Madeline Haller named next Principal for Rossview Elementary School
May 8, 2012
Montgomery County, TN – Clarksville Montgomery County School Systems Director Mike Harris has appointed Madeline Haller as the next principal for Rossview Elementary School.
She will replace Paula Ford who is retiring this year.
It’s Not Too Late To Join the Fun!
November 13, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Let your daughter be a part of something amazing. Girls grades kindergarten through twelfth participate in Girl Scouts by joining a troop, participating in occasional events or trips, going to summer camp, or doing it all.
If you are eighteen or older, don’t worry, we won’t leave you out of the fun. Many opportunities await the adults who want to ensure that girls grow into confident young women. [Read more]
Northeast Elementary Principal Appointment Announced
June 20, 2011
Montgomery County, TN – Gina Biter has been named principal of Northeast Elementary School for the upcoming school year.
Mrs. Biter has been with the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System since 1989 as a teacher, assistant principal and as principal of St. Bethlehem Elementary for the past three years. She also served in administrative roles at Minglewood and Norman Smith during her tenure.
Summer Youth Program Continues, Filling Up Quickly
June 18, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department’s Summer Youth Program continues and openings at the various sites are filling up quickly!
The West Creek, Caldwell Lane, Minglewood, Barksdale, Hazelwood, St. Bethlehem, Kleeman Center, Crow Center and New Providence sites have met their registration capacities.
Summer Youth Program Under Way, Filling Up Quickly
June 10, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department’s Summer Youth Program is under way and openings at the various sites are filling up quickly! The Barksdale, Hazelwood, St. Bethlehem, Kleeman Center and Crow Center sites have met their registration capacities.
Summer Youth Program to begin June 6th
May 20, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Summer Youth Program will begin June 6th with the opening of program sites and will end July 15th.
The Summer Youth Program is a six-week day camp-type program that is offered each summer to youths, ages 6-16. Gyms at various locations are staffed with directors and assistants, who will help with playtime activities and provide free, instructional classes such as dance and karate.
Annual Science Fair A Big Success For Students
April 5, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Department of Electricity is proud to be a part of another very successful science fair for Clarksville-Montgomery County students. CDE and Austin Peay State University have co-sponsor the Montgomery County Science Fair each year since it began in 1993.
CMCSS Kindergarten Roundups Announced
March 16, 2011
Montgomery County, TN – Kindergarten roundups in CMCSS give parents and guardians the opportunity to learn more about the kindergarten experience as their children begin their academic journey.
Children who attend also will receive a complimentary backpack filled with learning activities for the summer before starting school. The backpacks are provided by the CMC Education Foundation thanks to sponsors Valerie Hunter-Kelly of Keller-Williams Realtors and Clarksville Pediatric Dentistry.
[Read more]
Banking is Elementary with US Bank’s School Program
November 24, 2010
Clarksville, TN – US Bank’s commitment to local schools as a Partner in Education has resulted in helping elementary students operate their own school banks.
Currently there are five active school banks at the following schools: Cumberland Heights, East Montgomery, Hazelwood, St Bethlehem, and Minglewood. Past partnerships included Sango, Burt and Moore as well.
CMCSS announces Assistant Principals
May 19, 2010
The following assistant principal appointments are being announced for the 2010-11 school year
Moore Magnet Assistant Principal Madeline Haller will be at Minglewood Elementary, replacing Kim Smith, who has been named principal at Moore Magnet Elementary School.
Haller joined CMCSS in September when Emily Vaughn was named principal at Sango Elementary. Previously, Haller served as principal of Barkley Elementary at Fort Campbell. Haller holds an M.S. in administration and supervision from Austin Peay State University and a B.S. In biology from Arizona State University. Among her honors, she was selected Kentucky District Assistant Principal of the Year in 2004, and she graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Master’s program at Austin Peay.