Clarksville Riverfest Tour d’Art Winners
September 8, 2013
Clarksville, TN – Every year, Clarksville’s Riverfest Tour d’Art exhibits feature the talents from artists across the Clarksville-Montgomery County area.
There are three divisions; the Senior (Downtown Artists Co-op), the High School (Customs House Museum) and the Amateur and Professional Divisions (Smith-Trahern Mansion).
After hundreds of artists had their works of art on display at various locations in downtown Clarksville, then judged by artist Dane Carder, winners were awarded at the Tour d’Art Receptions, Friday, September 6th, 2013. [Read more]
APSU Spring Salon Series to explore music, art and language with Malcolm Glass April 2nd
March 22, 2013
Clarksville, TN – Malcolm Glass, the local award-winning poet and Austin Peay State University emeritus professor of English, can’t seem to keep his creative side in check. A few years ago, he took up photography and created dazzling images that were displayed around town and in Nashville.
Then, in the spring of 2011, he decided to give drawing a go. That’s when he enrolled in APSU art professor Billy Renkl’s Drawing IV class at the University.
Downtown Clarksville’s First Thursday ArtWalk June 7th
June 2, 2012
Written Kendall Welsh
Clarksville, TN – The Downtown Clarksville Association invites you join us on Thursday, June 7th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm to celebrate local artists. This is a free event that takes place at shops along Public Square, Strawberry Alley, Main Street, Second Street and Franklin Street.
Participating merchants include: Hodgepodge, The Framemaker, Ingredients and more!
Visit with artists, Mitzi Cross, Malcolm Glass, Monica O’Neill, Kristina Waters and others. [Read more]
Original William Stafford “The Land Between the Rivers” Poem discovered in APSU Woodward Library
May 23, 2012
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN – On a Wednesday morning in April, Kentucky journalist and author Carol Niswonger was busy combing through the archives at Austin Peay State University’s Woodward Library, conducting research for her new book on Land Between The Lakes, when she discovered something a bit unusual. Tucked away in a thin, manila folder was a short, hand-written poem titled “The Land Between the Rivers.”
“When I started to read it, I said, ‘that’s it perfectly,’” Niswonger said. “The poem, it epitomized the feelings of that area. It had such an emotional attachment to the land and the surroundings. I thought the poet was someone who lived there.”
The Clarksville art scene is alive and thriving at Riverfest
September 15, 2010
A former resident of the Boston and Washington, D.C. areas, I have been fortunate to see some great artworks in my life. I’ve also witnessed the recent “Emperor’s New Clothes” variety (otherwise called “modern art” by some). My feelings towards some of the obscenities fostered on the public in recent years as “art” cannot be printed in this format. One only has to walk through the National Art Gallery where the display is chronological to see how talent somehow was replaced with publicity stunts to see how some artists have sold their souls to pure unadulterated “selling a bill of goods to the unsuspecting” to see what I mean.
Poet Malcolm Glass at the APSU Spring Salon Series
May 23, 2010
The APSU Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts and the Downtown Artists Cooperative co-hosted a Spring Salon that featured poet Malcolm Glass who presented “Poetry’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed: A Reading with Commentary,”at the Montgomery County Library, 350 Pageant Lane, Suite 501, Clarksville on Monday, May 17th, at 5:30 pm.
Poet Glass to read at Spring Salon Event
May 14, 2010
The Austin Peay State University Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts continues its popular Spring Salon Series next week with a reading and lecture by local poet Malcolm Glass.
“Poetry’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed: A Reading with Commentary” begins at 5:30 pm on Monday, May 17th at the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library. The title of this month’s event might be a little playful, but who better to attempt to “reveal” the secrets of poetry than Glass. [Read more]