2013 Clarksville-Montgomery County Veterans Day Parade
November 10, 2013
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville-Montgomery County gathered together in front of the Montgomery County Courthouse yesterday to honor our veterans, as well as those who are still serving their country.
Military service is one of the highest forms of patriotism and with our close proximity to the Fort Campbell Army post Clarksville-Montgomery County is home to a significant veteran population. They are part of the fabric of our community.
Clarksville-Montgomery County Veterans Day Parade to be held November 9th
October 13, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Veterans Day Parade will take place on Saturday, November 9th, with pre-parade ceremonies set for 9:00am in front of the historic courthouse (south side) on Third Street in Downtown Clarksville.
Keynote speaker is Mary Ross, national commander of Women Veterans of America, with remarks by Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers and Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan.
Montgomery County names Franklin Mir as new Veterans Service Organization Director
July 10, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Mayor’s Office is pleased to announce that Franklin Mir has been selected as the new Veterans Service Organization director.
He has most recently served as a Human Resources Specialist for the Personnel Service Battalion, Fort Campbell, KY.
Mir holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Sacred Heart and a master’s degree from Murray State University.
Montgomery County Flag Day Retirement Ceremony Friday, June 14th
June 6, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, in conjunction with Disabled American Veterans Chapter 101 and VFW Post 4895, will be conducting the annual Flag Day ceremony beginning at 10:00am, June 14th, at VFW Post 4895, 1701 Haynes Street, Clarksville.
The public is invited to attend.
Clarksville-Montgomery County Memorial Day Ceremony to be held May 27th, 2013
May 23, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization is hosting its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 10:00am, May 27th, at Veterans Memorial Park, Clarksville, TN.
City and county officials, as well as MCVSO staff will give remarks, with the keynote address given by LTC (Retired) Norman “Greg” Lane, US Army Reserve, who currently serves as the Battalion Executive Officer of Austin Peay State University’s ROTC.

The colors were posted by the Elester Garner Chapter of the 555th Triple Nickel as members of the Gold Star Wives look on during last year’s Memorial Day Ceremony.
Montgomery County Veterans Outreach Session April 26th
April 23, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization and Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs (TDVA) are hosting an Outreach, Information and Enrollment Session Friday, April 26th from 10:00am to 3:00pm at William O. Beach Civic Hall, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville TN. [Read more]
Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization to host Veterans Outreach at Civic Hall April 26th
April 4, 2013
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization is hosting a Veterans Outreach for veterans and their dependents from 10:00am to 3:00pm, April 26th, at William O. Beach Civic Hall in Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville.
Flag Day Retirement Ceremony
June 5, 2012
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, in conjunction with Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 457 and VFW Post 4895, will be conducting the annual Flag Day ceremony beginning at 10:00am, June 14th, at VFW Post 4895, 1701 Haynes Street, Clarksville, TN.
The public is invited to attend. [Read more]
Clarksville-Montgomery County Memorial Day Ceremony May 28th
May 24, 2012
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization is hosting its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 10:00am, May 28th, at Veterans Memorial Park, Clarksville.
City and county officials, as well as MCVSO staff will speak, with the keynote address by Colonel William B. Hickman, Deputy Commander of Operations, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). [Read more]
Veterans Information Seminar to be held January 31st
January 25, 2012
Montgomery County, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Career Center, in conjunction with the Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, will host a Veterans Information Seminar beginning at 10:00am, January 31st, at the William O. Beach Civic Hall, Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane.
Veterans will hear presentations from representatives of several local agencies about employment services, job placement, veterans’ preferences, homeless programs, disability compensation, dependent benefits, GI Bill and VA health care, among other programs and services. [Read more]