officer Down car which honors the officers who swore to protect and serve, and did so even at the cost of their lives. Also participating was the DeLorean “Time Car” from Back to the Future, Transformers Bumblebee, and one of the police cars used in the Andy Griffith TV series.

City Council Woman Kaye Jones fires the starting pistol as Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan waves the flag kicking off the next leg of the 2011 Chevrolet Fireball Run Adventurally

City Council Woman Kaye Jones fires the starting pistol as Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan waves the flag kicking off the next leg of the 2011 Chevrolet Fireball Run Adventurally

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May’s First Thursday ArtWalk

May 3, 2011

Written by Kendall Welsh

downtown-logoClarksville, TN – You’re invited to join the merchants of Historic Downtown Clarksville for the monthly Art Walk, which will be held this month on May 5th from 5:00pm – 8:00pm. Kendall Welsh from ARTifacts sent us this information about May’s artistic extravaganza.

Participating merchants include ARTifacts Emporium, The Framemaker, Hodgepodge, the L&N Train Station, The Peg Harvill Gallery in the Roxy Regional Theatre, and Rogates Boutique.

Participating artists include Susan Bryant, Lisa Cook, Monica Quatrrochio, Nikki Romero, Rebecca Sower, Bob Williams, Leigh Averitt-Nepurud, Jennifer Ford, Miranda Herrick, Clare Coyle Taylor, Bettye Shely Holte, Konrad Hack, Rhonda Taylor and Eunice Kern. [Read more]

Clarksville Architectural Heritage Tour Features Treasures in Our Midst

August 2, 2010

Whose backyard was reported to have a small plane crash when a new work of art was installed? What local church outgrew its beautiful Gothic sanctuary and renovated its gymnasium into the present-day area of worship? What local home now for sale was the previous residence of the ticket agent for the train station in the early 1900s? What local museum may be named in a Viet Nam era protest song?

If you had been a participant on Day 2 of the Architectural Heritage Tour, you’d know the answers to these questions.

The second day of the Architectural Heritage Tour, part of the Sixth Annual Clarksville Writer’s Conference, presented eight locations that tell more tales of Clarksville history. An additional six members of the Clarksville community joined the previous participants on a bus tour never to be forgotten for its variety and beauty (in addition to that of the ladies on the bus!).

The bus was packed for Day 2 of the Architectural Heritage Bus Tour

The bus was packed for Day 2 of the Architectural Heritage Bus Tour

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