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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

2011 Clarksville-Montgomery County Veterans Day Parade

October 16, 2011

Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Veterans Day Parade will take place on Saturday, November 5th, with pre-parade ceremonies set for 9:00am at 1 Public Square in downtown Clarksville. Guest speaker is Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Hubert G. Smith, who served 35 years on active duty, with remarks by County Mayor Carolyn Bowers and City Mayor Kim McMillan.

This year’s parade theme is “Saluting Special Forces and Wounded Warrior Veterans.” [Read more]

Flag Day Retirement Ceremony

June 6, 2011

Montgomery County Veterans Service OrganizationMontgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, in conjunction with Disabled American Veterans Chapter 45 and VFW Post 4895, will be conducting the annual Flag Day ceremony beginning at 10:00am, June 14th, at VFW Post 4895, 1701 Haynes Street, Clarksville.

The public is invited to attend. [Read more]

Clarksville Area Memorial Day Events

May 29, 2011

Written by the Women Veterans of America Chapter 20

Women Veterans of AmericaClarksville, TN – Three years after the Civil War ended, Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, head of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans, established May 30th as Decoration Day, a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. It is believed that date was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country.

Gen. Logan’s order for his posts to decorate graves in 1868 “with the choicest flowers of springtime” urged: “We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. … Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.”

Women Veterans of America Chapter 20

Women Veterans of America Chapter 20

[Read more]

The 2011 Clarksville-Montgomery County Memorial Day Ceremony to be Held on May 30th

May 20, 2011

Montgomery County Veterans Service OrganizationClarksville, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization is hosting its annual Memorial Day ceremony at 10:00am on May 30th 2011, at Veterans Memorial Park in Clarksville, Tennessee.

City and County Officials, as well as MCVSO staff will speak. Music and posting of the colors will be presented by the 101st Airborne Division Band from Fort Campbell. Area Veterans Service Organizations will conduct a wreath- laying ceremony.

The laying of the wreath at the 2010 Clarksville-Montgomery County Memorial Day Ceremony

The laying of the wreath at the 2010 Clarksville-Montgomery County Memorial Day Ceremony

[Read more]

Women Veterans Outreach

April 25, 2011

Women Veterans of AmericaClarksville, TN – Women Veterans of America Chapter 20 is hosting a Women Veterans Outreach on May 20th, 2011. The outreach will be held at the William O. Beach Civic Hall, Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville, TN from 10:00am – 2:00pm.

This will be the first Women Veterans Outreach in this area and we want to provide these veterans with the best possible information. [Read more]

Veterans Outreach slated for Civic Hall

March 22, 2011

Montgomery CountyMontgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, in conjunction with the Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs, is hosting a daylong Veterans Outreach for veterans and their dependents from 10:00am to 3:00pm, April 15th, at William O. Beach Civic Hall in Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville.

Representatives from the MCVSO, TDVA, VA health care, local veterans groups and federal, state, county and community agencies will be available to provide information and enrollment opportunities for veterans and other eligible beneficiaries. [Read more]

Veterans Information Seminar slated for Civic Hall

January 12, 2011

Clarksville-Montgomery County Career CenterClarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Career Center, in conjunction with the Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, will host a Veterans Information Seminar from 9:00am to 11:30am, Thursday, January 27th at the Montgomery County Civic Hall, Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane.

Veterans can hear presentations from representatives of several local organizations to include the Army Career & Alumni Program, the Family Employment Readiness Program, Urban Ministries, Goodwill, and Centerstone. [Read more]

Veterans Information Seminar slated for Civic Hall

October 12, 2010

Montgomery CountyClarksville, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Career Center, in conjunction with the Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, will host a Veterans Information Seminar from 9:00am to 11:00am October 21st at the Montgomery County Civic Hall, Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane.

Veterans can speak with representatives of several local organizations about employment rights and services, job placement, veterans’ preferences, homeless programs, VA disability compensation, dependent benefits, GI Bill and other VA education benefits, and VA health care, among other programs and services veterans are entitled to.

Additionally, Assistant Director Stacey Hopwood will give a briefing about the array of services offered at the Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, and Michael Elliott will discuss services for veterans available through the Career Center.

Flag Day Retirement Ceremony

June 3, 2010

The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, in conjunction with the Marine Corps League, Detachment 603 and VFW Post 4895, will be conducting the annual Flag Day ceremony beginning at 10:00am, June 14th, at VFW Post 4895, 1701 Haynes St., Clarksville. The public is invited to attend.

The ceremony is held to properly destroy—by burning—worn, damaged or otherwise unserviceable American flags in a dignified manner.

Damaged U.S. flags may be dropped off between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, at the Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, 350 Pageant Lane, Suite 308, Clarksville, or at the VFW prior to the ceremony.

For more information, please call the MCVSO at (931) 553-5173 or e-mail

Clarksville-Montgomery County Memorial Day Ceremony

May 24, 2010

The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization is hosting a Memorial Day Ceremony at 10:00 am, May 31st, at Veterans Memorial Park, Clarksville.

Retired Air Force Maj. Bill Summers, Ward 10 Clarksville city councilman, will be guest speaker.

Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers and Clarksville Mayor Johnny Piper will welcome ceremony guests and offer words of remembrance and appreciation. [Read more]

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