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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Clarksville Parks and Recreation Report for May 14th, 2012

May 14, 2012

Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.

This weeks highlights include:

  • Jammin’ in the Alley
  • Movies in the Park
  • Clarksville Downtown Market
  • Get your pool pass today!
  • National Trails Day Clean-up
  • Youth League Opening Ceremony
  • Summer Youth Program Begins June 4th

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Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Summer Youth Program begins June 4th

April 27, 2012

Summer Youth Program runs June 4th through July 13th

Clarksville Parks and RecreationClarksville, TN – The Summer Youth Program is a six-week day camp-type program that is offered each summer to youths, ages 6-16. Gyms at various locations are staffed with directors and assistants, who will help with playtime activities and provide free, instructional classes such as gymnastics and karate. [Read more]

St. Bethlehem United Methodist Church’s Youth praise band ‘Marked’ gets Top Honors at Conference

February 6, 2012

Written by Melony Shemberger
St. Bethlehem United Methodist Church

St. Bethlehem United Methodist ChurchClarksville, TN – When a new youth praise band was formed at St. Bethlehem United Methodist Church three years ago, there was much work to do.

Two of the original members of the band, named Marked, were still in the learning stages of playing their instruments – Webb Booth on guitar and Austin Robertson on drums.

A couple of years later, three more members joined, and their ability to play instruments also was limited. Yet through commitment, perseverance and love – which also describes the journey in their Christian faith – the band has joined the ranks of being among the best youth praise bands in the state.

Members of the Marked Praise Band (from left, Zach Pine, Webb Booth, Myndi Leazer, Austin Robertson and Ally Robertson) perform in front of more 2,000 participants at the Warmth in Winter youth ministry conference held Jan. 28th in Murfreesboro, TN. (Photo by Melony Shemberger)

Members of the Marked Praise Band (from left, Zach Pine, Webb Booth, Myndi Leazer, Austin Robertson and Ally Robertson) perform in front of more 2,000 participants at the Warmth in Winter youth ministry conference held Jan. 28th in Murfreesboro, TN. (Photo by Melony Shemberger)

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Northeast Middle School Offers Middle School 101 for Parents

August 27, 2011

The Clarksville-Montgomery County School SystemMontgomery County, TN – Northeast Middle School is offering a seminar for parents of all Northeast Middle School students. From 6:00pm – 7:00pm on Monday, August 29th, Northeast school counselors will be hosting “Middle School 101”.

This event will help parents or guardians learn more about what middle school students are like and how best to relate to them during these pre-teen and teenage years. [Read more]

Northeast Middle School Students perform Civil War play

June 13, 2011

The Customs House Museum and Cultural CenterClarksville, TN – Lauryn Jennings, Ariana Nelson and Brianna Tyre, 8th grade students at Northeast Middle School, performed their short play “Nannie Haskins: Tolerating the Enemy” at the Customs House Museum on Saturday, June 11th.

Tyre played the part of the Southern Woman, Nelson was Nannie Haskins and Jennings performed the part of the Northern Woman.

The Northern and Southern statues argue while Nannie Haskins tells them of her experiences.

The Northern and Southern statues argue while Nannie Haskins tells them of her experiences.

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Nannie Haskins: Tolerating the Enemy

June 10, 2011

The Customs House Museum and Cultural CenterClarksville, TN – On Saturday, June 11th, Nannie Haskins: Tolerating the Enemy will be performed at the Customs House Museum from 1:00pm to 1:20pm. The play was written and produced by Lauryn Jennings, Ariana Nelson and Brianna Tyre, 8th grade students at Northeast Middle School. They will be performing in the National History Day Competition later this month.

Admission is free.

Planters Presents $500 to Northeast Middle School

May 7, 2011

Planters BankClarksville, TN – Planters Bank Vice President Joe Pitts and Credit Analyst Lance Joyner present a check for $500.00 to Northeast Middle School students for the upcoming National Robotics Challenge in Chattanooga on May 8th and National History Day in Washington, D.C. in June.

Teachers Polly Kopp and Whitney Joyner guided students through local and state competitions.

VP Joe Pitts (right) and Credit Analyst Lance Joyner (left) present a check for $500.00 to Northeast Middle School students.

VP Joe Pitts (right) and Credit Analyst Lance Joyner (left) present a check for $500.00 to Northeast Middle School students.

Northeast Middle School Students Win State Competition with Help from APSU

May 2, 2011

Austin Peay State UniversityClarksville, TN – The War Memorial Auditorium in Nashville is a large venue, with two levels of seating and a capacity for more than 1,600 people. When three Northeast Middle School students first entered the building last month, their eyes widened. One of them might have gasped.

That’s where they were supposed to perform the short play they wrote? With all those seats?

“We didn’t think we would do well at all,” Ariana Nelson, 14, said.

“We said, ‘our play is so lame,’” Brianna Tyre, 14, said.

Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett, Brianna Tyre, Lauryn Jennings, Ariana Nelson, Robert Cheatham, executive director of Humanities Tennessee and Charlie Cook, president of the Tennessee Historical Society.

Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett, Brianna Tyre, Lauryn Jennings, Ariana Nelson, Robert Cheatham, executive director of Humanities Tennessee and Charlie Cook, president of the Tennessee Historical Society.

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