106th annual Lone Oak Picnic brought out the Cunningham Community Saturday, as well as the Candidates
July 31, 2014
Cunningham, TN – The Central Civitan Club held the 106th Annual Lone Oak Picnic on Saturday, July 27th, 2014 at the Central Civitan Building located on Alonzo Place. The picnic started at 10:00am and continued until 3:00pm.
The Civitan Club prepared 4 whole hogs, 30 shoulders and 300 chicken halves for the event. There was also ice cream, coke products and water available. It is estimated that just over 500 people turned out Saturday.
Montgomery Central High School Cheerleaders to hold Car Wash Saturday, May 31st
May 30, 2014
Clarksville, TN – On Saturday, May 31st, the Montgomery Central High School Varsity Cheerleaders will be holding a car wash fundraiser at Hilltop Super Market from 9:00am until 2:00pm.
Everybody knows that the true “spirit” of athletic competition comes from the cheerleaders. They lead the charge for supporting their favorite school and represent their team everywhere they go. This weekend, they are asking for your support. [Read more]
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 396 holds annual Memorial Day Candle Light Vigil
May 26, 2014
Clarksville, TN – It is a solemn occasion when a nation gathers together to honor its soldiers, those who lived to come home, but even more importantly those who did not. The body of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Lawrence Woods was buried in Arlington National Cemetery on March 21st of this year. There are 27 remaining missing POW/MIA’s from the State of Tennessee. Each one was honored in a ceremony held in front of the William O. Beach Civic Center at Veterans Plaza in Clarksville Tennessee on Sunday evening.
he Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 396 holds this Memorial Day Vigil each year to remember the men and women who were left behind in Vietnam when American forces left that country in 1975.
Planters Bank Features Artwork from Two Local Teachers in April
April 3, 2014
Clarksville, TN – Long-time friends and art teachers Maureen Griffin and Debbie Harrison have collaborated to create an exhibit featuring ceramics, watercolor, photography and mixed media pieces.
Their exhibit, “Two Friends, Two Teachers,” will be on display at the Planters Bank-Hilldale Gallery from Thursday, April 3rd – Wednesday, April 30th.
First Thursday Art Walk To Be Held on March 6th
February 27, 2014
Clarksville, TN – The March Art Walk will be held March 6th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the shops and galleries on Public Square, Franklin Street, and Strawberry Alley.
Produced by The Downtown Clarksville Association, First Thursday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour spanning a 5-block radius that combines visual art, live music, engaging events and more in the heart of Downtown Clarksville. [Read more]
Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for December 8th, 2013
December 8, 2013
Clarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.
This weeks highlights include: Christmas on the Cumberland, Christmas Cookie Bake-Off, Indoor Aquatic Center to host New Year’s Eve Bash, and
Chocolate Affair Tickets.
Acuff Circle of Excellence seeking 2014 Ovation Award nominees
December 4, 2013
Clarksville, TN – The Acuff Circle of Excellence, a non-profit patron society of the Austin Peay State University Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts, is seeking nominations for the coveted Ovation Awards, presented annually since 1996.
The nominees must have made significant contributions to the artistic and cultural life of the Clarksville-Montgomery County community.
Anyone can submit nominations. [Read more]
Montgomery County College and Career Fair September 23rd
September 19, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – The annual Montgomery County College and Career Night for students and their parents will be September 23rd, 2013 from 6:00om-8:00pm at Austin Peay State University’s Foy Fitness Center.
This event gives students exposure to a wide array of post high school options, allowing them to informally visit booths to pick up information about colleges, post secondary institutions and career opportunities and speak with representatives of those institutions. [Read more]
Victory Lane Arcades provides good food, family fun in Cunningham Tennessee
September 9, 2013
Cunningham, TN – Located on Highway 13, just a couple of miles from Montgomery Central High School, Victory Lane Arcades provides a place in southern Montgomery County for people to come eat and have family fun. From pizza to subs, there is something on the menu for everyone.
Victory Lane Arcades is a family oriented establishment with a variety of video and arcade games for children to play. “We wanted to make a place where kids could come eat and have fun,” stated Nora Ashby. “The younger kids get really excited about the games.”
Clarksville Riverfest Tour d’Art Winners
September 8, 2013
Clarksville, TN – Every year, Clarksville’s Riverfest Tour d’Art exhibits feature the talents from artists across the Clarksville-Montgomery County area.
There are three divisions; the Senior (Downtown Artists Co-op), the High School (Customs House Museum) and the Amateur and Professional Divisions (Smith-Trahern Mansion).
After hundreds of artists had their works of art on display at various locations in downtown Clarksville, then judged by artist Dane Carder, winners were awarded at the Tour d’Art Receptions, Friday, September 6th, 2013. [Read more]