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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Manna Café to open Emergency Warming Shelter Thursday, November 13th

November 12, 2014

Manna Café MinistriesClarksville, TN – Manna Café Ministries will open its emergency warming shelter on Thursday, November 13th, 2014, at the TMS Contracting building (635 Frosty Morn Drive) at 4:00pm.

The shelter will remain open until Tuesday, November 18th, at noon. (Closing date is subject to change depending on weather.) [Read more]

Tree of Life Center becomes Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

November 8, 2014

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification ProgramMontgomery County, TN – The latest business to earn Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified and host a Green Ribbon Cutting is the Tree of Life Center.

Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett, City of Clarksville Chief of Staff Bill Harpel, standing in for Clarksville Mayor McMillan, and Chamber of Commerce Director Melinda Shepard were there to congratulate the owner and employees for their work.

Clarksville Montgomery County Green ribbon cutting ceremony for Tree of Life Center.

Clarksville Montgomery County Green ribbon cutting ceremony for Tree of Life Center.

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Manna Café Hosts Pirate Fest this Friday

October 8, 2014

Manna Café MinistriesClarksville, TN – Manna Café Ministries’ third annual Pirate Fest and Chili Cook-Off is taking place this Friday, October 10th.

Sponsored by Clarksville Lighting and Appliance, this event will run from 4:00pm–10:00pm on Public Square and will feature all-you-can-eat chili, live music from favorite local artists, a KidZone just for children, costume and chili cook-off prizes, and more. [Read more]

Manna Café to host 3rd Annual Pirate Fest October 10th

August 21, 2014

Manna Café MinistriesClarksville, TN – Manna Café Ministries is excited to announce the third annual Pirate Fest and Chili Cook-Off on October 10th, 2014.

They are inviting local businesses and organizations to become T-shirt sponsors, and chili cook-off teams to take part in the competition. To sign up or make inquiries, please contact [Read more]

2014 Mayor’s Summer Night Lights program ends with a scholarship announcement

August 1, 2014

Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – The 2014 Mayor’s Summer Night Lights program concluded on July 30 with a great gift for one lucky person.

Julia Dorsett was awarded a scholarship to attend Real Estate School by Summer Night Lights sponsor, Clarksville Real Estate Education School.

Julia Dorsett after being presented with her Scholarship

Julia Dorsett after being presented with her Scholarship

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Manna Café hosting Color Me Cool this Saturday, August 2nd

July 30, 2014

Manna Café MinistriesClarksville, TN – The Color Me Cool Art Show and Ice Cream Festival—a groovy summer shindig with a hippie-dippy twist—is just around the corner!

Sponsored by Clarksville Fencing and Forefront Solutions, this Manna Café event will take place at 635 Frosty Morn Drive on Saturday, August 2nd from noon until 8:00pm.

Color Me Cool this Saturday, August 2nd [Read more]

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for July 13th, 2014

July 13, 2014

Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.

This weeks highlights include: Clarksville’s Wonder Kids Triathlon Registration Deadline, Mayor’s Summer Night Lights program, Liberty Live! concert, and Consumers Pledge Support for the Clarksville Downtown Market.

2nd Annual Wonder Kids Triathlon, August 2nd [Read more]

Manna Café to host Color Me Cool Event, August 2nd

June 18, 2014

Manna Café MinistriesClarksville, TN – Mark your calendars for the Color Me Cool Art Show and Ice Cream Festival—a groovy summer shindig with a hippie-dippy twist! Sponsored by Clarksville Fencing and Forefront Solutions, this Manna Café event will take place at 635 Frosty Morn Drive on Saturday, August 2nd from noon until 8:00pm. [Read more]

Manna Café to host Mobile Pantry at Fellowship Church, June 13th

June 5, 2014

Manna Café MinistriesClarksville, TN – Manna Café Ministries will conduct a Mobile Pantry on Friday, June 13th at Fellowship Church, 2201 Peacher’s Mill Road, starting at 10:00am.

Please note that the location of this Pantry has been changed from a previously announced site. At this event, Manna Café will be giving away food to anyone in the community needing assistance with groceries.

Manna Café Ministries’ mobile kitchen.

Manna Café Ministries’ mobile kitchen.

[Read more]

Manna Café to host “Grits N Gravy” Fundraiser June 19th

June 2, 2014

Manna Café MinistriesClarksville, TN – Manna Café Ministries is holding “Grits and Gravy,” a fundraiser breakfast sponsored by Align MD and Riverview Inn, on June 19th from 7:00am to 9:00am at Riverview Inn (50 College Street).

Guest speakers will include Tennessee State Senator Mark Green and State Representative Joe Pitts. [Read more]

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