Clarksville-Montgomery County Education Foundation Awards Nearly $16,000 in Great Idea Grants to CMCSS Educators
January 24, 2019
Clarksville-Montgomery County Education Foundation
Clarksville, TN – For the past 9 years, the Clarksville-Montgomery County Education Foundation has offered Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) educators the opportunity to compete for funds that support innovation in their classrooms and special educational projects in a non-traditional way.
New Warren Scholarship at Austin Peay State University honors longtime Latin educators
May 11, 2018
Clarksville, TN – In the summer of 1964, during a long bus trip to Illinois, two rival Latin students ended up sharing the same seat. Kaye Phillips, from Clarksville High School, and Grady Warren, from Hillsboro High School, had spent the past year trying to best each other at Junior Classical League (JCL) competitions around the state.
“At the state JCL convention earlier that year, it was the only time I ever tied her,” Grady said recently.

The Kaye and Grady Warren Scholarship is awarded to a rising APSU sophomore majoring in some aspect of Classical Studies.
Donors urged to help American Red Cross maintain Blood Supply
February 8, 2018
Severe winter weather, flu disrupting blood donations
Nashville, TN – Winter storms and the flu don’t just mean a lot of people are missing work and school – it also means they can’t keep their American Red Cross blood and platelet donation appointments.
The Red Cross is urging healthy donors of all blood types to roll up a sleeve to help maintain the blood supply for patients in need.

Zachary Sterbens gives a Power Red donation at the Red Cross Salt Lake City Blood Donation Center. He received a blood transfusion as a baby and has been donating for 5 years. (Amanda Romney/American Red Cross)
City of Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan bestows Employee Service Awards
February 2, 2018
Michael McWhorter’s 45 years tops this year’s list
Clarksville, TN – For Michael McWhorter, who’s worked for the Clarksville Gas and Water Department for more than four decades, the first day on the job remains among the most memorable.
“I was 18, just out of high school, and this was my first full-time job,” McWhorter said. “On the way to work that Monday, my car ran out of gas at the Kraft Street/Riverside Drive intersection., so I ran all the way to Gas & Water, which was on Public Square in those days. I was about five minutes late, but it turned out all right.”

Michael McWhorter, Materials Management Supervisor at Clarksville Gas and Water, accepts a 45-year service pin from Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan. He was the longest serving of the 285 City employees who received pins from McMillan during her annual employee service awards breakfast on Thursday.
Clarksville-Montgomery County School System January 2018 Points of Pride
January 24, 2018
Montgomery County, TN – Clarksville-Montgomery County School System students representing Tennessee as nominees for the National U.S. Presidential Scholars Program include: Hunter Silverstrim, Northwest High; Navarone Dupont, Northeast High; and from Kenwood High, Marzell Norris and Aubrey Doll, for Career Technical Education.

CMCSS students representing Tennessee as nominees for the National U.S. Presidential Scholars Program with Principals Marcus Heaston and Theresa Muckleroy, Assistant Principal Mandy Frost and Board Member Margaret Pace.
American Red Cross Blood Shortage prompts urgent call for Blood and Platelet Donations
January 14, 2018
Severe Winter Weather forces Blood Drive Cancellations causing Thousands of Donations to go Uncollected
Nashville, TN – This January, National Blood Donor Month, the American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood and platelet donors of all blood types to make an appointment to give now and help address a winter blood donation shortage.

Red Cross collections staff member Andrea Farnes chats with whole blood donor Kaisha Walker. (Amanda Romney/American Red Cross)
U.S. Army launches JROTC Robotics Program at Kenwood High School
October 26, 2017
Clarksville, TN – On Wednesday, October 26th, 2017 the U.S. Army launched its JROTC Robotics Program at Kenwood High School. Four CMCSS high school robotics programs will be in place: Kenwood High School, Northeast High School, West Creek High School, with Rossview High School and Northwest High School combined.

Four Clarksville Montgomery County School System high school robotics programs to receive VEX EDR Robotics kits from the U.S. Army.
CMCSS Exceeds State in All TNReady Proficiency Measures
October 21, 2017
8 CMCSS Schools Labeled ‘Reward’ Schools
Montgomery County, TN – Clarksville-Montgomery County School System continues to see academic success for its students. The State Department of Education today recognized nine CMCSS schools as “Reward Schools” for exceptional gains made in academic growth or achievement.
The state currently is labeling the system’s designation as “pending” while it reverifies CMCSS data. The designation likely will be made in December. CMCSS is one of five school districts in the state that the Department is reverifying.
Clarksville Association of Realtors held 10th annual FUEL fundraiser May 6th
June 1, 2017
“Appetite For Art” Raises $12,500 for FUEL
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Association of Realtors® (CAR) hosted their 10th annual FUEL fundraiser, on Saturday, May 6th, 2017. The theme for this year’s event was “Appetite for Art.”
“Appetite for Art” was a farm to table dinner at the Budweiser Family Barn in Cedar Hill, Tennessee that included food from local farmers and vendors, and featured a live and silent auction of artwork from Montgomery County students.
Austin Peay State University Department of Music students perform, receive honors at TMEA conference
May 7, 2017
Clarksville, TN – The Austin Peay State University Department of Music was well represented at the Tennessee Music Education Association (TMEA)’s annual conference, held in April in Nashville at the Opryland Hotel.
The APSU Clarinet Choir, under the direction of Dr. Spencer Prewitt, was among a number of student groups selected to perform at the conference.